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10601. 4 Oct 2012 10:05


My spices are organized by "Stuff I use" in front and "Stuff I bought cause I needed it for a recipe once and have never used again" in back. (Not sure what that would be in Latin.

10602. 4 Oct 2012 10:05



10603. 6 Oct 2012 03:14


Somer - r = Some

10604. 6 Oct 2012 03:16


Other than yesterday the past 10 days have been drizzly and grey here at Boughbreak. Autumn has descended with all it's might.

10605. 7 Oct 2012 04:17


Baldur needs to get back into the swing of sharing stories here again.
Summer sort of through me off track and then ended with with the computer mess here at Boughbreak.

10606. 7 Oct 2012 04:29


My mother has these past couple of weeks been suddenly cleaning clutter out of the house, mainly her basement. She is a fastidiously neat person, my father was a bit of a horder. Since he passed away two years ago most of his belongings have remained untouched. Now however things are getting packed up and sent away.

This of course involves Baldur as he must takes boxes and boxes of stuff and find new homes for them.
So far out of the dozen carloads of items I have kept but one thing. A 1920's era vintage candlestick telephone that I remember my father repainting and rewiring as a table lamp some 45+ years ago. The white paint and gold trim will be removed, to return it to its original black finish.
Robert also kept a small metal toolbox and a pair of beach sandals.
The rest of the haul is systematically going up to my friend Matthew in Shrewsbury.
This is not the same Matthew we all 'love' here on ThinkDraw.
Matthew of Shrewsbury makes a living by reselling things in consignment shops. Almost anything is fair game to sell.

10607. 7 Oct 2012 07:54


I have my spice rack alphabetized, but it only holds 16 bottles, so then there are the 2 double-decker lazy susans, no need to alphabetize there, and the overflow goes in 2 or 3 different places in the cupboard. I seem to be fond of flavour. I had not realized how large my collection is until this topic came up!

10608. 8 Oct 2012 05:52


Hi Baldur. Nice to read some new stories of you. Ive noticed your computer problems but you didnt tell us the end, obviously they are not solved yet, or could it be that Ive missed some comments here? And who is Robert?

10609. 8 Oct 2012 07:48


I was going to suggest to Baldur that his mother get some pickers into the house (don't know if you've ever seen American Pickers but your father's 'hoard' sounds like just their sort of thing) but it sounds like your friend consignment store is an even better method as it doesn't involve havine strangers tramping through the house. Strangers with TV cameras if she invited the actual American Pickers.
I myself try to fight my hoarder instinct almost every day. I've always been a "collector" since I was a little child but I'm really trying to reduce the clutter now and let go of those things that we really don't need. Our house isn't big enough to fill it with collections and whenever I watch the shows about pickers (which are really kind of the happy versions of shows about hoarders) it makes me want to get rid of more stuff.

10610. 8 Oct 2012 07:48


friend +'s =friend's

10611. 8 Oct 2012 12:46


Before we leave the spice shelf, my double-decker susan IS alphabetical.
It also contains an actual tin of allspice (how old are those?), inherited from Mom with a price stamped (how long ago was that) of 12 cents!
You can guess how often I bake.

My condo also overfloweth and I wish not to leave the chore to my only kid.
I'm slowly diminishing the books. Occasional stab at the clothes for the thrift shop. Never stayed anywhere 20 years before! It's awful.

10612. 8 Oct 2012 14:43


Lol, I know what you mean, Normal! I have never stayed anywhere 25 years before, so it has piled up. I have been packing up boxes of books, etc., but it is a mammoth job!

10613. 8 Oct 2012 14:45


Actually, Dragon's suggestion of having the Pickers in...? I think I might try selling some stuff on e-bay instead.^_^

10614. 9 Oct 2012 07:17


Hi everyone! Haven't been by in awhile, but saw this video and thought of all of you animal lovers on thinkdraw! It's really a sweet story!

10615. 10 Oct 2012 05:58


Sweet! They dont observe "the rules":)

10616. 11 Oct 2012 15:28


This is cute, possibly a little contrived but cute none the less. quad

10617. 12 Oct 2012 03:27


Here we go, adorable videos and more of Baldur's adventures...

10618. 12 Oct 2012 03:27


The continuing adventures of delivering clutter to Matthew of Shrewsbury,,,

While unloading the car this short plump woman in her 60s walked up

Matthew's driveway towards me. She was carrying several big shopping bags and was dragging a long coat over her arm onto the ground.
She said 'Thank Jesus, you are the first living soul I've seen in miles'.
The story progessed...she was from Bolton, a town some 15 miles away, and took a bus into Union Station (Worcester) and then a cab to the prison (Shrewsbury).
Her husband was locked up the day before for drunken brawling. He is 63 and has never been imprisoned before.
She didn't have enough money for the cab fare and gave the cab driver, who apparently was very nice, the $20 bill she had. She kept 41 cents

They would not let her in to see her husband, for whatever reason, and that left her stranded. He was supposed to have over $100 in his pocket, which was her only hope of getting back home.
So she walked and eventually found me

Apparently her bus ticket from Bolton was round-trip but she certainly couldn't walk to Union Station.

I sighed and told her I would drive her downtown though I am from RI and do not know my way around the city. I asked if she could direct me there, She could not.
Then she wanted to use the bathroom!
I once again told her I was from RI and that this was not my house.
Anyway she assumed then that there would be a rest room at Union Station
Finally I get on my way, not lingering to pick pears from Matthew's tree as I had hoped to do, with this Hermione Baddely impersonator and drive onto the highway.
Somehow miraculously I got off at the right exit and could see the towers of the train station.
She blessed me, tried to give me 41 cents but most importantly got out of the car and wandered off into the sunset
The End

Unless of course her story was an alibi and she was actually on the run from some facility in which case I aided and abetted her escape.

10619. 13 Oct 2012 03:49


Happy irthday to solosater!

10620. 13 Oct 2012 03:50


irthday + B = Birthday