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Forums - General Discussion - Channel Baldur

1221. 18 Jul 2009 19:37


Oak fell out of fashion with the 20th century and was generally considered to be inferior. A lot of it was hidden with paint. It remained popular for flooring but that was about it.
Mountains of inexpensive oak furniture had been made in the last quarter of the 19th century and the general public viewed it as that old cheap stuff.
It however has a lovely grain and wears like iron.

1222. 18 Jul 2009 19:39


Well I really must away anon.
Bed is calling.
Please continue without me.
Good night

1223. 18 Jul 2009 22:02


Baldur, Normal's solution, I think= Cute Idea, Baldur!

Thanks for the gardening tips. It is definitely possible that my tomatoes had a few drought days whilst I was away. I left a man in charge of watering the flowers, veggies, and dogs, and can only say that everything was still alive when I returned, but definitely looked a little worse for wear. Good to know I can still eat them, though. Now if only my Beefeater Blight would resolve!

I am at work now, so alas, cannot continue the radio Baldur through the night. Will need to sign off for now. I see your circus theme has taken off in the gallery, even though it was never even announced formally! What power you have over the masses, Sir Baldur!

"All Robin, Some of the Time"

1224. 19 Jul 2009 04:02


Ah... or is it Rasselbear holding all the power??? One may never know...

1225. 19 Jul 2009 07:38


Haven't solved crypto, but does this pic work? : )

1226. 19 Jul 2009 07:38


Oops - title is "Man as ringmaster in ugly suit."

1227. 19 Jul 2009 09:31


Thank goodness, Robin solved it. Normal was fearing she mistyped.
Baldur's eyes must have been tired - it was the same code as his.

1228. 19 Jul 2009 10:23


It was very late at night Normal.

1229. 19 Jul 2009 11:10


I didn't use Baldur's code, oddly enough. I just looked at the sentence, and figured the last word was Baldur, then the rest came easy. After Baldur said the code was not the same as his, it didn't even occur to me to use his. LOL1

Hey, I should be sleeping right now, but these dumb construction guys are working feverishly to build a house next door to me ON A SUNDAY! Really hard to sleep with Bang! Bang! Bang! and Arf Arf Arf (I am babysitting my friend's dog who is an incessant barker) going on all around me. It will be hard to get through night shift again, tonight, with this little sleep on board. When I moved into my new house, the master closet was so big that I bought a twin mattress and threw it on the floor in there. The room has no windows, but does have an air conditioning/ heat vent, so it's the perfect daytime cave for sleeping. But not even THAT is enough to drown out all this noise! Someone sprinkle some sleeping powder on me, will ya? LOL

1230. 19 Jul 2009 13:40


ear plugs?

1231. 19 Jul 2009 18:17


Robin - been in that situation - house next door going up, then another, etc. Hope you get some sleep, and maybe earplugs too.

Baldur - thanks for the crypto. It was fun to figure out without figuring it out. : ) Someone said the suit wasn't so ugly, so there IS another "U" word - Unusual. Think that word fits in Baldur radio so I get five points.

sweet dreams everyone.

1232. 20 Jul 2009 09:07


Robin I know how you feel. Saturday night I could not sleep at all, finally started to doze at 1:30 am only to hear our lousy upstairs neighbours come home from the bar and have a screaming match (as usual). Once again lay awake till 4:00 then was barely asleep when some idiot stands right outside our bedroom window (which was open to take advantage of the cool night air) and starts yelling for his buddy on the top floor to let him in. I'm not sure why he couldn't use the intercom system which works very well in our building but he had been there the previous morning yelling the same thing. Thank God there's no construction next to us 'cause the afternoon is the only time it's quiet enough to sleep around here!

1233. 21 Jul 2009 09:18


Does he or doesn't he?

Here is a Baldur medical update!
Yesterday I went in to the clinic to have bloodwork done to test for Lyme disease. The Doctor not wishing to wait for the test results has already started me on antibiotics.
Baldur is not one who often takes medication often, so I do not believe I am contributing to those new antibiotic-proof superbugs.
It has been at least 20 years since I've taken an antibiotic of any sort.
Well back to the saga, the clinic told Baldur to call in for the results after noon today.
I indeed did call and the receptionist said she would call back in a couple minutes after pulling up the results.
tick tick tick the minutes rolled by...
Finallt Marissa called back and the results.....
'There are no results yet, please call back tomorrow, Thank you have a nice day!'


