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1041. 10 Jul 2009 18:57


I have mild dyslexia brought on by Sister Mary Barbarian who used to beat my left hand with a ruler to try to force me into righthandedness.
She is the one I blame for many things that began during that era.

1042. 10 Jul 2009 18:59


A good experiment Marius, please let me know if you can access it, and if it lets you open things as if you were an actual member.

1043. 10 Jul 2009 19:03


It took me a while to build the profile, the background is an image Baldur created with his computer's 'paint' program.
Baldur could not get the information to upload, being a technophobe I was getting angry at myself for misunderstanding how to work the site.
As it turns out the site was having a serious technological problem that week, no one was accomplishing much.
Baldur felt relieved.

1044. 10 Jul 2009 19:05


In the KCMO area we way "holy moley." So, holy moley - it worked! I wasn't sure what to open - but heard part of inkspot song - LOVE blues. Also clicked on someones face and the site went somewhere. Will this link keep working?

And sorry about Sister Mary Barbarian. We had Sister Beatrice and she left permanent claw marks on my sister's shoulder!

1045. 10 Jul 2009 19:05


sorry - we don't WAY holy moley, we SAY it.

1046. 10 Jul 2009 19:11


The link should continue to work, if you clicked on another member you got beamed to their page. You can always navigate back.
I am still not sure how everything works, but it's free so I figure it's another playground that Baldur can explore

1047. 10 Jul 2009 19:13


The music is the jukebox that I set up there. The song selections change with my mood.
I don't understand their search engines to locate other people, but it's ok.
By happenstance Baldur is collecting contacts.

1048. 10 Jul 2009 19:17


Okay, I'm going to sleep and will dream of cracking your code. (SOME of my dreams have come true. Will let you know. )

Tomorrow I shall explore your myspace page - a whole new world and yippee, it's free. (Yes, we also say Yippee). Hope you enjoyed your scotch. I'm having wine.

Have NEVER talked on-line and wasn't sure how it worked. Very fun and much entertainment. By the way, are there pictures of your foyer on your myspace page?

THANKS Baldur and sweet dreams to you.

1049. 10 Jul 2009 19:20


I don't think I have any photos of the foyer,

Good night

1050. 10 Jul 2009 19:21


What are the contacts that you are collecting? Can I read about them tomorrow.?

We have relatives in town to see tomorrow and that requires a VERY good nights sleep for this one. Off to dreamland right now. : ) Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz

1051. 10 Jul 2009 19:31


If you visit my page there on the right side there is a section with rows of photographs. That is a sampling from my 'friends'.
It appears on MySpace that you can collect friends like trading cards.
If you look at the bottom of that gallery there is a link to show you the whole listing.
Apparently the dead use MySpace as well. Josephine Baker and Baldur recently became friends. Other friends include Curly Howard, Martha Stewart, Edward Gorey and Cyndi Lauper.
Baldur has been attempting to add Elvira, Mistress of the Dark but I fear my advances are ignored.

1052. 10 Jul 2009 21:30


And the solution:

Does anyone else here on ThinkDraw enjoy solving cryptograms? I was once amazed that they could be solved at all. It seems however if you are equipped with a basic understanding of spelling rules and have a bit of perseverance usually the answer slowly reveals itself. "All Baldur, All the Time."

Sheftali now takes a bow and commends Baldur for his cryptogram. I was amused that he managed to weave matthew into the cryptogram--exceptionally clever! It's been awhile since sheftali did a cryptogram, and she had to tax her brain a bit, but it was well worth it!

1053. 11 Jul 2009 04:01


Going back to "Sisters" I had Sister Sylvester in 8th grade, that's the name we gave one wanted to sit in the first two rows...unless
you wore a raincoat....

1054. 11 Jul 2009 04:24


Brilliant sheftali! You are absolutely correct.

I had never created a cryptogram before and found myself rechecking everything over and over.

1055. 11 Jul 2009 04:41


During Baldur's education he encountered this assortment:
Sister Mary Barbara
Sister Mary Pius
Sister Corona (luckily for her the beer wasn't being sold up here yet)
Sister Priscilla
Sister Jacqueline
Sister Cornelia
Sister Maureen

The final 3 on the list were in the 1970s and often wore normal clothing, they were at least pleasant. Baldur cannot say so of the others.

1056. 11 Jul 2009 04:57


Now oddly enough Baldur eventually was employed by Sisters on 3 separate occasions to work in their kitchens as cook

I worked in a retirement home for Sisters for several years.
My only contact was with the Sisters who ministered to the older ones, and these were the most charming women.
Then over two long periods Baldur worked at a 'Safe House' for single women run by a Catholic order. These were mostly what one would call 'spinsters', older lonely women, with a few middle-aged widows tossed in. They held jobs and enjoyed the secure environment.
The people were pleasant, but the building reminded me of a hospital, rather cold and sterile. It was the nicest kitchen to work in, being rather too large and overequipped for this group.
The kitchen was designed to prepare meals for 500 people, the most this facility could house was well under 100.
It was all a beautiful green tile, from floor to ceiling, the electrical outlets all had little hinged covers on them and there was a huge high-pressure hose to wash the walls down, I loved it though Baldur never got to do any wall hosing. My work there was only part times a couple afternoons a week.

1057. 11 Jul 2009 05:02


The food was mostly donated by the community.
It was situated in a large Italian neighborhood and the Sisters would get calls all the time to pick up donations, the generosity was inspirational.
Sometimes it might be a case of peaches or a dozen whole roaster chickens packed in ice chips. It was all amazing.
There were many markets, small butcher shops, fish vendors, and produce stores in the area and each made the effort to donate something frequently. There were no doubt many other donations that Baldur never saw, but what I did see was incredible.

1058. 11 Jul 2009 05:32


It's amazing just how generous some communities are ... and in my experience, the less money people have, the more generous they are, whether it's in material goods or by simply giving their time to help others. That's a generalisation, of course.

Well done in solving Baldur's cryptogram, sheftali ... very quick off the mark.

1059. 11 Jul 2009 06:28


Ah, the Sisters. All the folks I know who were educated by Sisters are some of the smartest folks around. Me? I was educated in public schools, and I've had to learn a lot on my own (or try to, anyway). But then, life is a constant journey of learning, or so my father taught me.

That was the first cryptogram Baldur created? Okay, I'm really impressed now, since I noted he wove matthew into that effort. I don't do cryptograms often, just once in awhile to see if I really can figure them out. What Baldur says is so true, though, in that an ability to spell is a great help. I do a lot of different puzzles and brain teasers, but my current favorite is the sudoku. (Hoping to stave off brain degeneration by prodding the brain cells a bit beyond their comfort level each day)

1060. 11 Jul 2009 06:36


I was really hoping to sneak: matthew wears thongs in there but gave up.
I was tired and trying to double transposition (+10 points) letters was not working.