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1161. 14 Jul 2009 20:08


-Then he gave the chair away. (bad editing on my part)

He gave the chair to a friend who owned a very large, extremely old home in a poor area in Maine.
The type of area where antique pickers toil day and night hoping to find the 'big piece'.
I gather from the story that the friend was not informed that this chair was rather new.
Within a couple years the chair was sold for some paltry sum and was gone from Mr M's sight.

During this period the chair was quietly changing hands, with it's sale price increasing dramatically each time.
It was purchased by the Henry Ford Muyseum in 1970 and made into a cornerstone of it's collection of early American furniture.

In the Mid 1970s Mr M happened upon a copy of the Museum's yearly catalog and there in all it's glory was his chair on the cover.
Baldur wishes now he remembered the exact sum that the museum paid, but it was hundreds of thousands of dollars.

The story made it into the papers, and to make it even more charming Mr M had saved thos odd bits of wood that he had removed from the chair in 'aging' it.
The Museum then did an exhaustive verification process and determined that the piece was indeed modern.

In true American fashion it is a larger attraction now because of it's 'tainted' history.
The chair has been kept on display by the Henry Ford Museum as a learning tool.

1162. 14 Jul 2009 20:12


+e =those

Baldur's typing finger got quite a workout tonight.

Oddly enough Mr M's son frequents the place where we dine on Fridays and one day quietly did a sketch of Robert. He then introduced himself and presented it to Robert.
It is now nicely framed in our office.
Baldur told Robert the chair saga on the way back home that evening.

1163. 14 Jul 2009 20:17


I found a redundant word in the midst of all this, so -he.

1164. 14 Jul 2009 20:18


Baldur finds it a beautiful lesson in that the chair was 'found' and passed on. Mr. M at no point lied about it's origin's to anyone among it's multiple owners.

1165. 14 Jul 2009 20:30


'All Baldur, All the Time'

Have a great evening everyone.
Baldur out.

1166. 14 Jul 2009 20:50


Loved the story about the chair and Mr M's role in that saga.

Hope the spider bite is healing well, Baldur.

1167. 14 Jul 2009 23:12


Qsilv is suddenly sockless.... having had 'em charmed clean off by that chair story!

1168. 14 Jul 2009 23:47


There are at least 4 bare feet around here.

1169. 15 Jul 2009 02:01


Great story Baldur. Thought I knew the story, and yes, had heard it before (best friend around time of chair hoax discovery was in art school), but you told the story so much better and with much greater detail - how he aged the wood, etc. Thank you!

1170. 15 Jul 2009 02:06


Dragon - where are my manners? Have you seen them lying about? Well, apologies. I thank you for your explantion of witchy doings. That and other stories on BR improves my opinion which was barely that as I know no witches. In the early 70's my sister lived in England, Scotland and France for several years. She told me "eveyone believes in ghosts and witches in Scotland." I thought that funny and exaggerated. Anyway, one night back in the states a candle caught sis's bedspread on fire, and then bedroom, but not sis. Later she told me that just before sleep that night, she had taken off "that ring" her witch friend had given her, the one she was never supposed to remove. My sister believed the fire was a result of not following witchy directions because after the fire was put out, no one could find the ring. I remain open, but not enought to put on a ring that someone warns against removing, ever! : )

1171. 15 Jul 2009 02:24


Login, it appears sheftali is getting interviewed. (Very clever how Baldur radio arranges these things. Also, generous.) Last installment, we learned that sheftali52 was approached by the army, declined that but later joined the airforce. What? How did this occur? And when sheftali signed up, were there many/any women in the armed forces?

1172. 15 Jul 2009 07:50


Baldur, you draw, you compose... you even cook.. is there anything that you don't do to perfection?

1173. 15 Jul 2009 08:00


Heavens, my posse is back!
Rasslebear, where have you been?

