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Forums - General Discussion - Channel Baldur

10621. 13 Oct 2012 03:53


What a disappointing morning. We were supposed to have our first frost last night but the thermometer only got down as low as 52 degrees.
Even for our meteorologists here in RI a 20 degree error is an unusually large number, and Baldur finds our local weathermen to be more inept than most.

10622. 14 Oct 2012 16:21


I am never disappointed to not get frost. We had out first frost a couple weeks ago and it killed a number of my plants that I had meant to bring in but hadn't (not realizing that frost was on the way that night). I'm hoping that it just killed the top parts of the plants and that they may make a come back now that they're in the house, fingers crossed.

10623. 14 Oct 2012 16:27


Baldur's tale of the lady he helped somehow reminded me of a story I read quite some time ago. I believe it happened in India but I could have that wrong. It seems there was a bus full of patients going to the mental institution, now the bus driver decided that it was high time he had a break so he stopped for a couple drinks at a bar along the way. Shockingly, when he finally got back into the bus he found that all those mental patients had escaped and were nowhere to be found. Now he knows he'll be in some serious trouble for this so he leaps into action. He drives to the nearest bus stop and picks up everone there filling his bus. He then takes them to the mental institution and tells the intake people there that these people are espescially crazy and that they keep claiming to be different people and not mental patients at all. It took several days before they figured out what had happened and let the innocent bus riders go again.

10624. 15 Oct 2012 03:12


Heavens, but were they less crazy than the intended institutees?

10625. 17 Oct 2012 10:46


I believe they were completely sane (at least when they went in) they just weren't believed because of the story the bus driver told. Not sure how sane they were when they were eventually released though.

10626. 17 Oct 2012 10:47


I must gush for a moment. Today is the first anniversary of my wedding and I'm feeling quite good. Looking forward to going out to dinner with my honey tonight to celebrate.

10627. 17 Oct 2012 11:01


Happy Anniversary Dragon! Best wishes for a lovely evening and many more
anniversaries to come! ( We celebrated our 30th this year) ^J^

10628. 17 Oct 2012 11:18


I remember the date and the picture. Happy anniversary and a pleasant evening!

10629. 23 Oct 2012 16:52


Baldur I must say that my brief visit to your lovely state was very enjoyable. I did not see anything beyond Newport though, touring the Vanderbilt mansions on my first visit, and on the way back to New York, I did a little walking tour and visited some of the shops. I had some delicious lobster rolls at one of the resteraunts although I can't remember the name of it. I believe it was a German pub of some sort. I was hoping to time my trip with the fall colors but was too early for your area and farther north the fall had been too warm to have changed the leaves and they were turning brown rather then the brilliant reds and golds I was hoping to see. Quebec City was the only place I saw any color and it was beautiful.

10630. 23 Oct 2012 18:43


I'm glad you enjoyed RI Hazer, up here in Primrose we are just past our peak foliage color

10631. 23 Oct 2012 18:44


and happy belated Anniversary Dragon

10632. 25 Oct 2012 05:38


Happy National Greasy Food Day!

this is a good one, everyone should participate

10633. 25 Oct 2012 09:58


lol--didn't know it was National Greasy Food Day till after I ate too many onion rings.

10634. 29 Oct 2012 07:15


Well Baldur, imagine you are making preparations for the approaching hurricane? Whatever you are up to, we are thinking about you and sending best wishes that all stays well with you, Robert, furry ones, and your estate.

May the power stay on and your house stay cozy,
May the winds be soft and let you be,
May the rains that come be gentle and sweet,
Protection for all on your neighborhood street. : )

10635. 29 Oct 2012 21:00


Hazer is watching the news in shock and disbelief at the devastation by hurricane Sandy of the beautiful places she visited just a couple of weeks ago. The cruise ship, the Princess Emerald, is waiting out the storm, hopefully safe. My thoughts and prayers are with all who are in danger tonight.

10636. 30 Oct 2012 07:42


Have seen the news. Hope you stay save!

10637. 31 Oct 2012 08:11


Our thoughts are with all those of you on west coast USA. Hoping the terrible destruction and loss is confined to what we have already seen.

10638. 31 Oct 2012 16:07


Seems to me that all will slowly return to normal in North Carolina after Sandy. Regarding our neighbors to the north, I am worried. New York and especially New Jersey are devastated. Please do what you can to help.

On a lighter note, to all my Think Draw friends and cat lovers, Happy Halloween! Not sure if you can see this if you are not on Facebook, but hope so. 438707552&type=1&theater

Take care.

10639. 1 Nov 2012 11:39


Mdawrcn, I must have spent an hour looking at the wonderful wildlife pics on that site! Thanks for sharing it with us!

10640. 6 Nov 2012 14:09


Haven't heard from Baldur in a while, hope all is safe and secure in his neck of the woods.