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Forums - General Discussion - Channel Baldur

10741. 29 Jan 2013 14:15


... and, can't resist this one. Some divers in Hawaii are approached by a dolphin. Why? It seems the dolphin is asking for help: it has a hook and fishing line attached which are hampering natural movement.

10742. 30 Jan 2013 13:03


Thanks, Lizzi! Doesn't help my comprehension, but at least I know which language they must have been singing. Fascinating that it was all an ad for a bank! Must have been some kind of all-time record for folks who've seen it all around the globe.

10743. 7 Feb 2013 03:51


Hello, hello.. 1 2 3.... 1 2 3....

..and thank you for not turning off your radio sets during our recent period of absenthostism !

As I speak, our next act is just collectively buttoning it's tunic in the dressing room, and will no doubt shortly burst onto the scene with the prelude to the pole-dancing finale.

I can sense a lot of tense expectation out there in the audience - there's a kind of hush, all over the world, tonight..

.. so, I'll step back, now, and let you imagine the darkened stage, just waiting for the opening of the next act...

10744. 7 Feb 2013 10:02


Wow marius, what an amazing dolphin video.

10745. 8 Feb 2013 09:09


marius that was amazing! marg, we're waiting with bated breath!

10746. 8 Feb 2013 13:53


Loved the dolphin. Hello...hello. Marg? I can't hold my breath any longer. Where is it?

10747. 14 Feb 2013 11:42


I'm going to break the code of silence today and wish you all a Happy Valentine's Day with extra special warm thoughts for those who are alone today.

10748. 14 Feb 2013 13:07


Happy Saint Valentine's Day everyone

10749. 15 Feb 2013 07:54


Take good care of yourself, Baldur... we miss you.

(...looks around... goes 'wowwww'.... begins sweeping up the remainders of that pole dancing event marg was on about.....)

10750. 15 Feb 2013 12:27


Hail, Baldur and welcome back..

.. and thanx, Qsilv - I keep forgetting that some people can't watch Radio Baldur and so may have missed the act.. but it was honestly awesome -

..Matthew has really developed his talent since becoming a mime artist and the performance was undoubtedly one of his best..

..not sure who the support crew holding the pole were, though ? ..

10751. 23 Feb 2013 04:45


Happy Birthday!
this one doesn't mean you ate too much BD cake, just a wish you'll enjoy every BD as in your green days!
(OK, I admit the truth is I wanted to fit the pic in the green showcase!)

best wishes Baldur, hope to hear you soon on TD!

10752. 24 Feb 2013 06:08


You may have seen this on CBS Sunday morning. It won't show Fresh Guacamole, but some of the others are hysterical? Roof Sex ha ha.

10753. 24 Feb 2013 07:44


Don't know why that ? showed up. That was supposed to be statement.

10754. 25 Feb 2013 10:11


A toast to the host--happy birthday, Baldur!

10755. 25 Feb 2013 20:19


Great link mdawrcn!

10756. 26 Feb 2013 09:31


Thanks md. That was cool! Or I should say awesome! Someone told me cool
was "out" and awesome "in". lol -J*

10757. 28 Feb 2013 10:21


Perhaps it was awesomely cool! hehe. That was a great video.
Can't believe I missed our host's birthday. Well, here's a happy belated birthday wish from me.

10758. 28 Feb 2013 13:38


Happy belated bday wish from me too! And, you are now 37? Such a good age. : )

10759. 2 Mar 2013 06:17


Have you ever had days when the vacuum cleaner just won't shut up and leave you alone???

10760. 2 Mar 2013 08:03


LOL Hazer!! Vacuum cleaner, pots and pans....I just gave in to the laundry! LOL! -J*