1174. 15 Jul 2009 09:53


Robin is feeling totally out of the loop. A ten day vacation and there is no way to recover from all that was missed on Channel Baldur, let alone on the whole TD site! I saw something in here somewhere about a cryptogram, but haven't had the time to scan the zillion or so comments since the 30th of June to find the darn thing and solve it. I love cryptograms! So someone take pity on me and create a new one, pretty please. My birthday is next Wed. so you could consider it a birthday present!

I even missed the announcement of the June Top 5 while gone and imagine my surprise when I was IN it! Yippee! Anyway, after the ten day vacation, I only had 1 day before returning to work for 3 twelve-hour shifts. So needless to say, now that I am back among the living, I've got a lot of laundry and chores to catch up on today. I'll drop by when I can to see if anyone accepts my cryptogram challenge, or can at least guid me quickly to the one I missed!

1175. 15 Jul 2009 10:19


Welcome back Robin!
Baldur posted his very first ever cryptogram in comment #1029.
If you want a crack at solving it read no further than there. Sheftali52 solved it and posted the translation in comment #1052.
You missed so much, including Baldur's horrifc injury, but there will be plenty of time to catch up.
Congratulations on making it into the top 5!

1176. 15 Jul 2009 15:47



1177. 16 Jul 2009 18:05


'All Baldur, All the Time'

Baldur is feeling much better though my injury itches constantly, I believe the sensation to be a hallmark of healing skin.

Despite this I spent the day weeding the flowerbeds and working on the colonization of daylilies onto a strip of wasteland across the road from my home.
Baldur has been planting standard orange daylilies there for several years as the beds in my own garden get overcrowded. This year however Baldur has so far tripled all of his combined previous efforts.

It has been raining on and off since dusk and now there is the sound of thunder approaching.
I shall sign off for now.
In the meantime a good evening to everyone.

1178. 16 Jul 2009 18:23


Baldur, it seems I have so little time lately to just scroll through TD, but I always check out the goings-on here at Baldur radio. I gave up quickly on the cryptogram, mainly because of my time issue. Cheated and checked out the answer and kicked myself for giving up so quickly, since that last phrase in quotations should have been so obvious to me! That'll teach me to be so impatient all the time!

Had to tell you that it pretty much rained every day but one that we were back east. I actually thought of you, oddly enough, (I htink it's odd to be thinking about a person you've never met while away on vacation) when we drove to CT to see a friend. We were preparing to leave, (this would have been last week Tues.) in the early afternoon. Started out her front door and the skies suddenly opened up, and BOY HOWDY! (they say that here in Idaho...I've actually never used that term before today!) It was this HUGE crash of thunder and lightening and the rain just literally POURING down in buckets, not drops. I knew I wouldn't be able to see a foot in front of me driving, so we waited about a half-hour til it died down a bit. But there i was in connecticut, picturing you out there in Rhode Island trying to mow the lawn when the skies drove you in! Kind of made me smile! I pictured the ThinkDraw you...the one with the push mower and the hairy back! LOL

Anyway, drove from there to a small town near Albany (Ghent, NY to be exact) to see my brother. He went on and on about the same woes that you have described with regards to the yard work and such. Only, he did it with a drunken slur, since he apparently spends his days 3 sheets to the wind now. (Last time I saw him he had been sober many years. Apparently that didn't work for him.) I always tend to "hear" your voice as perfectly articulate.

Anyway, the weather held out enough for me to show my boy Niagara Falls and the Butterfly Conservatory at the Canadian Botanical Gardens on the 4th of July, and then even was sunny the next day when we went to an amusement park! The rest of our time was spent visiting all the people I felt obligated to see since I hadn't been back "home" in 9 years!

The lesson I learned from my trip? Every 9 years is just about often enough to visit Buffalo, and "home" is right here in Boise now! Life is good, isn't it?

"All Robin, Some of the Time" (did I get that right?)

1179. 16 Jul 2009 18:26


-htink +think

PS, read about the leg ailment...glad it's on the mend!

1180. 16 Jul 2009 18:30


And one last thing...I LOVED the chair story! Those types of anecdotes are exactly why Baldur Radio has such a vast and loyal listening audience!