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Forums - General Discussion - Channel Baldur

10461. 10 Jun 2012 03:47


Happy Birthday to Hattie McDaniel, Judy Garland and Maurice Sendak!

10462. 10 Jun 2012 03:49


The only Hawthorne trees I've seen up here in the Northeast are in very old gardens. They have always been rather sad and neglected looking.
I'm quite surprised that they can be so attractive.
This looks like a good choice.

10463. 10 Jun 2012 09:34


I hope the hail at Boughbreak didn't damage any of the plant life there. (Or the Gnomes either, do Gnomes live in fear of large hail? They would in Alberta, we get crazy hail sometimes.)

10464. 11 Jun 2012 03:15


Today's musical moment on Radio Baldur is a song most remembered as a hit for 'The Searchers'.

"Needles and Pins" written by Jack Nitzsche and Sonny Bono

I saw her today, I saw her face
It was the face I loved and I knew
I had to run away and get down on my knees and pray
That they'd go away
But still they begin
Needles and pins
Because of all my pride
The tears I gotta hide

Hey, I thought I was smart, I wanted her
Didn't think I'd do, but now I see
She's worse to him than me
Let her go ahead, take his love instead
And one day she will see

Just how to say please
And get down on her knees
Yeah, that's how it begins
She'll feel those needles and pins
a-hurtin her, a-hurtin her

Why can't I stop and tell myself I'm wrong, I'm wrong, so wrong
Why can't I stand up and tell myself I'm strong

Because I saw her today, I saw her face
It was the face I loved and I knew
I had to run away and get down on my knees and pray
That they'd go away

But still they begin
Needles and pins
Because of all my pride
The tears I gotta hide
Ah, needles and pins
Needles and pins
Needles and pins

10465. 11 Jun 2012 03:17


I think that Gnomes wear armoured caps.

The plants seemed to make it unscathed.

10466. 12 Jun 2012 19:10


I sincerely hope that Baldur has not gardened himself into a disability rendering him unable to use the computer. I bought a power hedge trimmer on Friday, and have managed to avoid using it because of the rain ,and then, the heat-and-humidity. My hedge is overhanging the public sidewalk, and I wonder when the city will threaten me. Oh dear. Tomorrow my new A/C will be installed. What a relief that will be!!! Perhaps it will inspire me to get out there and mow down the hedge, knowing that I can come in and cool down as needed. Wish me luck.

10467. 13 Jun 2012 04:50


Good luck Lizzi. We are getting lots of rain and humidity also, so I have been able to put off mowing for few days. As I have mentioned before, I am not a very good gardener. It seems I barely have enough time to keep the big yard mowed and trimmed, but I did have some big pots that I wasn't using so I decided to buy some herbs to grow on my porch. I got sweet basil, which I use all the time, Greek oregano, chocolate mint and I couldn't pass up the catnip. I got the chocolate mint just because it smelled so good. The tag said it would be good sprinkled in salads and deserts. If anyone has other suggestions for how to use any of these herbs, I would be most appreciative. I have made pesto before and put basil in many things. Sometimes for lunch I will have fresh tomatoes, black olives, mozzarella cheese sprinkled with olive oil and basil.

10468. 14 Jun 2012 03:47


Happy Birthday Inked Gemini!

10469. 16 Jun 2012 19:55


Mumtaz Mahal dies (1631)
Igor Stravinsky is born (1882)
The Statue of Liberty arrives in N.Y. Harbor (1885)
M.C. Escher is born (1898)
Edward Burne-Jones dies (1898)
Ruth Wakefield is born!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (1903)
Barry Manilow is born (1943)
Venus Williams is born (1980)
Kate Smith dies (1986)
The Dusky Seaside Sparrow becomes extinct (1987)
O.J. Simpson is arrested for the murder of his wife and her friend (1994)
Gianfranco Ferre' dies (2007)
Cyd Charisse dies (2008)

Happy World Day to Prevent Desertification and Drought!

