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Forums - General Discussion - Channel Baldur

10681. 14 Dec 2012 06:10


Baldur, I think the tradition you have with your daughter is about the coolest thing I have heard. I don't know how old she is, but it seems to me she is very sensible. The only thing I can think of that is less wasteful is giving cash, which is what I do for my many nephews and nieces. It may be considered cold, but I refuse to be drawn into the chaos of trying to pick something out for them that will be in a landfill in a couple of months. They can buy something they want or choose to save it.

10682. 14 Dec 2012 12:37


No wonder you were missing for so long, Baldur ... not just dealing with the chaos caused by Sandy; you're also done and dusted with the Christmas shopping, wrapping and mailing. Wish I was that organised and on top of everything.

mdawrcn, I'm rapidly coming to the same conclusion as you. Money or (in my case) gift tokens are seeming to be a more sensible way of dealing with the dilemma of what to give ... I know what each persons interests are but don't know what they've already got (or don't want). Book shops, music shops, garden centres, clothes shops, etc., nearly all sell gift tokens ... so less chance of disappointment.

10683. 14 Dec 2012 12:45


Miss Ashley is in her late 20s, we have been choosing gifts for her this way for many years. .
She gets what she wants, and more of it than if I bought her items new.

10684. 14 Dec 2012 12:58


Too difficult to follow...

10685. 14 Dec 2012 22:40


We all go window shopping. Buy what ever your heart desire - pay with a smile and left the store empty handed. Maybe next year will be a better year but you realize .. last year was a better year than this year. Well, at least a smile still cost the same. (Since when is something small and simple no more good enough? Something handmade is precious to me ... hint?)

10686. 15 Dec 2012 11:15


Yes, you are right. Hint? I dont know. I dont want to collect hints. Es ist sehr viel Leben, das auf handmade umzustellen ist. Ich muss in letzter Zeit ziemlch viel "nachdenken". Irgendwie hab ich das Gefühl, es ist nur eine Person, die zuviel ist. Meine "Rolle" hat keinen Text mehr.

10687. 15 Dec 2012 16:53


thanks for sharing the stories...these are treasures that warm the heart... time spent together is the best gift of all so too the sharing of stories with old and new friends

10688. 17 Dec 2012 09:45


Nachtrag: Die "Meßgröße" ist ja das Leben außerhalb TD und cyberspace. Und da denke ich ... und hoffe, dass FÜR DICH dieses Jahr sehr wohl besser war als letztes.

10689. 21 Dec 2012 10:17


I managed to finally get my Christmas cards out. Of course I keep finding people I really want to send one to, so a few people are going to get theirs late. I believe I am finished with the Christmas shopping (which is good 'cause I have no intention of going anywhere near a mall till the new year) and I even have almost everything wrapped. Only things left are the gifts for our annual gift exchange at my dad's place. Think it'll be a fun one this year. I'm looking forward to overindulging in food, wine and family once again.
I'm with Baldur on liking to have music available on something tangible like a CD and in being dissapointed at the shrinking music section's in stores. I'm mixed on books, there's just something nice about holding a proper book in your hand and having it up on the shelf, however, I do very much enjoy my e-reader and it's sure nice to take on holidays. Having about 200 books fit in the palm of your hand is a bonus. The only problem I've found is that some books (especially older ones) don't do very well in the translation to digital meaning you have to get used to some very odd punctuation and the occasional random letter or word thrown into the middle of a sentence.

10690. 21 Dec 2012 10:18


-' = sections

10691. 24 Dec 2012 03:38


Baldur has everything done but the holiday meal, and that is a simple affair.

Christmas makes me nostalgic and in that mood I had decided to go to church through advent. The third Sunday was a mistake. The woman sitting behind us was coughing, sneezing and a complete mess. She really should have been on her deathbed instead of infected the entire congregation. By this Thursday Baldur and Robert were both sick
Thank you mystery lady.

10692. 24 Dec 2012 03:39


We didn't attend the service yesterday, not wishing to pass this on to anyone else.

10693. 24 Dec 2012 06:27


So sorry you are sick Baldur and Robert. I don't understand how people can be so inconsiderate and selfish. Cold and flu medication ads even encourage people to take the meds so your "important life" is not disrupted. That is why so many get sick. Stay home and keep it to yourself! Makes me not want to go out.

Sorry, you hit a nerve.

I hope everyone here has a Wonderful Holiday Week, no matter what you celebrate!

10694. 24 Dec 2012 06:47


Merry Christmas, Baldur und baldige Besserung!

10695. 24 Dec 2012 12:28


Merry Christmas to all~be safe & enjoy your family & friends!

10696. 24 Dec 2012 12:35


Merry Christmas to everyone, even my haters!

Heavens, I'm starting to feel like matthew, there is a posse' after me lol.

10697. 24 Dec 2012 12:50


Merry Christmas Baldur and Robert. I hope you both feel better soon so you
can enjoy the holiday season! AND looking forward to lots more Channel Baldur in the new year. *J*

10698. 24 Dec 2012 13:03


No posse, Baldur. It was an interesting experiment and proved a point. Happy Christmas. May Santa bring you all that you wish for.

10699. 24 Dec 2012 17:38


Well it brought some hate mail, which was not exactly in the spirit of Christmas

10700. 26 Dec 2012 06:30


Just catching up and wishing all a wonderful holiday season.

First of all, Indigo? I LOVED the link to the 2012 Jr. dance champions. What moves!!!

Baldur, thanks for the snowflake links, will explore them later. Hope you and Robert are quickly mended and able to enjoy the holidays.

… and Q? I’d forgotten the slug and the comb! Hope I never have a repeat of that day (probably cat and slug feel the same).

Dragon? As for getting out cards, my admiration to all who manage it. So far this year, I’ve only sent one card … Everyone else got, or might get, a phone call or email wishes. Spouse wants to switch to all e-cards, save on paper and be ecological. Seems that is happening but I do like the snail-mail cards!

And now, here is a “Native” Christmas song that’s been going around. It’s called, “Stuck in the Smoke Hole of our Tipi,” written by Shoshoni Elder, Old Hands. Sure gave me a chuckle!