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Forums - General Discussion - Channel Baldur

10661. 28 Nov 2012 14:19


Baldur, glad you're back and well. Sorry there's too much going on but it's good to help others. : )

Lizzie, LOVE those turkey gobbles and indigo ... that was inspiring and lovely!

All is well enough in Missouri but we're still in a drought. Had falling snow the other day but it did not accumulate. Sure was pretty though. Wonder if Dragon has had snow yet this year?

10662. 28 Nov 2012 15:19


I'm pretty sure Dragon has had some shovelling to do. There's been snow in Alberta.
We haven't heard from her in awhile....

10663. 1 Dec 2012 07:44


LOVED Lizzi's talking turkeys and Indigo's Ted film. Absolutely entranced by the idea of drinking in the people we see everywhere.
And gratitude is what makes the whole thing work. Great reminder!

10664. 4 Dec 2012 17:01


Heavens, what a horrid evening.
Robert leaves a bowl of dried catfood outside for Shakira, Chloe and Kyle.
We are however very careful to bring the bowl inside each night as to not attract wildlife.
Baldur went outside after dark to retrieve the bowl and squashed a rather large slug with his bare hand. EWWWWWHHH.
The slug was just below the rim of the bowl lurking in the dark.
Baldur will not be going out to get the bowl without suitable lighting again.

10665. 6 Dec 2012 11:59


Sorry to here about Baldur's slug night but hey ... at least you survived the hurricane!

Here's a little something that had and still has me spellbound. It's a bird's of paradise video from cornell lab.

10666. 6 Dec 2012 12:26


THANK YOU marius! I'm going to watch this over and's amazing! *J*

10667. 6 Dec 2012 17:02


Yes, thanks to Marius for that wonderful video.

10668. 7 Dec 2012 05:07


2012 Junior II Champs

Great dancing, good music!

10669. 8 Dec 2012 12:08


ok I am sooo not caught up here, and you guys are temptors/temptresses supreme with links to delightful bits of the world...
but gotta say I AM glad to see Baldur the 'one man senior day care center' is ok!
I'm sympathetic re all that... and ew do I ever sympathize re the @#$%slug....

hmmm... should be around here somewhere... ahh yesss... /hands Baldur the comb built for Marius a while back... ;>

10670. 10 Dec 2012 06:33


How about a snowflake generator? You can even search for those created by others.. Baldur Bear for example..

10671. 10 Dec 2012 06:35


Here's a different one, each has it's own type of charm.

10672. 10 Dec 2012 08:10


Those are neat websites Baldur. Those and indigo's pretty designs this morning make me think we should have a snowflake drawing challenge or maybe I will introduce it for fun Tuesday.

10673. 11 Dec 2012 09:09


My goodness it's been a long while since I've checked in here. I really must get caught up!
Yes we definitly have snow here. It's been falling off and on since mid-October. Fortunatly we've had some really beautiful warm days in between so the snow gets a chance to melt too. Of course this means that the roads are a sloppy mess and all our cars are a kind of uniform shade of muck. But, that's Alberta for you.

Will check back in again when I have more time.

10674. 11 Dec 2012 10:00


Probably shouldn't be watching all those videos at work but I just had to get caught up again. What a wonderful batch of entertainment!

10675. 12 Dec 2012 13:52


Don't forget to watch tonight. Should be amazing.

10676. 12 Dec 2012 16:12


Robert is watching, I can hear it from the other room

10677. 14 Dec 2012 04:08


Baldur took his daughter Christmas shopping yesterday. It is an annual excursion and always lots of fun.
With my beard bleached white to play Santa and Miss Ashley's Kelly Green hair we do attract attention
We went to 4 different resale shops and purchased lots of 'necessities'. Like her father, Miss Ashley loves buying things used.
Yesterday's haul included several complete outfits, a couple sets of Hello Kitty bedsheets and a stack of DVDs.
Baldur took them home, will gift wrap everything.
My daughter will act surprised when opening them on Christmas Eve.

10678. 14 Dec 2012 04:15


I bought myself a grey tweed woolen sportsjacket, several neckties and a stack of CDs.
Cds seem to becoming obsolete. Has anyone else noticed that 'record' stores are shrinking their music sections?
Welcome to the age of the musical download.

Baldur is somewhat old fashioned, preferring his music recorded onto a physical medium and his books to be constructed of paper, with hard outer covers.
How frustrating to want to read a book and not find a copy in hardcover.
There is a practical reason for this preference. Paperbacks just do not hold up well. By the time I've read 400 pages of a paperback it no longer closes nicely and looks bad on the shelf.

The death of Cds is rather a boon for me. Many are starting to flood the resale shops. I can buy them very cheaply, sometimes for just $1 each.

10679. 14 Dec 2012 04:16



10680. 14 Dec 2012 04:20


Baldur is just about finished with his Christmas shopping.
I want to get another small gift for Robert. Inspiration has not struck yet but it will.
Last week the wool cardigan that I ordered for him from LL Bean came in. Beyond that I have all of his stocking stuffers.
Shopping for the few other people that receive gifts is done.
Anything that needs shipping is already on its way cross country, the Christmas cards all went out on the day before Thanksgiving.