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1361. 3 Aug 2009 14:05


The whole thing sound yummy Robin, Baldur is a big fan of bread pudding.
When I had it in New Orleans it was served with a Bourbon Custard Sauce.

1362. 3 Aug 2009 16:51


Chez Baldur

1363. 3 Aug 2009 18:28



Baldur is happy to say that the gateleg table is finished for the time being.
The humidity is reeking havoc with the spar varnish, so I have decided to wait until the dry autumn weather to add another coat.
We hauled the table into the family room this morning.

1364. 3 Aug 2009 20:19


Baldur, I tried your Manhatten Style Corn Chowder for dinner tonight. It was wonderful and made quite a big batch so we've got lots leftover to enjoy for lunches this week. I added a little more red pepper flakes than the recipe called for (actually they were crushed chilis but I think maybe they're the same thing) and the soup had a very nice bite to it. I suspect I also cut the onions bigger than you normally might have but I love to feel the onions when I eat them (does that make sense?).
Anyways, my sweetie very much enjoyed it as well and it definitly gets a place in my Red Hot Recipes book.

1365. 3 Aug 2009 20:29


I'm also looking forward to trying Robin's bread pudding recipe. My fella is a great fan of bread pudding and I've never had a recipe for it. Also we're huge fans of spiced rum. If you're a rum lover you really must try Sailor Jerry's Spiced Rum. It goes down very easily and is wonderful with coke and a slice of lime. Actually we've had people who are very much not rum fans tell us they liked this rum. It's quite difficult to find up here but I think it's more common down in the states.

1366. 4 Aug 2009 13:37


Baldur loved today's tool theme, I got to do a picture I'd had in the back of my head for ages.
For those of you who remember the cartoon 'Dudley Do-right' the scenario should be instantly familiar: The helpless Damsel tied down to a log headed towards the giant ripsaw while the moustachio'd villian watches in the wings.
Alas there was no room for said wings to place said villain. He stands nearby.

1367. 4 Aug 2009 13:57


Just for the record, I am no HELPLESS damsel! I am a clever damsel in momentary distress, who has a few tricks up her sleeve!

1368. 4 Aug 2009 14:10



1369. 4 Aug 2009 14:11


the distressed Damsel

1370. 5 Aug 2009 06:25


'All Baldur, All the Time'

Well my truck is packed with assorted sundries ( +2 points) to go and visit my old friend Matthew of Shrewsbury. Whenever I need to divest myself of househould items Matthew (oS) is only too happy tp take them. He will sell just about anything at his stall in the Flea Market.

1371. 5 Aug 2009 06:53


Flea markets back east are sooo way better than any we have out here. I only got to go once when I was in Boston (Revere really) a decade ago but I still have the old glass bottles I bought from some guy for like a dollar for the whole box...

I need more glass, maybe I should make my friend go with me back east so we can hit some real flea markets.

Fun fun fun!

1372. 5 Aug 2009 09:45


I can't say as I've seen a Flea Market around here. Maybe in Calgary. We have the Farmers Market every Sat morning in summer here. Aside from the veggie and baking stalls there is just about everything you could imagine from Alpaca fleece to handmade wooden furniture. There are a couple of stalls that sell used books and knick knacks but they always look to me like a bunch of junk from a garage sale. There is on stall that has some antique stuff which looks pretty nice but has never been my particular interest and it's mostly things like old mirrors and milk cans.
I thought it might be interesting to go to the auction but I get the impression that the auctions around here are mostly full of old junker snowmobiles and such.

1373. 6 Aug 2009 10:14


Baldur: Your pick for fun tuesday/tools was great. The best one I think. Thanks for participating!

1374. 6 Aug 2009 11:46


you're welcome Doug, that was a lot of fun

1375. 6 Aug 2009 17:11


Has Baldur ever mentioned that he loves beads?
Especially those made of glass or stone.
This odd affliction dates back almost as far as I can remember.
Going to a craft store can be a dangerously expensive experience.
For the past couple years I've been stringing up long strands of assorted beads and hanging them in the windows to catch the light here at Chez Baldur.
The color assortment slowly changes over time, but there are always odd beads mixed in that are from previous batches so there is a sense of continuity.
I use a bowl that gets a mixture of whatever beads I find, from this I randomly pick out beads to string. when there is only a half cup or so beads remaining the project stops until more beads are added.
There have been red periods, green periods, amber periods, amethyst periods, it's all rather interesting.
For the first time there are now the tiniest cobalt beads in the mix. Baldur has never been fond of blue, there is little of that color here at Chez Baldur.
This very intense blue makes the honey-amber beads absolutely glow so things do change I guess.

1376. 6 Aug 2009 17:32


I must admit to a certain love of beads as well. When I was a little girl, maybe 4 years old, my mom and I went to a store that sold stained glass making supplies. My mom was getting the flat panes for a project but there were plenty of bins filled with different coloured glass beads and I was fascinated by them. Imagine my mothers dismay when we got home (after a good 30 minute drive as the store was way across town) only to find her precious youngest child had stolen several handfuls of glass beads. We drove all the way back and my mother made me admit my crime to the clerk and give the beads back. It was a horrible, traumatic experience and I think every child should have this happen to them because it instill a deep loathing of theivery in me. I have never stolen more than a kiss since.

1377. 6 Aug 2009 18:20


It's still wonderful being a child and being able to do things like that without worrying about the consequences

1378. 6 Aug 2009 19:22


I taught myself that lesson, or at least I tried...

My mother and I were at her salon, I was in the back brake room playing with the magnets on the refrigerator door and when my mother was ready to leave I just walked out still playing with one of them.

About 15 or 20 minutes went by and I looked up at my mother horrified that I still had that magnet. It was just there in my hand and I was worrying it, like I still do with beads and other assorted fun to touch things...

Long story short, I (at 3 or 4 yrs) made my mother take me back to the salon so I could put it back. I was a stubborn kid and very black and white about things.

I realize now of course that this is part of my OCPD but growing up I never even thought to steal or break the rules like that but I did occasionally do it on accident and would be horrified at myself.

When I do it these days I just return whatever it is and have a good laugh at my crazy.

And yeah, I still do accidentally "steal" things I've picked up and forgotten to put down.

1379. 6 Aug 2009 19:25


Robin is in a recipe mood again. This is a great summer recipe for chicken salad. I like it on croissants, or it's also great in a pita!
Chicken Salad Recipe

4 lbs boneless, skinless chicken breasts
3c. Diced celery
1 c. mayonnaise
4 oz. Finely chopped almonds
1 c. Miracle Whip
½ c. chopped green onions
8 oz. Cream cheese, softened
2 ½ c. seedless grapes, halved

Bake the chicken breasts for 45 minutes to 1 hour at 400, then dice them up. Beat together the mayonnaise, Miracle Whip, and cream cheese and set aside. Combine the celery, almonds, onions, grapes, and diced chicken in a large bowl. Fold in the dressing. Great served on croissants. May be prepared several days ahead. Feeds a lot of people, or could be easily halved to feed fewer.

I tweak this recipe to my own liking. I always add some chopped sweet onion in addition to the green onion. I also use cashews instead of almonds. I also dice up about 3 or 4 small apples and add them. A little seasoning with salt and pepper and voila! (I also think cilantro would be great in this, but haven't tried it yet. ) People love this stuff and it's great to take to a summer pot-luck or serve to guests on the patio!

1380. 6 Aug 2009 19:34


Robin, I've made something very similar but added a little curry powder as well. Grapes in chicken salad are wonderful.