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Forums - General Discussion - Channel Baldur

10721. 15 Jan 2013 15:03


Seen several times in past months, still love it. Frustrating not to understand "Alle Menschen werden Brueder..." in Portuguese or whatever they are singing!

10722. 16 Jan 2013 07:35


I thought the whole thing was in German. 'All men are brothers'. You probably have this already-
Not that it does any good in this case!

10723. 16 Jan 2013 12:25


I know it in German and that's not what they're singing. Unless my
hearing issues are far worse thant I thought!

10724. 19 Jan 2013 04:18


Hmm .. I haven't posted a link on Channel Baldur before now, but thought you might like this one: 0130117-2cvwa.html

10725. 19 Jan 2013 16:35


I'd seen several of those photos, but the correspondence regarding
giraffe bread was absolutely delightful!

10726. 20 Jan 2013 12:12


Normal and Lizzie, they are singing Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee.
Here is a link yo the words.

If you Google it you can hear it sung by various artists on YouTube.

10727. 20 Jan 2013 12:23


Thanks for sharing that link, marg. Great pics!

10728. 21 Jan 2013 10:15


Saw this and thought it was too cute not to share.< /a>

10729. 21 Jan 2013 10:22


Oh, and I loved that Marg. I especially enjoyed the Sainsbury Giraffe Bread ones, too cute.

10730. 22 Jan 2013 02:38


Oh, LOL, Dragon.. I liked your link, but I really fell about at the 'Secret Kitten Exposed' on the same site.. ey=3860e07b-4ed5-4881-b698-8baee4d69a73%257c%257c%257c%257c

10731. 22 Jan 2013 09:59


I loved both of those Dragon and Marg. Here is another good one!

10732. 22 Jan 2013 10:01


Sorry, that didn't work....maybe this one will.

10733. 22 Jan 2013 10:03


OK...this is the one I wanted to post not the last.... -J*

10734. 22 Jan 2013 10:06


Hey people....I give up. Not a good day for me....LOL! Go to Youtube and check
out Patty Cakes Cats, the one with them singing the song.

10735. 24 Jan 2013 01:57


It's a frosty morning here at Boughbreak, 0 degrees F outside. BRRRRRRR

10736. 24 Jan 2013 09:05


another over the top wily cat

10737. 24 Jan 2013 15:33


I really enjoyed the patty-cakers, and that freezer-opener is a genius. If you are checking YouTube, you may have seen...

10738. 24 Jan 2013 17:32


Hazer, I knew perfectly well WHAT they were singing, as I know it in German. However, I could not understand them because they were not SINGING in German.

10739. 26 Jan 2013 15:34


Re: the video in my previous post...I googled Sabadell, placa de sant Roc and I found this, Normal >

10740. 28 Jan 2013 18:37


Have enjoyed all the video links! Great to hear from our host and sorry it’s so cold there. Missouri was a mild 70 degrees F today. Very strange.

Stranger still, last summer’s parsley looks as good as ever even though we’ve had several hard frosts and weeks of freezing weather. Not to be outdone, the leaf lettuce looks to be almost edible There are apparently some things I don’t know about leaf lettuce and parsley because I’ve never seen them grow through freezing weather and snow before.

Now for something different:
Here’s a link that some may enjoy, even if not interested in participating. And anyone in the world can join in. So what is all this fun? It’s the 2013 Great Backyard Bird Count (GBBC), sponsored by Audubon, Cornell Lab of Ornithology and Bird Studies Canada. The count will be Friday, February 15 through Monday, February 18 and anyone can participate, from anywhere in the world – no matter the level of your “bird smarts.”

Even if you don’t want to participate, you might enjoy looking at the photo contest winners from last year. Some very lovely visuals.