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Forums - General Discussion - Channel Baldur

1081. 11 Jul 2009 20:02


I always disliked blue, and am fated to always move into homes saturated in it.
Chez Baldur had quite an expanse of Royal blue carpeting in the living room. There was not a thing wrong with it, but Baldur hated it from day one.
It's gone, and replaced with this: 013&sku=2201330910

1082. 11 Jul 2009 20:05


Robert was amused when I picked it out, being not at all what he expected.
The cats liked it immediately.

1083. 11 Jul 2009 20:15


Baldur likes patterns, I layer and mix them,
Somehow it works, I must be editing things in my mind subconciously because when mixing things from totally different sources I can generally get it to look harmonious.

That carpet is basically a ripoff off a motif by Gustv Klimt. You can Google his 'Stoclet Frieze' and will find it amazingly similar.
It's sitting in my living room full of Mission furniture. Purists gasp (gasping purists are the best).

1084. 11 Jul 2009 21:13


Very interesting, Baldur. Good night, and Sheftali wishes you a good day tomorrow.

1085. 12 Jul 2009 07:31


Sheftali, no apologies needed. You see, I didn't catch on the you had solved the crypto and shared it with us until after *I* had solved it! That cracked me up! Then, peals of laughter, and I love peals and laughter.

Baldur, wil try to tune in to B. radio later. Sorry to miss out on topic of witches, beads, the color blue and such last night. : ) Need to do morning yoga now - it helps keep me clam.

Visited your MYspace. Very interesting. Did not get to all your friends yet but will. Want photos of your house cause I'm nosy and your house sounds so fun and pleasant.

1086. 12 Jul 2009 08:25


Yes, Baldur, we need a virtual tour of all your pretties!!! You could charge at the door!!

1087. 12 Jul 2009 15:05


Here's a request for you Baldur....
You ever heard of the Ting Tings oh Great Oracle?

1088. 12 Jul 2009 15:30


Can I claim 10 points for 'oracle'?

1089. 12 Jul 2009 19:04


I have never heard of the Ting Tings. Who/what are they?

Maybe Baldur radio is off-air cause he is at that event he wrote about. Tell us all about it when you get home. What color bow tie did you wear? Yes, the minutiae of life thrills sometimes. ZZzzzzz. Sorry, just nodded off.
Sweet dreams.

1090. 13 Jul 2009 02:43


Well Baldur went to YouTube and found the video for the Ting Tings' song with all the big arrow signs. It wasn't a bad pop song though I'm certain I had never heard it before. I had had heard of them at least.
Baldur doesn't listen to much current music, though he reads about it.
If the radio must be turned on whilst in the Baldurmobile it will be on the local country station that also mixes in some country oldies.

From seeing bits of television Baldur has seen samples of the music of Lady Gaga, Natasha Beddingfield and Beyonce. So conversationally I'm not totally lost.
In popular music however Baldur's taste runs more towards Natalie Cole, Michael Buble , Adele and actually I find NeYo pretty good oddly enough.
I've listened to Harry Connick Jr and Josh Groban though neither has really excited me much, there's something missing there for me.

Being rather old fashioned Baldur loves it when pop artists go out of their normal comfort zone and record albums of standards.

That being said what I love right now is a group called the Harlem James Gang. But they don't have anything out on disc. Baldur can listen to them online but unless I become technologically advanced enough to own an Ipod, their music won't be added to my collection.
I've asked Nile, my son, to purchase the downloads for me and put them on disc. No doubt I will get that for Christmas.

1091. 13 Jul 2009 02:49


Ahhhh minutiae.............

The bow tie was in a foulard pattern of brick red, rust, darker sage green and bronze, the shirt was rust, the trousers khaki coloured linen.
I wore my micro houndstooth waistcoat sans blazer as it was quite hot out.
My shoes were brushed chocolate brown sude oxfords, the socks an argyle in sage, khaki and chocolate

1092. 13 Jul 2009 02:50


+e =suede

1093. 13 Jul 2009 04:03


Visited Myspace again. You have a friend who loves George MacDonald. What relief - am no longer alone in that admiration!

Want to know how and why one collects "friends like trading cards" (not that the friends are LIKE trading cards - or, tee hee, are they?) Seriously, how does this work?

Want to know what Jake does with his witchabilities. (Made that word up because you made one up that I do not find in my college edition dictionary - nonpescarians?) Have met a few witches but none would say what they do except for having gatherings during summer solstice, etc.

Love your carpet btw, and with Mission Furniture, would be lovely. Yes, Baldur, we need a virtual tour of some parts of your home.

LOVE the outfit you wore to men's group. Last night I wore lavendar blouse, black shorts, flip-flops and ponytail to my women's group. My grand daughter would cry. Early on she asked grandpa if he could help her "teach grandma to be a girly-girl." I did not hear this conversation but heard the spouse laughing with uncharacteristic loudness. So, when g.d. comes over I paint the fingernails. We aim to please.

