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Forums - General Discussion - Channel Baldur

10561. 8 Sep 2012 15:03


Hello, I'm broadcasting tonight from a friend's computer. I cannot believe how long I have been away.
Our motherboard died on our home computer, meaning we must buy a new one. The place we brought it to in hopes of repairing it salvaged our files to an external hard drive, but the computer is no more.

Baldur is flying to Los Angeles this Friday for a week to visit little Kanye. We certainly won't have the new computer before I leave.
Thank you for your thoughts, I miss you all.

10562. 8 Sep 2012 15:50


Have fun in LA Baldur. Hope you enjoy visiting with your grandson (really, how could you not?)
We look forward to your return to Channel Baldur.

10563. 10 Sep 2012 11:50


How to Get to Mars - pretty cool.

10564. 11 Sep 2012 11:19


Happy Journey, Baldur. We hope you are soon graced with a working computer all your own!

I'd like to borrow some air time on my (actual) birthday to thank all those who made such lovely cards and added greetings to others. Somehow, 75 years didn't seem so much to deal with, but now 76 does. Perhaps that too will fade. My spirits always perk up when I tune in to see what my TD friends have been doing/drawing. The Grandgirl was just here to deliver a BD card and, as usual, wanted to visit TD. She especially loves the old showcases, picking Halloween and Christmas. Best of all in her eyes, are the playbacks - "How did they do that?" Nice ot have a young fan.

And thanks from the old fan!

10565. 11 Sep 2012 18:11


That was pretty neat mdawrcn. The Curiosity had a much gentler landing. They created a rig with rockets that could steer it to exactly where they needed to put it down then settled it down and detatched and flew back off again. It looked pretty neat in the article I read.

10566. 15 Sep 2012 05:35


I had the same problem with my computer, Baldur. I got a laptop and find it impossible to draw as the pictures are distorted. Maybe something I could fix if I knew how. I am not a happy camper! Why can't they leave well enough alone? I loved my XP operating system! Oh well, no use to cry...gotta keep up with technology.

10567. 15 Sep 2012 05:47


Okay, no more grumbling from me. I have missed seeing all the wonderful artwork while my computer was down. I am very grateful that the computer tech was able to save my pictures and documents and put them on an external hard drive. He will transfer them to my laptop for me and I will be sure to back them up in the future!
Thanks for the Birthday wishes. I am celebrating by going on a cruise. It will be the first time for me. I'm doing the New York to Quebec City cruise. Can't wait.

10568. 15 Sep 2012 06:05


Nice to hear from you Hazer, and bon voyage! I hope you have a great time.

10569. 17 Sep 2012 09:53


Have fun Hazer. I haven't heard of that particular cruise before but both those cities sound fantastic.

10570. 17 Sep 2012 11:07


Thanks Lizzi and Dragon. I'll be on the Emerald Princess.....and feeling like a princess too, I'm sure. The stops along the way, Dragon, are Newport, Boston, Bar Harbor, St. John, Halifax, Sydney, and Corner Brook. There is so much to see so I'm praying the weather will be good. The fall colors should be beautiful. On the way back we will stop at PEI instead of Corner Brook.

10571. 20 Sep 2012 16:32


Well, sure will be nice when our host returns because who else can I ask about summer savory?

Perhaps one of his listening audience knows why dried summer savory is no longer sold in grocery stores. Anyone? Here's the story, I don't use savory much but recently used the last and then discovered it is no longer sold in stores, at least not around here. For goodness sakes, it's a delightful herb but I was told "it's out of fashion these days."

Out of fashion? My world has been rocked. That seems like saying mint is out of fashion, or sage or thyme. Baldur? ??? ???

10572. 21 Sep 2012 07:47


I have a carpet of it in my front garden and it's so great when I walk on it. The SMELL! I would send you some if I could. Have you tried the seed houses? I think they have things that nurseries don't stock. Start some in a pot and when it's ready, put it in the ground. It spreads nicely. I also have an area rug of greek oregano.^_^

10573. 22 Sep 2012 00:05


I love using summer savory in vegetable soup. Come to think of it I have never seen it sold in stores. I have always gotten a supply of it from my mother- in- law. It would never grow for me because I think I always planted it too deep. The seeds are very fine. I have long since used up my supply and Mom is moving into an apartment so I will have to find a new source.

