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10641. 6 Nov 2012 19:32


Perhaps Baldur is busy helping with the rescue and clean up efforts. Hopefully he will return to TD soon!

10642. 8 Nov 2012 06:33


Sitting by my living room window with a cup of tea, watching the snowflakes transform the landscape with a beautiful blanket of white. I'm wishing I could stay here all day and not have to drive in it!

10643. 10 Nov 2012 06:47


Thank you so much, McDrawn, for that wonderful website. On my third attempt I got through to the end. It's a treasure-trove of delight!

10644. 10 Nov 2012 07:58


Herrliche Bilder, spektakulär! ... bin jetzt noch nicht durch.

10645. 16 Nov 2012 13:25


Been very quiet here on Channel Baldur lately. Once again sending out my good thoughts to Baldur and hoping all is ok where he is.
Thought I'd put this up, it's pretty neat.

10646. 18 Nov 2012 03:51


Ich hab unlängst den Rest der Packung Orecchiette gemacht. .. Baldur?!... There is SO MUCH Im missing...

Die nächsten esse ich sicher nicht alleine. Hope you´re well. Aber du sollst dich nicht "gedrängt" fühlen. Die Zeit ist so eine Sache. Naja und der Dezember kommt auch bald... Erstaunlich, ich war die letzte Zeit fast täglich hier.

10647. 20 Nov 2012 09:31


After a 3rd trip to the store to get ready to make the cranberry chutney - finding the antique allspice tin was finally empty, I received a fun email with a flash mob from last year at a mall near Chicago.

10648. 20 Nov 2012 09:44


That was really nice Normal, thanks for sharing! I'm going to add this
cranberry chutney on my Christmas table. *J*

10649. 20 Nov 2012 09:46


Cranberry chutney, great idea, das hätte heute gut zu meinem "vedischen Essen" gepasst. Da war mir heute zum ersten Mal klar, warum das chutney erfunden wurde:)
Gutes Gelingen!

10650. 20 Nov 2012 11:44


missing Baldur ... I hope all is well

10651. 23 Nov 2012 07:04


Yes, I hope all is well with Baldur, Robert and community. Missing tales of
Boughbreak..... ~J~

10652. 26 Nov 2012 03:47


Thank you for the kind thoughts everyone, and a belated Happy Thanksgiving to my listeners from the US.

Baldur is fine, just rather run ragged from being a one man senior day care center.
Between chauffeuring mother, taking care of her other projects, cooking and housework here at Boughbreak, doing odd projects for Helen of Primrose, Lady Astrid and Lady Spencer, and looking in on my friend who had a foot amputated 2 months ago has really put a damper on anything else I might care to do.

I suppose I should write out what each of these things have involved, but not right now
It's time to make Robert his breakfast

10653. 26 Nov 2012 03:52


Oh, add to the list the mess from Hurricane Sandy, which was not catastrophic here in Primrose (just very untidy), the coincidental death of Sandy the beagle (not my dog but still a friend) and the Thanksgiving holiday that found Boughbreak hosting dinner for friends.

10654. 26 Nov 2012 06:00


Fine to hear, you`re fine:) - no wonder your absence when you have such a list of jobs. Greatings to your mother and friends! and a belated Happy Thanksgiving from Vienna. Looking forward to your stories to come ... and sorry for my poor English.

10655. 26 Nov 2012 06:05


It's great to see you put in appearance, Baldur. Thanks for that ... you've put many minds at rest to know you are well and unharmed (even if more than a little frazzled).

10656. 26 Nov 2012 06:45


I am pleased to hear you are somewhat ok Baldur, and hope things settle down for you soon, though sure that is unlikely with the Christmas holiday looming.

Belated Happy Thanksgiving to all. I am recovering after spending the weekend with relatives. Great fun.

10657. 26 Nov 2012 06:53


Greetings to Baldur & company! Now that Thanksgiving is over we can all heave a sigh and kick off our shoes. Here's a video for your relaxation.

10658. 26 Nov 2012 07:05


That is hysterical Lizzi!! Thanks.

10659. 28 Nov 2012 06:54


I hope this works. This is a beautiful and remarkable film!!! Enjoy. *J*

10660. 28 Nov 2012 10:51


It's fantastic, Indigo! Thank you. I am sending this to every one I know.