Think Draw Forums
Forums - General Discussion - Channel Baldur

10381. 14 May 2012 17:06


Ah, I see, the community here didn't look relatively large I was actually hoping for it. Easier for me to make friends in groups of people who really have no other choice but to talk to me ^^

By the way, I enjoy reading about your adventures with your plants ^^

10382. 15 May 2012 05:13


Thank you Ked Pretzel.
From my viewpoint it seems that 80% of the people on ThinkDraw pay no attention to the Forum. Of the remaining 20% we have a few stalwarts and many occasional commenters.

'Radio Baldur' (Channel Baldur) has been around for quite a while and seems to be reasonably well read. Several of the contributors to this thread have been here for quite a while.
We get the occasional comment out of the blue from people who we never knew were reading this stuff.
I have to assume we have a lot of voyeurs.

10383. 15 May 2012 05:23


On this page you can read about:
the trials and tribulations of gardening in Primrose, Rhode Island..
life in Missouri...central Canada....New England
how to live with housecats
random recipes
the occasional celebrity birthday or historic event
the madcap adventures of Baldur
links to the occasional bird-nest cams
questions and answers on local customs, and bizarre linguistics
all sorts of 'How-To' stories
the occasional advice or from 'Auntie B'
plus lots of other random stuff

10384. 15 May 2012 05:24


One never knows what will be found on 'Radio Baldur'

10385. 15 May 2012 05:24


10,390 comments and going strong!

10386. 15 May 2012 05:25


O.K. Baldur miscounted, sorry about that.

10387. 15 May 2012 05:28


Yesterday at Boughbreak we planted tomatoes, bell peppers, hot peppers, eggplant, cucumbers, zucchini and summer squash.
There really is not much left to put in for Round 1, just the bok choi, pumpkins and other Winter squash.
This planting is far ahead of schedule but so is the weather here. This was a very mild Winter and the Spring was downright Summerish.

10388. 15 May 2012 16:25


One could say that not only is the audience diverse, but the subject matter as well.

10389. 15 May 2012 18:20


There hasn't been any pole-dancing in ages..that saddens me.

10390. 15 May 2012 19:04


#10387 - or

10391. 15 May 2012 20:32


I do not comment in this forum much, but I have thoroughly enjoyed it since its inception--lots of cool comments, stuff about plants, beads, cats, dogs, other creatures, Boughbreak, recipes, etc. I believe Baldur started it back when Think Draw was temporarily unavailable for drawing--what a boon for us Channel Baldur aficionados! And yes, there's a serious lack of the pole-dancing saga lately (one of the most hilarious topics in this forum, imho).

10392. 15 May 2012 20:38


Now this is a treat, a sheftali52 cameo appearance!
...and on an evening that Baldur is up uncharacteristically late doing a series of unearthly pictures.
It's good to hear from you.

You are correct about the origins of Radio Baldur, why did I ever name it 'Channel' Baldur?

10393. 15 May 2012 20:56


Thank you, Baldur, for being the lovable, quirky, accomplished host of Radio Baldur--it's one of the sometimes hidden gems on this cool site. Keep up the unearthly pics!

10394. 16 May 2012 03:32


You're welcome and thank you.

10395. 16 May 2012 03:32


Happy Birthday bagel!

10396. 16 May 2012 11:20


Here's a little pole dancing for all those who have been feeling the lack.

10397. 17 May 2012 05:27


Baldur, a ten foot pole for beans? Guess you’ll be climbing a ladder to harvest? Faery hammocks? Made of spider silk? And, oh my, those evil gnomes. Someone had fun making that video! : )

Dragon, very fun to hear you enjoying your garden, plants and yard so much! Buddha’s in a garden sound as good a fairies, or … faeries. : ) Speaking of which, fairy-house making continues. Neighbor kids (four of them) have been collecting building materials and are ready to come over and make their own fairy houses. Then, marius shocked herself and purchased mortar. Why? One of my favorite fairy houses is an earth-contact fairy home, made by “Uncle Eddie.” Check it out at the bottom of the page on this link.

Now to mix and use the mortar, and hope the fairy-house construction plans work. I know to wear a mask when mixing the mortar and to provide support for the stones. Will take any hints and ideas on working with mortar if someone here wants to provide them. : )

Oh … whilst looking for fairy house ideas, somehow found this link about “highway wildlife crossings “in Canada. I’m impressed. Don’t know if we do anything like this in the states but Canada is setting a wonderful example for us all! Hands clapping for Canada and Canadian wildlife too!

general article

explanation/statistics about the benefits of highway wildlife crossings

video of animals using the crossings

10398. 17 May 2012 07:47


How brilliant is that? Both over and underpasses. I've seen them in England for the sheep, but thinking of the needs of wildlife is great. Gives me hope for OUR species!

10399. 17 May 2012 16:39


I remember them building these. Glad to see they are working.

10400. 17 May 2012 20:36


I'm glad they are working, too. We sometimes wondered as we drove through Banff how well the taxpayers money had been put to use. Now if we could just keep the bears off the railroad tracks.