10574. 22 Sep 2012 07:27


Baldur is back!
Robert replaced our computer while I was away visiting my grandson.
I find this very exciting

As for savory, Baldur admits to not being a fan of it, so it is not in my garden. You can get it online at my favourite online spice and herb seller:

Right now they have a special offer (coupon code 97185C) that gets you an 8oz jar of 'Raspberry Enlightenment; with any $5 purchase.
You can find the product description on their website.

Certainly it is also available other places online, as well as any shops that sell spices and herbs by the ounce.

10575. 22 Sep 2012 14:45


Greetings and salutations, Baldur! (Or gravy and salad dressings). It's so nice to have you back. Marius was right - you are the source!

10576. 23 Sep 2012 04:28


Thanks all for thoughts about summer savory. Already ordered some but will try Baldur's favorite spice and herb source the next time. There is actually a Penzey’s near us, well ... 45 minutes away and that's not too bad.

And Lizzie, I like the idea of growing savory. Maybe I'll try that next spring.
Here's a question for our illustrious host (who seems to have returned, new computer assisting him) and for anyone else who is listening … how long do you keep spices/herbs? I remember the shock when I first read that one should dispose of herbs/spices after a certain point in time. Thing is - would not be surprised if the last of my savory was 30 years old, and of course that explains why I didn’t know it wasn’t being sold in stores anymore. Surely I am not the only one to hang on to herbs and spices like this but I’ve always done it, with no ill effects of which I am aware. As far as I can tell, most herbs and spices last forever. And I certainly have sachets that are many years old and still quite fragrant. Tee hee, I’ve even purchased a new herb and compared it to a much older one and cannot tell the difference.

In the meanwhile, Dragon, that video of the hamsters made me laugh myself silly. Thanks for that.

And, Baldur, how was the visit with your family and grandson?

10577. 23 Sep 2012 10:57


Haven't had savory among my balcony herbs in several years, but they go great on green beans! Also along with the chives and thyme in omelettes.
Once even had savory soup in France. Beyond my desire to replicate, though.

10578. 23 Sep 2012 17:55


Marius, have you noticed how "they" are telling us to throaw eveything out because it's " too old". Who is they? Follow the money. It's all a plot to make us keep buying new stuff that we do not need. Our grandparents never heard of a 'best before date'. It's a recent invention, and useful for perishable items, but there's nothing about dried herbs that can perish, except perhaps some of them will lose a bit of their strength, efficacy, flavour, punch over time. I have spices from more than 30 years ago, because some are used , and I do not have to replenish my supply . My 5 senses tell me whether a sustance is still 'good'. "They" don't want us to rely on common sense.

10579. 24 Sep 2012 08:27


Tee hee, Lizzi, nice to know someone else has spices/herbs that have been around a few decades. Think you are right about "following the money" too.

I'm not particularly frugal but there are just some things ... for example, spouse laughs at the way I finish a big bottle of hand lotion! What I do is cut through the plastic lotion container about half way up, get out the spatula and dollop what's left into my little mini-jar. There is generally enough lotion to provide as many as ten more moisturizing sessions and why would I want to throw that out? No doubt this practice has provided many "free" bottles of lotion over the years and hey, you can still recycle the plastic even if it's cut. : )

10580. 24 Sep 2012 10:43


I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one who cuts open the moisterizer bottle. There really is quite a bit left in the bottom that the pump can't seem to get. I've always thought it would make much more sense for them to make a bottle which had sloped sides inside so the bottom would come to a point and all the lotion would naturally ooze down to the bottom of the pump tube, but that would cost them money to make and I'm sure they don't care if we throw out that last bit of lotion and buy a new bottle.
I too have heard that you should throw out dried herbs after a certain amount of time (I think it was 6 or 12 months but I can't be sure) and I too have always totally ignored it and kept on using them as long as I've had them. If you really think about it how do you know when the herbs were dried? How long did it take for them to get to the store? & How long they were on the shelf at the store? It does seem a little fishy. Now that I have my little indoor herb garden I have the luxury of using fresh herbs for most things but I still have lots of dried ones on hand too.