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Forums - General Discussion - Channel Baldur

11041. 5 Apr 2014 12:29


While I was composing this screed, Normal slipped in the same message (impulse from within) in not quite as many words.

11042. 5 Apr 2014 13:24


Thanks to you both, Normal and Chelydra. You've both given me some things to think about.

In response to the bureaucratic focus, that's what I'm most worried about. That's where all my concern has been. In any AP course, the school district is all about numbers. Each year they try to get us to have more kids take the test and more kids pass the test. It is all about the test. That's not what excites me about teaching Art History.

I've had dozens of students come back and visit with me after graduation. They are excited to tell me about when they visited (fill in the blank) museum on their family trip. They impressed themselves and their friends and family by knowing about some of the sculptures and paintings. They felt like tour guides as they went through. That is why I enjoy teaching it.

Since I have to check off the boxes, I wanted to find ways to do that but keep things light and fun too. That's why after finishing each one of the units (I've broken it into 10 units from paleolithic to now) we will review with games. I know it sounds like elementary school, but I think it works. If they have to describe a piece of Art to their teammates to get them to guess the title, it keeps those mental connections alive.

For the test, half of it is based on knowing the artist, style, title, medium, theme and some context. The multiple choice portion is to gather an idea of their familiarity of famous Art. The other half will be questions such as, "Using two examples, one prior to 1500 and one after 1500, of Art as propaganda." These questions are more about being able to back up and support your claims than about picking the perfect piece.

In the age of text messaging and hashtags, the first month is a win if they can write complete sentences. By the end of the year, I do expect them to not only pick appropriate Art, but to defend their position with several salient points.

I really enjoy Art History. However, to be frank and fair, I'm a bigger fan of some time periods than others. Ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, Aegean, Greek, Etruscan, Roman? Love it. Middle ages? Not so much. I get tired of church, church, church, church, church, and more church. It isn't for lack of knowledge on the subject either. It just gets tedious. Renaissance? Oh yeah! Baroque? Probably my favorite. Sensibility, Rococo, Neoclassical, Romantic? Good stuff. Realism, Impressionism, Post-Impressionism? So much fun! Cubism, Expressionism, Surrealism, Pop-Art and so on? That's fun too. It's just that darn Medieval stuff that wears on me. It will be 17% of the test (to compare, Baroque is only 7% - not even half as much) as well.

I know that the stuff that I love won't be what all my students love. I get that. That's fair. But I don't like the idea of being required to spend more days teaching one style over another. More freedom on this would be nice. But this isn't about "nice". This is about getting kids 6 credits for college. I just have to suck it up.

In fact, there is no time at all for drawing days. The only way I can add any drawing into the curriculum is that on the student notes page, I'm requiring them to do 1 minute drawings of the big names for the unit. On average that will be about 50 or 60 drawings. Other teachers have their students print out those 50 or 60, paste it to a 3 X 5 card, and create a flashcard. I tend to think that students will remember better/longer the image they will draw. We all know here that unless you really work on observation skills, our eyes often gloss over details. Being forced to draw the image pushes students to really see.

This really is the tip of a giant iceberg. I could spend days telling you about all the lessons already in place. The saddest part is that despite the months and months of work on this, I'm still only about complete on 2 of the 10 units. It is overwhelming sometimes. This is why I haven't been active on ThinkDraw lately. Even on weekends I'm putting things together.

Shifting gears again, on that mash-up game (to help them with titles on review days), have any of you come up with more titles? I only have 6. That would only be one image per team. I'd really like to have more like 30 or 40. I have "Starry NIGHT Watch", "Raft of the MEDUSA Pediment", "Birth of VENUS of Willendorf" and three others. Thank you for your suggestions so far. If you have more, please send them my way. I'm just looking for ways to break from the boring rote review.

11043. 5 Apr 2014 13:54


Well. speaking as Marg's protégé (e.g. a person who is guided and supported by an older and more experienced or influential person) (with the emphasis on the older), I can confirm that I am not at all grateful.

11044. 6 Apr 2014 13:54


Those with a burning need are alive. Baldur associates gratefulness with some or all of those needs being sated.
Thus within my tunnel-vision logic are the grateful dead,

11045. 6 Apr 2014 13:54


Timing is everything.

11046. 7 Apr 2014 05:55



Baldur - please ask Rachel to cauterize chel's 'revelations' as soon as possible, as requested by chel himself

puzzler - you are just being naughty - if I had just a fraction of your sense of humour and wit, I would be blasting back at you with more than just a hopeless grin

Baldur - umm.. the grateful dead v. a burning need.. is this another sort of take on 'rage, rage against the dying of the light' ? .. it rather seems to indicate that there can't be a time of quiet (totally sated) happiness when all of the most pressing needs have been met ? .. but if timing is everything, is this just something that happens earlier or later in life ?

11047. 7 Apr 2014 12:06


Sounds like I'm lucky to get away with just a hopeless grin!

11048. 7 Apr 2014 14:20


The comment about timing was posted when Baldur noticed that his comment was posted exactly 24 hours to the minute after the comment by puzzler. It was pure chance.

11049. 10 Apr 2014 05:47


and a very special Happy Birthday to you lynnspotter

11050. 10 Apr 2014 05:48


ok I'm back, things are working again

11051. 10 Apr 2014 13:35


Very glad to hear it Baldur. Not sure my Mugdots Challenge for Abstract forum is working though. Could you test that for me? Thanks.

11052. 11 Apr 2014 13:38


Baldur has officially achieved the status of Chief Forum Fixer!

11053. 11 Apr 2014 14:03


heavens, yet another sash and tiara

11054. 11 Apr 2014 15:04


11055. 11 Apr 2014 17:11


Wait a minute, folks..

...has anyone noticed the striking similarity between puzzler and Baldur, when seen together as in the comment above ?

Could they - unwittingly, of course - be ..

..the same person ?

11056. 12 Apr 2014 00:13


What a lovely thought... Baldur as my alter ego??

11057. 12 Apr 2014 03:37



..on consideration..

- maybe Baldur is your son, puzzler ?

Are you still having problems with the (eh, eh) 'new' teeth, hmm ? .. a bit of 'whistling', perhaps ?

11058. 12 Apr 2014 14:38


With the greatest respect to Baldur, (if I was indeed old enough to be his mother), I would insist on my tiara being returned.

11059. 14 Apr 2014 14:55


Baldur, the very first page of your channel states that it's all Baldur, all the time. Where are you? Take that tiara off and step away from the mirror. That's better!

11060. 15 Apr 2014 15:41


I am back and with a new monitor!
Channel Baldur needs a new catchphrase
Maybe 'Partly Baldur, Occasionally'