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Forums - General Discussion - Channel Baldur

10541. 2 Aug 2012 20:08


Happy Birthday chelydra!

10542. 3 Aug 2012 11:07


This tickled me, have to share it.

10543. 3 Aug 2012 17:42


Thanks for sharing Dragon. Crows are so smart, I love them! ^J^

10544. 4 Aug 2012 11:15


That was fun, Dragon! Never knew crows were "pigeon-toed!"

10545. 6 Aug 2012 04:16


Crows are quite brilliant.

10546. 6 Aug 2012 15:14


Great video Dragon. Crows are amazing.

10547. 7 Aug 2012 09:55


Yesterday I was given a squash plant by a friend. Her mom had started it and they know I'm trying my hand at gardening and thought I might like it. She didn't know what variety of squash plant it is (I'm guessing one of the winter varieties) and it already has several lovely blossoms just starting to open. I'm wondering if any of our gardeners here have some tips on growing squash? I'm planning to plant it tonight after work and was hoping for a few pointers before I decide exactly where to place it in my yard.

10548. 9 Aug 2012 17:12


Hey Normal, maybe Pigeons are Crow-toed.

10549. 14 Aug 2012 09:02


Please excuse my absence, the computer at Boughbreak crashed several days ago.
It is now away at a computer hospital and my appearance online is now at the whim of others gracious enough to give me a few moments of Internet time.
Baldur suspects computer normalcy will not return for at least a week.

10550. 14 Aug 2012 10:03


Sorry to hear that are missed! *J*

10551. 17 Aug 2012 15:30


Can't remember if I've shared this before but the silence here on Channel Baldur is bumming me out so here's a little something from Simon's Cat.

10552. 21 Aug 2012 16:47


The silence on Channel Baldur is deafening... hope you'll be back in action soon, Baldur.

I've been loving this for a couple of months now... the kids and I watch it regularly and it touches us every time.

Hope you enjoy it too...

10553. 21 Aug 2012 17:52


Since Dragon said the silence on Channel Baldur is bumming her out, thought I'd share a snippet of life in Missouri tonight. We may have a drought going on but that hasn’t put a damper on everything … I’m calling this the night of charades and hummingbirds, bats and cats and funny little boys!

Took Puck the cat out to eat grass salad in the backyard tonight. The other cat was content to lay at the top of the cat tree on the porch.

Great evening. Not too hot so the neighbor kids were playing baseball in the big yard next to us. I went in the screened porch to get something when I noticed the calico eyeing something. A little hummingbird had flown into our porch and was perched on a windowsill.

Okay, I think I can talk to animals. The hummingbird didn't seem to mind this talking so I asked if I could cup it in my hands to take it outside. The bird gave itself over to being handled with no fuss. It chirped one time but that was it and who knows, maybe the chirp was a thank you.

Well, you can't walk outside with your hands cupped around a bird and have the neighbor boys ignore this! There were two eight year olds and one six year old. They were sure the hummingbird was dead but I said, "No, it's just being quiet." Then Preston the eight year old thought he should hold the bird. He had two big pincer-like fingers coming for the bird and that didn't seem like a good idea so I convinced Preston to let me slide the bird into his outstretched hand. That was priceless. The bird sat in Preston's hand about two seconds, then spread it's tail and vanished with a loud wing buzz and a little chirp that possibly could have meant "see you later." Oh stop laughing ... none of us REALLY knows how everything works in the natural world. : )

Naturally, the hummingbird got the boys going and they wanted to know if the bats were back. Indeed ... they are. They'd left when it got hot again but we shined a flashlight up into the bat house and the boys got all excited. The six year old was hopping all around, saying, "They are PACKED!!! You couldn't squeeze another one in there!!!"

After all of this, the boys had to play charades. Naturally the six year old is not very good at this so when it was his turn, he ran around wildly in a sort of circle jumping up and down. Everyone guessed and guessed but none of us knew what he was supposed to be. I think he was trying to out-do his brother who had just won a round of charades by acting like a crayon. (Like I said, funny game to play with young kids.) I finally guessed the six year old was a piece of popcorn getting microwaved in a bag and that sounded good to him so he said that was what he was.

Alas, it was getting dark and the boys have school tomorrow so I sent them home. One of the mom's yelled across the fence, "Didn't you say you were going to keep them overnight?" Haha, funny lady.

... now I'll have to check out the you tube offerings. We miss you Baldur. Hope you get your computer soon. : )

10554. 21 Aug 2012 18:01


Oh ... I always love Simon the cat, and Mum? That was LOVELY!!!!!!

10555. 24 Aug 2012 13:12


Marius, I wish I lived in your neighborhood.

This is a cute video.

10556. 24 Aug 2012 14:20


Somebody sent me that delightful orchestral flash mob doing Beehoven's 9th - love it. The chorale must have been in Spanish?? Always bothers me when I can't hear, "Freude, freude!" Or, "Alle menschen werden brueder!"

But then it could be aging ears too.

10557. 28 Aug 2012 07:18


I loved all those videos! Thanks to everyone who submitted them. Baldur! We are still missing you.

10558. 30 Aug 2012 16:42


This made me laugh, these little guys must have been awfully dizzy by the end.

10559. 2 Sep 2012 07:05


I heard about this on TV this morning: ICFUG8KgodlF0Aaw

10560. 7 Sep 2012 12:45


"You don't miss the water 'til the well runs dry" has never been so true! We miss you Baldur!!! We need our radio station to keep us connected. It adds that little extra 'hit 'of cohesion to our community. You're the GLUE, Baldur.