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Forums - General Discussion - Channel Baldur

10981. 4 Dec 2013 08:42


I received this from a friend. It's quite an eye opener about drinking, drugs and driving. It's really well done. Makes you think....

10982. 11 Dec 2013 08:46


When I watched that video, I thought, "No wonder they're having so many crashes, they're driving willy-nilly on the wrong side of the road!" Then I saw the cops arriving and realized we were in England.

Still highly instructive. Probably those who watch the video are not those
who need the reminder.

10983. 11 Dec 2013 10:27


The accents were Australian (I think) ... they also drive on the left.
It's a shocking video ... hope enough people see it to make a difference.

10984. 12 Dec 2013 01:49


I feel physically sick after watching that - thankfully with no sound - and yes, Login, the video was apparently made by the Australian state of Victoria, although I feel it would apply anywhere in the western world.

Purely out of interest, do Canadians drive on the left as well ?

10985. 12 Dec 2013 10:43


My new blue boy, Jaquot.

10986. 12 Dec 2013 10:54


Lizzi... he is ADORABLE!! I like his name. *J*

10987. 12 Dec 2013 16:31


Marg~Canadians drive on the right.

10988. 13 Dec 2013 02:57


thanks, Lynn..

..and probably just as well, given that Americans drive on the right..

I was just wondering about the old Commonwealth thing, and whether other Commonwealth countries drive on the left or right ?

I think NZ, Australia, India, Malaysia and Indonesia (not a Commonwealth country), Ireland, all the south African nations, etc., are 'left hand drive', but hopefully that won't matter for this Fun Tuesday or Forum

10989. 13 Dec 2013 06:16


Left and right Map. Go here

10990. 13 Dec 2013 06:17


Trying again....

10991. 20 Dec 2013 07:44

indigo -of-classic-paintings/

From Australian photographer Bill Gekas... check it out. *J*

10992. 20 Dec 2013 07:47


Sorry! That's not it! But do check out Bill Gekas. Lovely pictures.

10993. 20 Dec 2013 08:53


I Googled him, Indigo. Very cool! His daughter is adorable too.

10994. 21 Dec 2013 05:44


My goodness… I am so behind the ThinkDraw times.
A hearty congratulations to Baldur and Robert. Wishing the two of you continued love and happiness in your marriage.

I’m just checking in to see what’s new at TD. I was hoping Clo would have her yearly collage posted (as always, she never disappoints). Glad to see that, for the most part, the gang is all here. As well as some very talented newcomers—like this fella above me for example. I am ashamed of myself for not having drawn anything in 2013. This past year has been a very eventful one for me outside of ThinkDraw. I will have to fill you all in on the drama when I have the time.

But for now, I just want to say Merry Christmas TD family and Happy Holidays!

10995. 21 Dec 2013 10:21


Merry Christmas and Jolly Saturnalia to you too!

10996. 23 Dec 2013 09:21


Omnes laeti, ut Saturnalia

10997. 1 Jan 2014 10:28


Happy New Year to all TDers! May 2014 bring you joy!

10998. 4 Jan 2014 10:02


For your viewing pleasure. A must see! autoplay=0

10999. 6 Jan 2014 19:19


I love that, Indigo! Here is one for cat lovers-

11000. 7 Jan 2014 04:42


Thanks Lizzi! What beautiful cats!! I sent it to my sister-in-law in BC. She is a big
cat lover also.