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Forums - General Discussion - Channel Baldur

10421. 25 May 2012 19:24


I just went out to check on my growing things this evening I noticed that almost all of my asiatic lilies are starting to grow flower buds. I can't wait to see them bloom!

10422. 25 May 2012 19:27


Found this picture of someone standing on a ladder to pick their rattlesnake beans and I thought Baldur might appreciate it. You have to scroll down a little but it's the first pic on there. ing-460214

10423. 25 May 2012 19:27


Shoot I don't think the link worked. Darnit!

10424. 26 May 2012 00:24


I think there's a space in the link. Fingers crossed ... ing-460214

10425. 26 May 2012 00:30


:-( Same problem.

10426. 26 May 2012 00:34


Last try: ing-460214?click=main_sr

10427. 26 May 2012 04:01


I went to the website Login and with just a little poking around found the photograph. Heavens, what have I let myself in for?

The last of the Spring planting is finished, plus the Chinese cabbagey things have sprouted.
In the sprawly vine area Baldur planted:
Rouge Vif d'Etampes pumpkins
Long Island Cheese pumpkins
Jarrahdale pumpkins
Butternut Squash
Jenny Lind melons
Rocky Ford Green Flesh melons

I just may build a trellis for the Jenny Lind melons. Their fruit is rather small, a good-sized one will be about the size of a largish orange. They climb well and can support the weight of the little melons quite easily.

10428. 26 May 2012 04:12


Baldur the peach killer was at it again.
I picked hundreds of baby peaches off of our 2 trees and dumped them into the compost.
Do I despise peaches? no. Our trees form so many fruit each year that they cannot possibly nourish them to maturity. They were completely covered with little green fuzzy peachlets.
Baldur started by systematically removing every other peach and then went back and removed the others that were still too closely situated.
All of this carnage resulted in a good-sized bucket full of immature fruit.
In truth I could probably remove hundreds more, which would eventually result in even larger fruit.
I will stop here though.

The pears do not need ths treatment. If there are too many, they drop off the excess on their own.

The cherries are another matter. Baldur has 2 good-sized cherry trees that are loaded each year with bushels of cherries. Yet I have never gotten to eat one.
As soon as the fruit shows the slightest trace of red, flocks of birds descend on Boughbreak and devour every last cherry. The trees are much too large to cover with mesh.
We must be satisfied that the birds are well fed.

10429. 26 May 2012 12:40


This video of the baby moose reminded me of the time I looked out my kitchen window to see twin fawns playing tag in my back yard.

10430. 28 May 2012 03:46


That was a charming video. Children will be children.

10431. 28 May 2012 03:47


Happy Birthday to porkyporks!

10432. 28 May 2012 05:58


Thanks Baldur! The video is super cute!

10433. 29 May 2012 05:20


The Fall of Constantinople, Sultan Mehmed Il Fatih takes the city, ending the Byzantine Empire (1453)
King Charles II of England is born (1630)
Charles II is restored to the English throne, and on his birthday yet! (1660)
Jenny Lind ends her successful 2 year tour of the USofA (1852)
Bob Hope is born (1903)
T.H. White is born (1906)
The premiere of Igor Stravinsky's 'The Rite of Spring' incites a riot (1913)
Bing Crosby records 'White Christmas' (1942)
Fanny Brice dies (1951)
Tenzing Norgay and Edmund Hillary become the first men to reach the summit of Mount Everest in recorded history (1953)
Danny Elfman is born (1953)
Mary Pickford dies (1979)
Harvey Korman dies (2008)

10434. 29 May 2012 08:13


Thanks Hazer for that video. I would be in 7th heaven if I had them
in my yard!! I love moose, I think they are beautiful! And Alison Krauss singing in the background.... a double bonus for me!

10435. 29 May 2012 10:13


Baldur has gotten impatient waiting for his 'King of the Garden' Lima Beans to sprout.
It seems they are never going to germinate at all.
In a huff I went into the larder a pulled out my cannister of large dried Lima Beans for cooking and planted a row paralel to the first row.
Of course now hundreds of plants will sprout and Boughbreak will become the Lima Bean capitol of the world.
I try to put the name of the variety of veggie on each marking stake. For lack of anything else I used 'Jack Rabbit Lima Beans'; which is the brand of dried bean I buy for kitchen use.

10436. 29 May 2012 10:16


I also bought another tomato plant (this really only makes 7 so far).
They had a variety called 'Oxheart' at a small family-run nursery that we stop at for annuals to fill the flowerboxes.
I'd not seen 'Oxheart' offered anywhere else this year.
It's a nice older variety.

10437. 29 May 2012 11:06


When I lived in Kelowna we had a cherry tree. To keep the birds out of it we cut shiny pie plates into pie shapes (appropriate eh?) and hung them in the tree limbs from string. They shiny reflections were supposed to keep the birds at bay. Not sure if it worked, we always got a good number of cherries for ourselves. Perhaps we had fewer birds to begin with.
As for the peach tree, have you ever considered knocking off the blossoms before they are pollinated, had a friend who did this with her apple tree every year to keep down the number of fruit. Benifit of this is it takes relatively little time with a stool and a long handled broom, downfall is that the best time is when the tree is full of blossoms and you miss out on that if you knock them all off.

10438. 30 May 2012 03:24


Happy Birthday to jaybuddy

10439. 30 May 2012 03:25


Pie shaped pieces of pie tins? lol

10440. 31 May 2012 04:12


Happy Birthday Noor!