Think Draw Forums
Forums - Community - Group Challenge

121. 2 May 2009 22:10


Really Ron!

...If we were out to produce a master piece, I would have set out a plan of action like say... "a portrait.Ppicked out each artist talents & set artist A to do the eyes, artist B does great noses, C is so good at brows & chins etc...

...When I log into it, I like the challenge of trying to manipulate what has been done and START to bend it into something in hopes that the person behind me will pick up on my vision... It is thinkdraw MAX... Using these limited mediums with a blank canvas is one thing, but this is extream...

...AND more importantly... I can still do it naked...

122. 2 May 2009 22:13


And Qsilv... (If you callmy Sweetie you don't know what you're getting into! We'll have to wed soon!)

I think I do GET it. I think I even said I did. I still say the idea of this is great.

But is anyone looking at the results?

Everyone's taking up my "challenge" without defending the results.

The pieces just suck. Every single one of them.

The chicken I deleted was at least a "cared for" chicken.

But the chicken-dragon that now exists. It isn't funny. It ins't beautifu. It isn't, well , anything. It's a chicken dragon.

And sure - McD's burgers are cool - but you won't find 'em at a cooking competition.

This is an art site.

I GET what you're all saying.

I think maybe this is one forum topic I'm just gonna have to stay out of...

Ya'll have fun.

123. 2 May 2009 22:15


-a +e

124. 2 May 2009 22:20


pssst... this is not an art site. This is a think/draw site.

Annnnd, (still whispering) ...there's a fair to middling good chance that our "cooperative esp" which matthew called "picking up on our vision" will grow.
Notice how our own individual drawings have changed since our earlier days.. and are still growing?

125. 2 May 2009 22:23


I've got to get some sleep here... but I'm going in to see what's extant and what's not.

126. 2 May 2009 22:27


...How about an example...

...Here is a pic of Ron's that wished it could be a chicken dragon...

...Here is Ron's 1st pic...

...Would you believe the same person was capable of this?

Give it time Ron... You might just need to print this out... Just in case you need to eat your words...

127. 2 May 2009 23:00


I'm out... took way too long, but I see what Ron was on about.. someone had chosen to cover up all the intricate details, shapes and shadowing with a sort of overall fleece made of monkey faces... I could of course have just hit "undo" a few dozen times, but I chose instead to add another layer of my own, some representing what I and others had put there before in the lower layers, some a little different. "Process is art". lol

oh... Animals, Candy, Gothic and Flowers are extant ...and I added at least 3 pieces to each, did screenise and save drafts on all.

128. 2 May 2009 23:22

Qsilv wait wait wait... hooold on... Old Aunt Alienette is one of my all-time faves! ;>

129. 3 May 2009 05:28


just going in to check the monkey faces..

130. 3 May 2009 05:36


OK.. there's a starter in flowers (coming along nicely) and one in gothic (could also be interesting) - I've saved both and taken screen-shots.. but that's all there is there at the moment.

131. 3 May 2009 05:37


sorry - that's me logged out !

132. 3 May 2009 11:13


I'm going in to check things out.

133. 3 May 2009 11:21


Ok, I'm out.
The animal's one seems to be gone again, to bad I was enjoying watching it grow (Chicken -Dragon or whatever it was - btw Dragons think chickens are tasty but they've got nothing on a good heifer!)
Also, I don't look at this site as a pure art site, though some amazing art is coming out of it. I look at it as a place to have fun and spend some time chatting with some truely interesting people!

134. 3 May 2009 14:03


Ok, I've uploaded my 10 screen-captures of the dragon-thingie.

The naming convention I use is category_date_time (as a 24 hour clock on SL time)

You are all welcome to comment under the pix. (I can edit those, by the way.)

AND you are welcome to email me YOUR screenies--


135. 3 May 2009 14:27


I just opened the page of you screenies, and my daughter was on my lap, sharing some ice-cream with me, and she just stopped eating and stared...I think she was scared.

136. 3 May 2009 14:58


Going in.

137. 3 May 2009 15:06


I'm out. There was a drawing in flowers and in gothic, nothing (at least no "load draft" button) in the others.

138. 3 May 2009 16:36


im out whats up with the animal pic nothing was there

139. 4 May 2009 11:18



140. 4 May 2009 11:19


hmm... I thought we reached this threads limit... I typed "going in" twice & it never showed up...

anyway, I am out now...