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Forums - General Discussion - Channel Baldur

1101. 13 Jul 2009 13:07


He was kind enough to deflect a rainstorm one day so that instead of ruining a cookout it passed harmlessly to our South.
Baldur didn't watch closely as there was potato salad that needed mixing but Derby put his black robes over his clothing, grabbed a small velvet pouch out of his knapsack and walked out to the middle of my lawn.
He raised both hands and stood there appearing tro pray for quite some time. 30 minutes later patches of blue sky began to appear.

1102. 13 Jul 2009 13:09


-p =doubt

Radio Baldur has just passed the 1100 comment mark!

1103. 13 Jul 2009 13:15


-there +their in comment #1094

1104. 13 Jul 2009 15:19


Ah - dinner in the belly and curiosity about witchyosities being satisfied! (generous smile and contented sigh)

1105. 13 Jul 2009 17:39


For marius: "She put the lime in the coconut, she drank them both up." For Baldur: your outfit yesterday, as described, was rather dapper.

1106. 13 Jul 2009 17:49


Baldur would be enchanted with the architect Sarah Susanka, judging from his comment about Chateau Baldur: "flowing traffic patterns". Susanka has some eclectic ideas about homes, which Sheftali likes. Susanka's mantra of "The Not So Big House" appeals to Sheftali on many levels. Homes should be lived in, and contain only those things that are beautiful, or useful, or both. Sheftali, alas, has a long way to go to achieve that goal.

1107. 13 Jul 2009 18:30



One of the tenets of the Arts & crafts movement was 'have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful.'
Does that sound familiar?

Baldur has read several of Sarah Susanka's books and enjoyed them thoroughly.

1108. 13 Jul 2009 18:37


Baldur also lives with Robert who's sense of style does not always agree with mine own. That can be a challenge.
He owns many things that I find neither useful or beautiful.
That is why the gods gave us attics and closets.

1109. 13 Jul 2009 18:39


Have not read SS books but follow that theory - in general. And, now know what we have attics and closets! How was the luncheon and also, what happened with the nasty wound? Brown recluse or not?

1110. 13 Jul 2009 18:48


For Sheftali - thanks re Lime and coconut. Have not had that mixture for ages, but sounds good to sip while enjoying some "galactic grazing."

For Baldur - apparently even when the host is off the air, the radio show goes on. Would you tell us more about your garden - have all the same flowers you mentioned (forget where) except basptisia. You did say you have that, yes? thought it only grew in the great plains prairies.

1111. 13 Jul 2009 18:52


baptisia ... and even when clam, that's how things come out at times so I give up on splleing correctiosn fmro own on. : )

1112. 13 Jul 2009 18:59


The luncheon was quite nice, Baldur of course had the eggplant as a main course. Somehow however printed out placecards for each person with their predetermined menu selection on it.
The somehow managed Baldur's difficult surname, but my entree choice became:
'Egg Plant Parm'.
Baldur can quite understand the abbreviation of the last word, but in all my years always took that particular vegetable to consist of but one word.
Heavens, I have the same reaction when traveling and see a roadsign that says:
No. Providence, No. Dakota or 'Rt 95 No' (Baldur has actually never been near enough to the Dakotas to witness that sign, but I believe with all my soul that it must exist).
The Abbreviation for North is 'N', South gets a simple 'S'. Gosh darn it I live in a state that made it's money seafaring, usually in the slave trade but I don't wish to tread that topic this evening. Has no one here seen a a compass?
Last I heard 'No' was the abbreviation for the word 'number'. Do not ask Baldur why that should be, but it is.
I just think of the millions of dollars our highway departments spend on that extra vowel. Sigh.

1113. 13 Jul 2009 19:00


+y =they

1114. 13 Jul 2009 19:01


that was a mess, precede that correction with -how +one =someone

1115. 13 Jul 2009 19:03


the could use some of the money to change the abbreviation of 'route' from 'RT' to 'Rte' which would be correct.

1116. 13 Jul 2009 19:04


While some of my plants were found nearby Baldur also adds to his garden from catalogs. The Baptisia was a nice addition

1117. 13 Jul 2009 19:07


The nasty wound is much less nasty, though still swollen.
The color has improved and the whole area is now itchy.
It occured to Baldur today whilst getting stabbed in the hand by barberry thorns that I toured a tropical plant greenhouse on my way home last Sunday.
Whatever bit me could indeed have been lurking in the banana palms.

1118. 13 Jul 2009 19:08


Baldur is almost tempted to stop correcting his own spelling but his gentle readers would think the less of him.
So +y =they

1119. 13 Jul 2009 19:19


Wouldn't think a thing less if you didn't correct your spelling. Believe it or not, my dyslexic mind has "auto=correct" so I don't even notice spelling mistakes. ha ha ha.

1120. 13 Jul 2009 19:23


What else can I say?
The black hollyhocks are in full bloom right now, quite a sight in the blazing sun. The Prickley pears are also buried in blossoms this week.
It's quite amazing how prolific they are.
The daylilies planted in the horrid soil across the street are starting to open. Eventually they will transform that mess into a flowering show that will last all summer.