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121. 10 Apr 2010 07:37


first...thanks guys for the birthday wishes, it warmed my heart...and doug, I thought it was funny that you said "tatoo us with your sharp searing word musings"...for my birthday, I actually went out and got a new tattoo.

second...this list has produced some truly great stories, even the ones that bend, break, or ignore the rules and the list. And it's wonderful to see a new thinkwriter. Welcome to the dark side, Morshy

122. 10 Apr 2010 10:02


Yeah, and Morshy, is bar steward any pun on bahsard?

123. 10 Apr 2010 16:20


Alright guys, today is the day when I choose our next torch bearer. I've got a few things to do tonight and I want to give these stories the attention they deserve before choosing so I'm going to cut off for new entries now. I hope to have my choice before the night is out but bear with me if I don't get it in until tomorrow.

Oh and congrats on your new tattoo midnightpoet, maybe you can draw us a picture of it, hehehe.

124. 10 Apr 2010 17:23


Hahaha! Yes congratz Midnight! And (late) Happy Birthday!

125. 11 Apr 2010 09:24


Alright guys, sorry for the wait. I was quite busy last night and I wanted to really read these through again before choosing. I quite liked the way a few Torch Bearers have put in a line from each story so I’m doing that for this one. I’ve only included the ones that used the word list and mostly followed the rules.

Marius – The Way Things Work
My first car, Morrison, VW Super-Beetle. I’d wanted a van, hence the name Morrison because it seemed funny.

Giraffe – Dance for Spring
We were supposed to celebrate the resurection of Jesus which coincides with fertile bunnys delivering fertile eggs to children.

Marius – Invisible Thread
Finally Ginny said, “I think the moon is a round cut-out, suspended from an invisible thread and if time would speed up, we’d see it dancing, not sitting still like everyone thinks.”

Doug – Legend Has it...
I hear something Mr. Hammerstein. It’s just the wind my lady. Don’t be afraid.

Marius – Linda’s Friend
He drank more than I knew was possible, stayed up all night, howled at the moon (not kidding) and people were calling him “The Mystic.”

Giraffe – No title
I haul ASS down the road and show 'em who's boss and it smells good in here.

Giraffe – Innocence
Too shy for Morrison, too masculine for Galoria, but good enough for Bob, too complex and stupid for Marilyn. What's it all mean?

Doug – No title
It’s funny the combinations we come up with when we are alone, hungry and no one is around to make fun of us.
Doug – Hell and a Handbasket
I had to make my move. I strode up next to her and she stopped dead in her tracks, literally. The taser had rendered her motionless.

Nylecoj – Spring
The river flows through the forest like mirth bubbling from a girl’s heart, laughing its way towards the sea with no more reason than to hear itself laugh, chattering with the squirrels playing in the leaves, cajoling the birds till the whole forest rings with the laughter of Spring.

Marius – The Same Page
As he shuffled to his room, the shadow-leaves of trees danced in the moonlight on the brown tiled floor. The wind howled and a crack of thunder filled the hall.

Mouse – The Gypsies
The following evening the women danced under a full moon, around a bonfire, each one clinking small cymbals and singing a rhythmic song.

Giraffe – Attack of the Giant Bunnies
The brown ones are throwing huge eggs at cars, vans, houses, and especially churches. Take shelter.

Marius – Dear Diary April 27, 1968
I think we should have a women’s team of poetry reading and all the boys have to dress up and cheer for the girls between readings! Yes and they should look at us with gooey pie-eyed expressions the whole time.

Midnightpoet – No title
The moon shone on us as we plodded across the bare land scape, our feet tired, our throats dry and itching.

Doug – The Fire Within
Writers are funny people. Sometimes they start with one idea and then there mind starts to churn out something completely different.

Marius – Dear Diary May 26, 1968
I’m a smart girl so I didn’t get into it with Mom, especially since she eyed me with that “I’m your mother and know everything” look. Mom is an idiot.

Giraffe – Dance with Marta
As I eyed the cleavage of the girl I was to marry, all I wanted was to dispell her tears.

Belladonnis – The Jaunt
Morris settles on a sidewalk bench near The Mystic Dance Club. A raunchy strip joint that never fails to stir his curiosity. What happens behind those doors?

Morshy – No title
Though the moon was still low in the sky, it wouldn’t be long before the news vultures got hold of this one, before the media caravan reported the details to a waking public, most of whom would only want to stare into the depths of their coffee cups and not think about the day ahead.

Marius – The Clearing
Sometimes she was a girl watching at the side. The watching-girl was silent, full of awe.

Ladyhwin – No title
So now she waited, the garden tempting her to dance. Yet she held back, some unknown force restraining her.

Doug – Before the Minivan
There was no extended cabs, short beds, long beds or 1-ton models there was the pickup truck with all its steely thunder harboring a V-8 engine and bumpers you could push trees over with.

Morshy – Bonfire of the Humanities
His eyes snapped open and his head shot up. He blinked rapidly to focus and ducked just in time to avoid the chalk duster that had been launched at him.

Morshy – The Abyss Gazes Also...
He could see her parents; the girl was out of their sight but still dangerously close.

Nylecoj – Elven Politics Continued...
his thoughts reach back even further, to the first time he beheld a goblin, standing over his dead mother, licking a bloody sword.

So many to choose from, I don’t think I’ve ever gotten this kind of response to one of my word lists before. marius especially outdid herself with no fewer than 8! Everyone really impressed me, I’d really like to welcome morshy to our ranks and hope we see more stories from him (or her).
In the end I’m passing the torch on to Nylecoj for her work “Spring”. It was simply so beautifully written and really made me feel like I was standing in a spring touched forest with that chuckling stream next to me. So congrats to Nylecoj! I can’t wait to see your next list.

126. 11 Apr 2010 11:07


Way to go Ny! Cant wait to see the list, I just hope I have time to try!

127. 11 Apr 2010 11:22


Congrats to Nylecoj -- look forward to new word list

128. 11 Apr 2010 11:26


Congratulations, Jocelyn!!! Awesome choice, Dragon! : D

129. 11 Apr 2010 12:07


Good choice, Dragon lady. What fun is in store now?

130. 11 Apr 2010 12:19


Grats Jocelyn.

For those wonderin, morshy is Scottish and male.

Looking forward to the next challenge

131. 11 Apr 2010 12:53


Morshy. I actually knew that from the finger print under your name. Nothing gets by me! Hah.

132. 11 Apr 2010 13:43


Ummmm, WOW! Thanks! haha! I am way surprised... I will get the new list out shortly!

133. 11 Apr 2010 14:45


Congrats Nylecoj! Looking forward to our next TW.

And, Dragon ... great job! Thoroughly enjoyed your session of TW!

134. 12 Apr 2010 08:28


Congrats, Ny! I love the way you weave words together

And Dragon, as far as drawing a picture of my new tattoo...I kinda already did. I've actually tried to draw this particular image several times, but only submitted one of them...

My new tattoo looks WAY better than that...but it's the comedy and tragedy masks...comedy on the front of my left shoulder, tragedy on the front of my right shoulder.