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121. 3 May 2009 21:22


One last thought, midnightpoet, I too have known my share of very bright and thoughtful two year olds and thought about mentioning that in my "not sour grapes" post but figured as it might be taken for such I wouldn't involve anyone else's work.

I've no doubt your two year old is a very bright, thoughtful and intelligent child.

122. 4 May 2009 08:31


where are you mostblessedone???

i want to play too (no talent for writing that I know of) but not afraid to try...

123. 4 May 2009 19:17


Mostblessedone's absence creates a problem...

It's been 48 hours.

I'm making an executive decision,

Solosater's Thwollen is my 2nd pic and, in the interest of keeping things alive I now pass the torch to Solosater instead (sorry mostblessedone).

Solosater - the ball is now in your court. You carry the torch.

Please create a wordlist/count, create a new topic, "ThinkWrite III" and let's get started.

124. 4 May 2009 19:24


hey, Ron.. mostblessedone's around, but may not have caught up with her responsibilities !

I just left a comment on her pic, so give her a liittttllle bit longer ?

125. 4 May 2009 19:25


Good morning IamAn.... I mean Ron...

126. 4 May 2009 19:26


I agree... she isn't in the forum often... we should chase her down...

127. 4 May 2009 19:33


Matthew, I am categorically NOT ron. Dang you made me say it!
Yes, I know, I'm going...

128. 4 May 2009 19:40


Matthew. It's taken some thought. Some real thought.


I have nothing to say to you. Ever again.

129. 4 May 2009 19:51


Did I miss something Ron???

130. 4 May 2009 20:41


I've also seen mostblessedone in the gallery & making comments, I don't want to steel her crown unless she's not interested.

Let me know.

131. 4 May 2009 20:46


Steel, steal???

Acquire dishonestly, pilfer, filch, snatch, walk off with…

You get the idea, its not as if it was gold and I steeled it.

132. 4 May 2009 21:03


Solosater - I have ultimate power in this. Do NOT question me on this!

Now - YOU are the winner in mostblessedone's absence.

Get on with it!

133. 4 May 2009 21:06


I'm on a rant tonight... But my softer side says that maybe I understand mostblessedone's reaction. I never, ever wanted this to be a competition and I never, ever wanted to be a judge. Maybe that's what is going on.

Solosater. This is your baby now. Run with it.

134. 4 May 2009 21:06


Ok, ok mister snappy pants, I start it right now!

135. 7 May 2009 22:25


Oh my, Ron, Solosater, Marg, and Everyone. I am here, a bit bewildered, embarrassed, mind-blown, and obviously late.

I am quite honored that The Quilt would have won such high praise. Thank you, Ron.

If I had been paying attention, I would have loved to pass on a new list. I am so sorry to have held up the games by my absence.

In truth, I got caught up in the bickering on some other forum pages, that I found myself getting quite upset. I finally decided to forego reading them for awhile. I guess my own bad attitude did me in. My apologies to all.

Solosater, you are quite worthy to keep this moving, and I look forward to seeing what comes next. Thank you for stepping up.

Marg, thanks for the heads up on my picture. I just found it tonight, then spend about 30 minutes wandering through more recent ThinkWrites wondering what I was looking for! It was really quite an interesting tour.

I worked a 12 hour shift today and have another coming up tomorrow. Saturday I shall see what I can do with Solosater's new list.

Again, thanks for the honor.