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10881. 17 Sep 2013 17:28


:-? maybe someone should make a pink ruffled shirt...

10882. 17 Sep 2013 18:43


I did

10883. 17 Sep 2013 18:43


It's a dress, but whatever...

10884. 19 Sep 2013 18:55


Baidur, I noticed someone on ebay was selling ruffles in the form of a detachable dickie. Wrong color, but perhaps another source worth investigating.

10885. 19 Sep 2013 19:02



10886. 19 Sep 2013 19:43


Thank you. Oddly this evening I found a cheap source for cheap ruffled shirts.
They have a pink ruffled shirt that has much going
for it, but the sleeves are definitely going to fall short of what I need
I may cut off the ruffled cuffs and stitch them inside my jacket sleeves where they will be in the proper position. As long as Baldur keeps his jacket on the trick could work.....
ah glorious deception

10887. 19 Sep 2013 19:58


That sounds like it will work just fine! Glad to hear it is working out for you!

10888. 20 Sep 2013 17:46


Today at school I opened my locker and my math binder fell out and hit the girl below me on the head, she glared at me and licked my math binder. Really don't know what to think of that.

10889. 21 Sep 2013 04:24


She licked it?

10890. 21 Sep 2013 06:30


erh hemm.. just returning to the subject in point ..

.. [and Goldie, the poor child was obviously suffering from some minor concussion - but why were you standing on top of her ?]

I actually possess a beautiful, sky-blue shirty thing that reaches to my knees and has ruffles all the way down the front - I call it my wafter, as it is extremely large and wafts about me

This item of clothing has been worn as a loose shirt at least once by a large size (6' 4") male, so I was wondering whether you might find what you were looking for if you visited your dear auntie's favourite charity shop or other boutique and checked out what was on offer for larger ladies ?

In recent years I've tended to adopt a rather unisex approach to buying clothes, and looking at the ads for ruffled shirts, I find they all trend towards the tuxedo / 70s style - and are aimed at slim fit. Larger ladies, on the other hand ..

(and I don't refer to your dear aunt, of course, who is still as trim as when we were digging tunnels together as young gals !)

.. prefer a simpler, fresher approach that just might meet your needs, so perhaps you might consider that at the end of the day, who cares who the article of clothing was originally intended for, as long as it looks good and you feel like a million dollars wearing it on your perfect day ?

10891. 23 Sep 2013 04:46


Problem solved!
Baldur has ordered the pink ruffly shirt from
Certainly the sleeve will be far too short but my tailor will fix that.
Thank you everyone for the help

10892. 23 Sep 2013 04:52


Next up: wedding favors.

Baldur has decided to buy small bulbous cork stoppered glass bottles and fill them with an assortment of different shades of pink Jelly Belly jelly beans,
Then i will get a short length of brass wire and attach a tiny brass heart charm at each end and twist it around the bottleneck.
finally I will print out small cards in a lovely font that say:

exultans in unione
Robert and Baldur
October 26, 2013

and attach them as well

10893. 23 Sep 2013 04:56


The minister was charming.
Robert picked her rather randomly from an online listing but I could not have done better employing a massive search with repeat interviews.

She was ordained online. Baldur did some research on this after meeting her.
I am now considering also getting ordained.
oh Boy

10894. 23 Sep 2013 19:58


Hello All,

I am just so eggcited about my nephew's nuptials!
But what would he do without my imput?
Baldur had totally forgotten to script the 'Jumping over the Broom' ceremony into the wedding. He is looking into it now.

With all the guests doing their utmost to follow Baldur's lead and wear pink, it makes my personal fashion choice a bit more fun.
Auntie B will wear a sheath made of rose-gold colored sequins, a nod to the rose-gold wedding bands that Baldur and Robert will be exchanging.

10895. 24 Sep 2013 04:58


Ooohh, 'auntie' .. that is just SO you .. rose-gold always set off your lovely hair perfectly when we were at school !

I hope that Baldur gets the whole wonderful event captured and put on Youtube, as I shall certainly be one of the many hundreds wanting to watch and post my good wishes

10896. 24 Sep 2013 08:21


I'm not planning on having a videographer, or a professional photographer for that matter.
Hopefully there will be amateur filmmakers on hand

10897. 27 Sep 2013 17:15


What do you mean by amateur?

10898. 28 Sep 2013 04:20


Wedding guests who are not trained photographers taking pictures.
Most people seem to have cameras attached to their phones now.

10899. 28 Sep 2013 04:33


Hmm.. I think you're right for the actual event.. it's amazing what views people capture, which aren't just the standard 'everyone pose for the camera'.

However.. it might be awfully nice if a close friend snuck in to get a 'pre-nuptials' picture of you getting ready and looking a bit frazzled but radiant..

..or Robert, looking a touch nervous, but determined ?

There's a lot to be said for buying some instant cameras, as well - you know the 20-shot ones, which your guests can use to snap away and then leave behind for you to develop .. you can't be everywhere at once on your special day

10900. 28 Sep 2013 04:48


I've seen the disposable camera thing done at weddings, that is a good idea marg.
My son, daughter in law, and grandson Kanye will be staying here at Boughbreak. Certainly they will take pictures.