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1261. 23 Jul 2009 21:01


A morsel from Qsilv's favorite --

It was a nice day. All the days had been nice. There had been rather more than seven of them so far, and rain hadn't been invented yet.

1262. 24 Jul 2009 03:43


Has anyone read Kinflicks by Lisa Alther and Been Down So Long It Looks
Like Up To Me by Richard Farina? Just wondering....

1263. 24 Jul 2009 03:53


No, I've not read either of those indigo.

Currently I'm reading 'Affinity Bridge' by George Mann. This is a piece of Science fiction in the Steampunk subgenre.
In Victorian London an outbreak of zombies complicate matters as a deadly airship crash and the coverup of it's cause confound a pair of investigators.

1264. 24 Jul 2009 08:06


Ahhh, now have curry recipe with green beans (thanx Baldur), green bean griddle cakes (thanks indigo), AND some fine quotes. Here's one spouse and I chuckled about the other day. Thomas Edison said, "I have never failed. I have successfully learned what does not work." : )

1265. 24 Jul 2009 09:20


'All Baldur, All the Time'

It's official! Baldur indeed does have lyme disease.
The Doctor said my 'count' was extremely high so I shall be on antibiotics for the forseeable future.
Oh Boy

1266. 24 Jul 2009 09:38


Sorry AND happy to hear your news Baldur! Happy you have a diagnosis and drugs for a cure. I worked in parks & rec so knew quite a few who were recipients of that odd maladay - the good news is they ALL recovered quite well! I expect you will too! Keep us posted and thanks for the update.

1267. 24 Jul 2009 09:39



1268. 24 Jul 2009 11:06


Wow! So glad something or someone persuaded you to see a doctor. My husband had a red bite on his side and ignored the problem, until he had a red, circular patch the size of a large dinner plate. At that point he sought medical attention. He's since been told that he was very lucky, not only to get medication in time, but also to see a doctor who recognised lyme disease. Twenty years later, he's alive and well.

I'm happy for you. All baldur, All the Time.

1269. 24 Jul 2009 13:04


Best wishes, Baldur. This is yet another reason for you to consider my job offer. Besides the fact that Lyme Disease is fairly uncommon around here (our ticks favor Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever! LOL) I am a nurse, and could certainly assist you during your recovery. And in return, my son and I would have fabulous meals each night. (Although, I don't think you should spoil my son like you spoil Robert by making different meals for him than for the rest of us!)

Glad Lyme Disease is treatable and hope you'll be back to your old self soon. The neighbors will miss the peep show when you get the paper in the morning!

1270. 24 Jul 2009 13:40


I knew I could find some information about Baldur's health problems. I agree with all the abovesaid and look up lyme on the Internet and see its Spanish translation to see if I've ever heard of it.
Get well soon Baldur from all TDers I'm sure.

1271. 24 Jul 2009 16:49


Indigo: dinner tonight was grilled chicken, green bean griddle cakes and fresh garden tomatoes. The green bean recipe is good. My spouse likes a "kick" to his food so wants to try again adding his red pepper garlic spice. Could do LOTS of variation with this recipe. Thanks for sharing. : )

1272. 24 Jul 2009 17:54


Baldur with Lyme disease? Glad it was detected early and that the appropriate treatment has started. Ticks (which transmit Lyme disease) are such nasty critters--you have to wonder what their purpose is, other than to bring misery to humans and pets. Sheftali has dealt with ticks on herself, her husband, and her pets for years. Long ago, I discovered a clever tool to remove ticks--it looks like a small white measuring spoon, with a little V notch on it. You work the V of the spoon around the base of the tick until it is completely removed, and due to the spoon's white color, you can see if all of the tick was extricated. Sheftali bought this tool in a pet store and considers it an essential element of her medicine cabinet.

1273. 24 Jul 2009 18:16


Hi marius, I'm glad you enjoyed the green bean griddle cakes.
I might give it a try this week.

1274. 24 Jul 2009 21:56


Baldur, please take this seriously, and --to the very best of your ability-- inform yourself on both the scientific and political aspects of Lyme disease.

Lyme is among the "Emerging Infectious Diseases" group, so there are new findings coming at a bit of a gallop, and with them all the usual intense squabbles. But it's worth your while in this instance to wade pretty deeply into all sides of the debate. You know (or should, by now) that I'm pretty unflappable, and I certainly don't approve of fear-mongering, but it would be irresponsible of me not to mention that a close friend of mine did die of Lyme disease. He was among the 20% or so who never exhibit the "classic" bulls-eye rash, so it wasn't diagnosed correctly for several months.

I'm very glad they've diagnosed you early; it makes a huge difference.

(smiles) May I also suggest you consider a handful of guinea hens in your garden?

1275. 24 Jul 2009 23:37


Thanks for saying that, Qsilv. I had started to write in more detail (far less articulately) and then deleted it ... I chickened out.

1276. 25 Jul 2009 21:12


A day without Baldur, is like a day without chocolate!!

1277. 25 Jul 2009 21:27


Lilalee, I agree--I miss Baldur and hope he's faring well.

1278. 26 Jul 2009 14:35


'All Baldur, All the Time'
This is the summer that wasn't. We had a short period of sun today between threatening clouds and morning showers.
Baldur spent the morning sanding down the repairs he made on his gateleg table and hanging the pictures back up on the walls in the newly refurbished family room.
I'm glad to report the table is completely stripped of the old paint.
The central portion has already received it's first coat of 'ebony' stain.
It is indeed glorious.

1279. 26 Jul 2009 18:58


I would love to see that table. Ebony stain sounds lovely!
Dragon spent the morning washing raw alpaca fleece which was given to me by the folks who have the next booth over at the farmers market (no surprise they sell alpaca products). Spent the afternoon out on the back lawn of our condo complex with the wet fleece stretched out on large towels to dry in the sun (appearantly you can't throw it in the dryer or it will turn into felt which wouldn't do me any good as I'm going to use it as stuffing for cat toys). It was a very nice day here as it has been for the last 2 weeks and was perfect for drying fleece. I'm looking forward to seeing how the cats respond to toys made with alpaca stuffing. They already tried to rip into the bag so my hopes are high!

1280. 27 Jul 2009 06:52


I love gateleg tables - so bravo on that project. Glad to know you're still alive and with us Baldur!

Dragon - want to know more about cat toys you make. What fabrics, what kind of toys, on strings?, with or without catnip, etc.