1234. 21 Jul 2009 09:19


-t +y =Finally

1235. 21 Jul 2009 09:35


Glad you went though!! Last year on my birthday, my sissy had a little party for me. She has about three acres, and lots of trees. When I got home I thought it was a spider bite on my shoulder, and the next day more of the same. Four days, and lots of internet searching, I thought it may be shingles. Went to see my doc, and yep, shingles!! What a ordeal, with pain, itching and by the time it was gone, I now have nerve damage in my right arm! He put me on Lyrica, for the nerve damage. It puts 10-20 pounds on within two weeks. But the side effects were worse. Weened myself off the Lyrica, lost some of the weight, and my arm has very minute nerve damage!! I, too do not like meds, as I have allergies to many.

But, Baldur a anti-biotic once in a great while will do it's job. Also you can take a teaspoon of natural honey daily and will build up your immune system!!

1236. 21 Jul 2009 13:43


Baldur just lost an argument with Robert's printer.
Robert almost lost his printer as I was quite ready to rip it off the shelf and toss it down the stairs.
Using a printer appears to be an easy thing, Robert does it all the time.
I can approach it a couple of ways but neither works.
The first method is to access the dropdown menu and click on 'print'
At this point a window opens that allows me to select among other things how many copies I want. Then I hit the 'print' button again. It sounds easy.
Hypothetically a crisp sheet of paper will come out of the printer with the information I had hoped for written across it.
Or, I could simply click on the 'print' button on the margin of the document itself. Hypothetically with the same results.
Why does this never work, except when Robert comes into the room in response to my cursing?
What comes out of my printer, if permitted, is dozens of pages of what looks like hieroglyphics. True there are some recognizable letters, V, C, W and O are frequently there, as are Greek letter, mathematical symbols, hearts, underlined hearts and arrows.
There is never more than 1 line of text per page, sometimes as few as 2 symbols per page.
I have learned that one must wait it out, which means that Baldur sits here refeeding the same couple sheets of paper into the printer so as to waste as little as possible. If I shut down the printer this alien command will reawaken as soon as I turn the device again. That is of course unless Robert attempts to use the printer.
In that event his printing goes as planned and then the demon returns to lay in wait for me.
When summoned Robert first asks me what I did to cause this. When I tell him he stares in disbelief and asks me to show him.
I follow the same procedure and of course the printer works perfectly.
He can get the same results when performing a diagnostic, which is not at all what I am attempting.
I hate computers.

1237. 21 Jul 2009 13:45



Baldur will return after transcribing this letter out onto paper by hand.

'All Baldur, All the Time'

1238. 21 Jul 2009 17:57


Ah, the printer is obviously "possessed." Sheftali's husband has similar experiences with our printer/computer. He gets very irritated with both devices and it raises his blood pressure unnecessarily. Sheftali is no geek when it comes to computers and such, but when she touches those devices, they seem to work. Drives her husband nuts. On the other hand, Sheftali has no idea how to record any tv show on the DVR or whatever that evil device is called! My husband is very capable with anything associated with TVs, so he tends to those, and I tend to the computer stuff. And harmony reigns in the house.

1239. 21 Jul 2009 18:12


I sympathize sheftali. Our television is interlinked with several devices and now requires the use of 3 different remote controls to operate.
Baldur is horrible with button pushing. It has been suggested that one master remote control would solve the problem but I know this is not the case. What wouild transpire is that each button will have several different functions, NO NO NO.

Baldur is still having issues as to why he needs to click on the 'Start' button to shut down the computer. Would it be that advanced a leap in technology to have it say 'Shut down' when the computer is in operation?.

While I'm on my shaky soapbox what is with the little 'X' in the upper right corner of each window?
If the computer is freezing up, which indeed happens at Chez Baldur, and I wish to stop the process that is causing the problem, Why doesn't the freaking 'X' button work? At any sign of trouble the most obvious solution will never work.
In Baldur's world of user friendly electronics the 'X' is a universal command. It shouldn't matter if the program is 3% loaded or 100% loaded, 'X' should cut if off instantly. Period.

1240. 21 Jul 2009 18:17


But back to the television.
Robert has instructed me on several occasions on how to use the DVD player. Oddly within a week of doing so something fundamental will change.
He may replace 2 of the 3 remotes. The whole system may be mandated to become digital. The end result is the the sequence of 49 buttons that I must hit will be completely different.
I can only watch television if it is left on for me, no big loss really.
At the moment all I watch is 'Jeoapardy' and the occasional 'Keeping Up Appearances' though I've seen each episode at least 4 times