And - good morning Baldur radio!

1094. 13 Jul 2009 09:26


Marius it took me a bit of effort to understand the little I do about MySpace. The search engines as far as Baldur ascertains are fairly useless.
One can search by sex and geographic location and age.
So If Baldur was looking to find men of Lithuanian/American heritage who are model train enthusiasts and oenophiles there system is no help.
It seems geared for one to stay connected to people you already know.
The people on MySpace have figured out that their friends have friends who have friends who might share your own likes and dislikes.
Amongst this octopuslike tangle or relationships there are also people on the site to advertise themselves, be they actors, musicians, politicians, whatever.
Musicians might post their concert tour schedule, upcoming music releases etc. Actors might do the same with upcoming movies.
So now with this group of people easily accessible one can add celebrities as friends.
They of course are not really friends, but in a manner they become collectibles. One can go celebrity happy and see how many one can add to their connections.
Baldur is now friends with Cher, Cyndi Lauper, Robin Williams and Martha Stewart among the living. Their are also many deceased friends to chat with.

1095. 13 Jul 2009 09:39


This clears things up a bit. One person's pg I visited had 4,000 some friends! As long as you don't have to keep up with all of them, guess it's do-able.

There are still unanswered questions, or, smiling, has Baldur moved on to other topics of interest?

1096. 13 Jul 2009 12:16


marius, I'm not a witch so don't take this as the gospel truth but I believe witches or Wikka (Wikken?) use their spells and whatnot to try and promote balance in the universe. From my understanding they are very in tune with nature and try to cleanse themselves of negative auras and help people achieve balance within themselves. It is a very life affirming religion (though I'm not really sure if they consider it "Religion" per se, or more of a lifestyle, I suspect you'd have to ask some Wikken) oh and +10 for managing to get 'per se' into general conversation.

Baldur, it was funny that you said you like it when pop artists get out of their comfort zone and do something great, just last night my fella's mom gave us a couple of CD's of Rod Stewart doing all the old sentimental classics like 'It had to be you' and 'As time goes by' and 'Everytime you say goodbye I die a little' (that one always reminds me of Sideshow Bob). It was quite surprising to hear Rod Stewart singing all those songs but he has a wonderful voice for it.

1097. 13 Jul 2009 12:40


I have all of those Rod Stewart discs Dragon, and I enjoy them overall, except for one small detail which drives Baldur up a tree.
Apparently Mr Stewart does not (or will not) pronounce the letter 'H' consistently.
Baldur really shouldn'y pay such close attention, but once something like that get's into my brain it can no longer be nonchalantly (+0) brushed aside.
So when after pronouncing 95 words with the 'TH' combo properly and then singing 'ting' instead of 'thing' Baldur becomes distraught.
I find myself waiting for it to happen.

1098. 13 Jul 2009 12:47


Now Baldur is real juggling too many comments.

Wiccan is the proper spelling Dragon.
I'm not quite certain with what one does as a witch on a day to day basis. Jacob has done nothing exotically showstopping in public. He is quiet, polite and conversational.
He will however get distracted by things such as a lovely garden and unhitch the gate and walk in as if he were expected. This unhinged Baldur several times while we were walking down a street in a historic neighborhood together and he made himself at home where we were not known.
I did try to explain that generally the appearance of a latched gate implies the gardener prefers people to stay out, but he just brushed that aside with 'Just look at the Iris! isn't it incredible?'.

1099. 13 Jul 2009 12:57


There was another witch that I was friendly with some years back who was at Chez Baldur fairly regularly. His name was 'Derby'.
Derby found himself rather frustrated with Baldur and eventually we drifted apart. He was looking for the love of his life and doing so in the social circles that Baldur traveled in.
Baldur does not know 'everyone' but Derby would time and time again notice that complete strangers would introduce themselves to me and we would chat like old friends.
Baldur would politely introduce Derby to my new friends, but that never went beyond 'nice to meet you' and a polite handshake. The tenuous introduction never morphed into interesting conversation.
He certainly had what I thought was an interesting life, but it was not sparking interest anywhere.

1100. 13 Jul 2009 13:03


Derby was stymied by Chateau Baldur.
He always claimed that the interior was far too large to fit into the exterior.
Chateau Baldur looked small and unassuming outside but was rather spacious inside.
I explained to him that it was a simple matter of flowing traffic patterns and properly positioned mirrors, Derby did not buy that.
He claimed that everything inside Chateau Baldur should have the effect of shrinking the space, the draperies and furniture are mostly dark, there are far too many decorative objects. The recurring image of Pan was no dopubt tricking his senses.
We never did resolve that.