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10841. 29 Jul 2013 05:22


I made the Butter Chickpea Curry for dinner last night using cauliflower (on sale yea!) and tofu. Loved it! I'd also be a regular at the book exchange.

10842. 29 Jul 2013 21:43


Baldur - Have you tried Weebly again? Don't be afraid to play with it, if you have the time. You can always delete everything if you're not satisfied. I still can't move, or even PUT navigation buttons at the bottoms of pages!

As for the bonsai process, the main things to remember are to not remove more than one-third of the roots, use sand-rich soil and don't forget to water!

10843. 30 Jul 2013 04:22


Oh, I have been playing with the weebly site Ebernezer and do have a very barebones webpage open and published. It is just nothing to be proud of yet. Here is the address if You or anyone else listening to Radio Baldur would like to check it out.
My main problem was getting text up on the page. The instructions were very clear and I followed them to the letter. Suddenly on the 4th evening that I poked around on the site the text feature worked fine. Nothing I did on that attempt was any different than what I had done previously, but that time it worked.

10844. 30 Jul 2013 14:19


Ebenezer, if you would like to post your weebly page address here please feel free to do so. I find your gardening fascinating, certainly others here would also enjoy it.

10845. 2 Aug 2013 04:40


Happy Birthday to polenta! I hope your day is wonderful.

10846. 2 Aug 2013 04:45


Kyle will quietly get up on the bed every morning some time between 6:30 and 7:00 AM. He gets right up in my face and gives me a very soft 'meow' as to wake me but not Robert.
When he is certain that I am awake he races off to the back door and waits for me.
What invariably happens is that while waiting he sees his food dish on the floor and starts eating.
By the time Baldur has made it to the kitchen the cat has entirely forgotten about wanting to go out and concentrates on breakfast instead.

10847. 5 Aug 2013 16:38


Here is a charming update for you all.

Baldur visits his mother at least 3 times a week to take her marketing, banking, to doctor's appointments etc. I also perform routine household maintenance for her.
Mother had me change her toilet seat this morning.
There was nothing wrong with the old seat.When they put in the new bathroom fixtures a few years ago they bought an extra seat. It is an odd size and they were afraid they would never find one the right size when it came time to replace it.
Mother has had the replacement seat under her bed all this timed. It bugged her. She finally said she wanted to use the new seat, rather than continue using the old seat.
So I went up into her bathroom this morning.This is not a standard toilet, the bolts go through the hinge and reappear inside the tank, underwater, in a recess under the porcelain rim where you cannot see them.
To replace the seat you need to put your hand in the tank, feel around for the nut, hold it and with your other hand unscrew the nylon bolt.
You repeat this for the second bolt.
Then you install the new seat and do everything again in reverse.
Baldur gets the skeevies putting his hand inside toilets, even the clean water tank part, but I did it.
Anyway she had me take the perfectly good but used toilet seat and put it in her recycling bin.
I guarantee that this new seat will malfunction within a few days and there are no longer compatible seats made to fit this toilet. I guarantee this.

10848. 5 Aug 2013 17:42


timed - d = time

10849. 6 Aug 2013 09:43


Oh, I hope you disobeyed her and kept the old seat. Or not. Maybe it's time for a new toilet? I am looking at replacing a couple myself.

10850. 6 Aug 2013 23:07


Mother, forget about the toilet seat - HOLD ON to Baldur!!!! he's worth more than gold!!!! (Maybe I can adopt you when Mother is there no more). Love to Mom!!

10851. 13 Sep 2013 19:14


Baldur breaks his 40 days of silence with an anouncement!.
At the end of October Baldur and Robert, his partner of 18 years will be getting married. It has been legalized here in our state and we may possibly be the first couple in our community to take advantage of the new law.
The wedding will be quite tiny, just the two of us and 16 guests, but even so the amount of decisions to make before that day is staggering.

10852. 14 Sep 2013 03:54


Yaaaay! Congratulations Baldur and Robert! That is wonderful news! I'm very happy for you. *J*

10853. 14 Sep 2013 06:03


Well.. how absolutely fantastic, Steve ol' buddy..

..and I wish you and Robert the most tremendous health, wealth, happiness and love for the next 18 years ! .. wish I could be there to see the special kilt on the day

10854. 14 Sep 2013 07:46


Congratulations on your great news! I would say don't let the details get you flummoxed, but I suspect Baldur enjoys the flurry. Very best wishes.

10855. 14 Sep 2013 15:30


Now that's worth waiting 40 days to hear!! Wishing you much happiness in the years to come!

10856. 14 Sep 2013 18:24


Thank you for all of your kindnesses.

The wedding bands arrived via the US Postal Service two days ago. My band needed to be exchanged for a halfsize smaller so it is en route back to its manufacturer No problem though, there is plenty of time.

We have the venue for the recption reserved, the menu chosen.

Our wedding date itself was in flux until just a week ago. We anounced our intentions hoping my son, his wife and our grandson, Kanye would come out for the ceremony.
Indeed they are coming, so the date was chosen based on when they could be here.

The Church however was not available for that date.
I should footnote this with the fact that both Robert and I were raised as Roman Catholics. However by getting married we are officially severed from Catholicism.
The local church willing to officiate same sex marriages is the Congregational one. .. and they would be quite happy to help us but that date is already booked.

We have however found a traveling minister, and she is willing to officiate either here at Boughbreak or at another venue.

As charming as a Boughbreak wedding would be Baldur cannot be the groom, caterer, groundskeeper, MC and housekeeper all simultaneously.
The wedding will take place at our chosen restaurant.

I still must consult with the bakery about the cake and the florist about bouttonieres.
The wedding cake need only be a small single tier as the total number of people present will remain under 20. It will however be a pink cake, covered in pink icing roses.
the bouttonieres will also be pink roses.
I dream of wearing a ruffled pink shirt, the type common in formalware shops in the 1970s, but alas it is not to be. Baldur is a plus size and the shirt I want is not something I can find on any website in a size that would work.

10857. 14 Sep 2013 18:32


The room at the restaurant is just large enough to seat us all. It has a fireplace and a view of wonderfully New England pine forest.

Baldur is of course vegetarian, his guests however are not.
The meal will be family style roasted chicken (I will have a plate of eggplant brought to me)

There will be no musical entertainment, no dancing.
the brief synopsis is:
Wedding vows
Toast to the happy couple
Thank you

10858. 15 Sep 2013 05:28


Oh Baldur.. I am sure that there must be a wonderful seamstress amongst the Radio Baldur audience, who would thrill to make a wedding shirt for you !

I don't actually own a sewing machine, but I would be happy to have a go and my stitching is very small and neat (I'm also really good at invisible stitching !). Why don't you upload a picture of your dream shirt [in whatever size the model happens to be] somewhere that we can all see it, and also give a guesstimate as to the actual dimensions required ?

The other important factor is, of course, the date that the shirt would need to arrive at Boughbreak for the first fitting..

ooooohhh... this is just soooooooooo exciting

10859. 15 Sep 2013 12:45


Thank you marg but that is just too much work. Even a regular shirt is difficult, a ruffled formal shirt would be crazy-involved.
I do appreciate the offer, but I must say no and wear something mundane.

10860. 15 Sep 2013 13:07


,,,and a very special Happy Birthday to indigo and Nylecoj