10470. 18 Jun 2012 03:39


The moon's Giordano Bruno crater is believed to be formed (1178)
Napoleon is defeated at Waterloo (1815)
Longyu, Empress Dowager of China orders all foreigners killed (1900)
Grand Duchess Anastasia Nicolaievna Romanova is born (1901)
Jeanette MacDonald is born (1903)
The first Checker Taxi hits the streets (1923)
Roger Ebert is born (1942)
Paul McCartney is born (1942)
Chris Van Allsburg is born (1949)
Jaroslaw Kaczynski is born (1949)
Lech Kaczynski is born (1949)
Ted Kaczynski is indicted (1996)
Tasha Tudor dies (2008)
Clarence Clemons dies (2011)

Happy Autistic Pride Day!

10471. 19 Jun 2012 04:22


Happy Juneteenth!

10472. 19 Jun 2012 04:33


Wallis Simpson is born (1896)
Moe Howard is born (1897)
Wahoo McDaniel is born (1938)
Julius and Ethel Rosenberg are executed (1953)
Paula Abdul is born (1962)
'Garfield' makes his debut (1978)

10473. 19 Jun 2012 08:40


This I believe is the fourth consecutive day that a ThinkDraw member with a variation of the name 'Guess The Artist Game' is celebrating a birthday.
Happy Birthday to them all.

10474. 21 Jun 2012 03:17


We are now at 6 consecutive days that a 'guess the artist game' is celebrating a birthday. Happy Birthday!

10475. 21 Jun 2012 03:19


Happy Solstice!

10476. 21 Jun 2012 03:34


Rockwell Kent is born (1882)
The Boxer Rebellion begins (1900)
Jane Russell is born (1921)
Maureen Stapleton is born (1925)
Berkeley Breathed is born (1957)
Prince William is born (1982)
Carroll O'Connor dies (2001)
SpaceShipOne first achieves spaceflight (2004)

10477. 21 Jun 2012 09:56


Geez, it's been so long since I've been on TD I almost forgot how it works. It's a good thing Channel Baldur is the only thread I actually follow anymore or I'd have so much catching up to do it would be daunting.
An update on my gardening, my calla lillies are continueing to blossom out nicely though a few of the larger leaves are looking a little sickly. I think I may have put too many in the pot together, they may be crowding each other. Perhaps when I take them inside in winter I'll have to thin them down and get another planter for the excess. My irises are finally starting to bloom. I thought they were all dying because they looked so limp and then all of a sudden one of them had a beautiful blossom on it. At least one more will be blooming within the next couple of days and I dare to hope that some of the others are starting to look a little healthier too. I suspect they will all come up quite nicely next year. My sweetpeas at home are beginning to thrive and the ones I planted at work are positively jungle-like though there are no blossoms yet in either place I have high hopes that they will be popping out soon. I tried planting the strawberry 'baby' plants that were hanging off the mother plant but I think I should have soaked them in water first to let the roots begin growing before planting them as they are looking a little sad. They also got hailed on a couple days ago but it was not very big hail and I don't think it damaged them at all. We'll see if they take off at all. If not, oh well, it was kind of an experiment anyway to see how they'd do in a very narrow stretch of space.

10478. 21 Jun 2012 11:03


Happy birthday Prince William! He has just inherited his share of Diana's estate.
Turning 30 is not all bad.

10479. 21 Jun 2012 18:26


Oh my. Baldur just saw the International Space Station pass overhead!
Well, I happened to be outside at 10:11pm trying to get Chloe to come in for the night. And what to my wondering eyes should appear?
The International Space Station passing directly overhead!
They had made some to do about it on the evening news but the odds of me being outside at exactly the right time were quite slim.
It sped from horizon to horizon in under 10 seconds, and the light seemed more on the orange side than on a typical aircraft.
I came in and went to the Nasa website and indeed it was the ISS.
Truly amazing.

10480. 21 Jun 2012 18:29


Gardens are amazing.
Baldur has harvested and eaten 2 crops of broccoli already this year. The second picking was easily a pound. Not bad for only 8 plants.
More florets are sprouting from the sides.
Each of the 9 tomato plants has little green fruit on it, and we have an abundance of tiny green cucumbers.