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Forums - General Discussion - Channel Baldur

10481. 21 Jun 2012 18:33


The snow peas are blooming like crazy and a few of the spent blossoms are making way to little shiney peapodettes.
Last week Baldur took the first row of beet seedlings that were struggling in the hard soil and transplanted them into sandier loam where the second row is flourishing.
Then I worked some sand into the vacant row, in hopes of loosening the soil up. A new line of beet seeds were sown ..and voila' they have emerged already.

10482. 21 Jun 2012 21:04


Check this out, Baldur....

10483. 22 Jun 2012 09:47


Loved that Hazer especially the Auroras (not sure whether they were Borealis or Australis or both but they were beautiful) and the lightening as seen from space.

Hearing about Baldur's fresh veggies makes me want to plant a veggie garden of my own. Does Baldur grow any herbs? I have a thriving batch of basil and parsley indoors and a good crop of cilantro starting outdoors but it seems I am destined not to have homegrown rosemary as both the indoor and outdoor batches are so small and pitiful that I couldn't even dream of harvesting from them.

10484. 22 Jun 2012 19:43


I grow basil, chives, garlic chives a couple different mints and sage.
Parsley sort of got overlooked in the mad dash to move the garden, but it will be back next Spring
There are no plans to grow cilantro..ever.

10485. 22 Jun 2012 19:44


Thank you for that cool video Hazer. It looks like CGI, but is real.

10486. 22 Jun 2012 19:47


Heavens, my Steampunk Social here at Boughbreak is rapidly approaching.
Today I baked the Blueberry Crumble and the Cheese Tart with Pineapple Preserves (my bad reaction to pineapple notwithstanding!)
Hopefully tomorrow morning will see the Ginger Biscuits, Deviled Eggs and Onion Confit done so that I can concentrate on housecleaning.

10487. 23 Jun 2012 09:19


Wow, Baldur has uncovered a conspiracy!
Maybe I am just a hater, but here is the text of the message that I just sent Rachel
Do I have too much time on my hands? Does anyone else see what I'm getting at?
Hello, it's been a while since Baldur has found something odd to report but here I am again.
I pay attention to the birthday listings and have noticed that every single day is Guess the Artist Game's birthday. Being a bit of a snoop I waited to see if it is there when the list of birthdays changes at 11pm BST (Baldur Standard Time). It is not, but somebody changes the birthday to add it to the list shortly afterwards.
My point?
This person lists a website on Guess The Artist Game's profile:
So in effect this is a way to keep spamming ThinkDraw.
Pretty clever huh?

10488. 23 Jun 2012 09:20


By the way, please do not click on that link. I forgot to insert a space to disable it on Radio Baldur.

10489. 25 Jun 2012 08:03


Good on you for doing the detective work, Baldur. I was getting an uneasy feeling about that, too.

Well, "Sunny Alberta" seems to be a bit of a misnomer. We've only seen brief glimpses of sunshine this past month. It's beginning to get old...and I usually like the rain.

10490. 25 Jun 2012 12:17


Hazer ran out to mow grass ( was actually guilt-ed into it by the sound of the neighbors lawn mower) between showers, and discovered while she's been enjoying her time on TD, the ants have been setting up camp in the front lawn. The little bait traps I set out back by the garage door only seemed to get rid of them briefly and they have come back with a vengance. Any advice?

Also wondering how to keep the little head-banging birds away from my front window. I must have heard four crashes on Sunday alone.

10491. 25 Jun 2012 13:25


I once had ants coming in to my kitchen. The nice man at the hardware sold me a 3-oz bottle of clear liquid and told me to'put it on their route, and wait for them to drink it. They will love it. They will then go home and feed it to all their tiny babies. End of ant colony in less than one week.' I made it so, and the ants diappeared until the following spring. In they marched again, and again they found a puddle of the clear liquid. There was an excited 5-second conference after which they all turned and ran back the way they'd come. End of story. Keep away from children and pets. Oh, this happened in the mid-eighties. The exact brand may not be available now. Ant-B-Gon, made by the Solaris Group, Montreal and Mississauga. Green Cross. $5.99 . Good luck with your eviction!

10492. 25 Jun 2012 16:04


Sprinkle Cream of Wheat on an ant hill or around and they eat it and bloat so much it kills them. I tried it and it does work. AND best of all it's safe for children and pets. I had to do two applications on the hill in our backyard and the hill is gone.

10493. 25 Jun 2012 18:12


Thanks Lizzi and indigo. I've got some cream of wheat...I'll give it a try. I like that it's non toxic.

10494. 26 Jun 2012 10:50


Ant-B-Gon is still available and what's more, it's available in Alberta. We use it at the clinic (being very careful to keep the pets away from it) with moderate success. I think we got it at Peavey Mart but I'm not sure about that.

10495. 26 Jun 2012 15:32


Thanks Dragon. It's been too rainy to use the cream of wheat. When I passed the ant traps in the back yard today there was not an ant to be seen. Yesterday there were oodles of them...maybe they were from out of town.

10496. 29 Jun 2012 04:15


The Globe Theatre burns down (1613)
Elizabeth Barrett Browning dies (1861)
Antoine de Saint-Exupery is born (1900)
An attempt to assasinate Grigori Rasputin is made in Siberia (1914)
Ray Harryhausen is born !!!!!!!!!!!(1920)
Roscoe 'Fatty' Arbuckle dies (1933)
Katherine Hepburn dies (2003)

10497. 29 Jun 2012 09:06


Ants don't like water, they can't swim, so you never see them on rainy days. I like Indigo's suggestion. It's excellent for situations where you cannot hide the Ant-B-Gon where pets can't reach it.

10498. 1 Jul 2012 04:18


Happy Birthday Arw65!

10499. 1 Jul 2012 06:15



10500. 1 Jul 2012 09:20


Have a great day and a great year! ^J^