Think Draw Forums
Forums - General Discussion - Channel Baldur

10781. 1 Jun 2013 21:26


I've had radishes do that too, Baldur. I thought it was the variety because it seems to me I was trying something different then the old tried and true cherry belles.
You live in such a beautiful part of the looked to me as though one could push a Popsicle stick into the ground and it would sprout leaves!

10782. 9 Jun 2013 19:48


So, I've been away a while & either this site has slowed down a ton or I am missing something. Do all the new pics show up on the gallery or is this site dying?

I posted a pic 12 hours ago and there are only 10 new pics since I posted it... Last year at this time, my pic would be on page 3 or 4 by now.

Didn't know where best to post this question, so I figured I would call my local radio show.

10783. 10 Jun 2013 08:11


I replied under matthew's June 08 Doodle.

10784. 10 Jun 2013 13:08


Baldur thinks that part of the problem is that the gallery now only shows the latest of each artist's pictures.
If I did 48 Dr. Bear panels today only the very latest would be accessible in the gallery. To see the others you would need to visit my personal gallery.
Does it make images inaccesible?... YUP
Does it screw with rankings? ..........YUP
Does it drive people away from ThinkDraw?.... Baldur thinks so
I think the subtle ego stroking we get from seeing our stuff online has lost something

10785. 10 Jun 2013 13:22


This also makes the site look less busy. I have to assume that many people are only represented by one image each in the gallery when they are actually producing a good number.

10786. 10 Jun 2013 13:25


This is really just fleshing out what Normal has stated, I think it has really changed the feel of this site.

10787. 10 Jun 2013 18:20


So, if I draw another pic, my last one is gone from the gallery... hmmm... can't say I like that idea.

That is actually exactly what occurs when one of your pics gets censored. (it is removed from the gallery & can only be seen on your own personal page). So if you think about it, you are now forced to censor your own work each and every time you want to draw again.

Has this been going on long? I do not imagine it is favored by many, if any at all.

10788. 10 Jun 2013 18:48


A while now, and coincidentally Baldur has been away almost for quite some time himself.
How pleasant to hear from you again matthew.

10789. 10 Jun 2013 19:56


No sir... you have never been far from my thoughts. I have you on a mental leash. (no Freudian intent)

10790. 10 Jun 2013 20:06


I'd definitely look better in a leash than in a slip

10791. 11 Jun 2013 03:21


Aaaaaah~what a breath of fresh air....Baldur & Matthew bantering back and forth once again. Oh & a leash with a spike collar?

10792. 11 Jun 2013 03:24


10793. 11 Jun 2013 04:10


Good morning Lynn and thank you, I hadn't noticed the response from ThinkDraw yet.

10794. 12 Jun 2013 18:01


See... I came back & they fixed what ever it was... Glad I could help....

See ya next year

10795. 13 Jun 2013 03:17


What would we ever do without you?

10796. 17 Jun 2013 06:08


How can we ever thank you Matthew^_^ It's good to see your art again.

10797. 21 Jun 2013 16:17


Showcase suggestion: Draw Baldur in a slip & leash.

oops... wrong forum

10798. 22 Jun 2013 06:53


lol. bad matthew, very bad matthew

10799. 22 Jun 2013 17:54


It was either that or draw what you do in the woods

10800. 24 Jun 2013 15:50


this site has slowed down to a near halt... from 20+ pics per hour to 20 a day if lucky. What has gone wrong? even the radio show has dead air.