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10361. 6 May 2012 04:09


......especially while it was still low over the horizon.
The Supermoon was a rather flattened bright yellow disk as it drifted up slowly through the white pines . Once it cleared the uppermost branches it seemed perfectly round again and lightened up to gleaming white.

10362. 6 May 2012 04:32


Henry VIII orders English language bibles be placed in every church (1536)
Christopher Smart is admitted to St. Luke's Hospital for Lunatics (1757)
The Glaciarium opens (1844)
Sigmund Freud is born (1856)
Chief Crazy Horse surrenders to American troops (1877)
The Eiffel Tower opens to the public (1889)
Rudolph Valentino is born (1895)
Orson Welles is born (1915)
L. Frank Baum dies (1919)
Willie Mays is born (1931)
The Hindenburg explodes (1937)
Bob Seger is born (1945)
The Hitler Diaries are exposed as a hoax (1983)
Marlene Dietrich dies (1992)
The Channel Tunnel opens (1994)
John Paul II becomes the first Pope to enter a mosque (2001)

Happy International No Diet Day!

10363. 6 May 2012 19:26


Well Baldur is just home from visiting Frank again.
I picked up my next project, a teacart in dire need of restoration.
This had been already partially stripped of it's original finish and the wooden wheels are broken to bits.
Instead of stain and varnish this will end up with a painted surface, possibly with a decoupaged top.
It should be very interesting.;

10364. 8 May 2012 03:25


Coca-Cola is first sold as a patent medicine (1886)
Paul Gauguin dies (1903)
Tom of Finland is born (1920)
Toni Tennille is born (1940)
Gary Glitter is born (1944)
The Hard Hat Riot (1970)
Robert A. Heinlein dies (1988)

Happy White Lotus Day

10365. 9 May 2012 06:43


Happy Lost Sock Memorial Day!!!!!!!!!!

10366. 9 May 2012 08:03


Fun to catch up on people's gardens, video offerings and such. It's been a lovely spring here and although it's been a while since I've tuned in to Channel Baldur, nice to come back and find the same delightful host, guest hosts and programming! : )

So, here's a little offering from Missouri ...
Earlier in the week Marius was recovering from a mild spring cold so what better therapy than to piddle around outside in sun and mild temperatures. After the gardens and flower patches were weeded and rearranged as desired, there came an idea to build a fairy house. What is that? I had no idea but what a surprise was found on the internet: apparently building fairy houses is quite the rage, especially in the New England states. There are even Fairy House Festivals! [Baldur? Heard anything about this?] Anyway, built the fairy house, it was great fun, and so were reactions of spouse.

Later when the house was completed, we brought the cats out and the nosy one, Puck, saw the fairy house within minutes. He made a bee-line up the fairy path to the front door and all of the sudden he did a little hop, as if afraid or spooked. His body froze in place, but he kept turning his head, alternately looking at the fairy house, then away, then back at the house. This is not Puck behavior! Everything in the yard is his and anything new is "immediately" rubbed or teased and in some way claimed by him. Eventually Puck walked away (without having claimed the fairy house) and that's when spouse said, "It seems the fairies have already moved in!"

Indeed, Puck revisited the fairy house two more times and did not try to mark that new territory. Instead he stood by the front door in the same posture of confusion and perhaps disappointment.

It's been several days now and the fairy house is still unmolested by the cat so, tee hee, maybe the fairies HAVE moved in! : )

10367. 9 May 2012 10:38


Great story marius. I want a fairy house in my yard too. Not only to see kitties reaction, but maybe fairies will keep other unwanted entities from my yard.

10368. 10 May 2012 03:46


Baldur didn't know that Fairy Houses were especially popular in New England, but he has seen his share of them.
Here at Boughbreak we have Free-range Faeries (locally, their preferred spelling). Occasionally I'll spot one of their hammocks among the ferns.

10369. 10 May 2012 20:46


I saw the beautiful Bengal cat again this evening. She was hiding under a car parked across the street from me. When I talked to her she immediately came to me and let me pet her. She must belong to someone in the neighborhood. I think they are foolish to let her wander around on the street. I hear they are very expensive.

10370. 11 May 2012 04:55


Hazer, I am glad that you officially met her.

10371. 11 May 2012 05:09


Well take THAT, you enthusiastic heirloom bean plants! Baldur is ready for you.
Yesterday I constructed a bean trellis a full 10 feet tall.
Generally posts to construct such things are a mere 6 feet tall, and one loses a good foot of that height as the posts need to be embedded into the soil. The resulting structures are far too short. The bean plants quickly overrun them, becoming tangled masses of vine at the upper reaches.
I cut out 3 saplings from the jungly woods and attached them to 12 foot straight posts. Two were used as uprights the third was was lashed to their upper parts to form a bridge between them.
Next 25 lengths of sturdy and rot-proof twine were attached to the cross bar and allowed to dangle to the ground
They were then tied off at their bottoms to a piece of twine that stretched between the uprights just 2" from ground level
Baldur then planted rattlesnake beans and trionfo violetto beans. both of whom should have no trouble reaching 10 feet in height.

10372. 11 May 2012 05:11


It has been 2 days since I transplanted the young 'Good King Henry' seedlings to the vegetable bed.
They look very content.
These needed to be started indoors and pampered for a while.
Now they are snuggled up, surrounded by a thick blanket of lawn clippings getting both sunshine and fresh air.

10373. 11 May 2012 16:13


A short film on the nefarious nature of Garden Gnomes.
The ones who chose to live here at Boughbreak certainly seem less threatening.

10374. 11 May 2012 16:14


-attached +trimmed

10375. 13 May 2012 06:53


I've been particularly busy this week, seems like I haven't had any time to check in on Radio Baldur forever. Glad to hear the gardening is going well. I finally managed to get all my plants in the ground last weekend and most seem to be doing well. The sunflowers I had started promptly died and I forgot to bring in my tomato seeding on a cold night so it is done as well. Think I'll wait until the nights are a little warmer then get a plant that already has a good start. My calla's are doing fantastically well. I took Baldur's advice and planted them in planter boxes (actually they're big tin tubs made for putting ice and drinks into but they look really good and they were a bargain). I've taken them out in the sun a few days but they always come in at night so far and I'm hoping to see some signs of flowers soon.

No gnomes or fairies (or faeries either) in my tiny garden though I do have 2 Buddhas waiting for a lovely place to be put. Once we get our sod down and some of the flowers start blooming I should find a good place for them.

We were also gifted a truckload of shale gravel and we made good use of it. We laid down some landscape fabric and put the gravel over it to make some walkways. One alongside the house to the deck stairs and another between the garage and the walkout. That's where we needed it the most. When we moved in it was just black dirt there and as soon as it snowed it became deep black mud. Our neighbours acroos the alley had thrown out some rolls of sod which we liberated and put down so at least we weren't walking in the mud but unfortunately our drainspout drains right under the deck and the sod pieces get so soggy it's nearly as bad as the mud. So we pulled them up and replaced them with the gravel and it's made a much nicer path.

Well, must go. We're having my mom and mother-in-law over for dinner tonight for mother's day and the house is in dire need of cleaning.

10376. 13 May 2012 08:08



You believe in the fae? I didn't realize that this community would be into these kinds of things... Are there others who believe in these? Do we have members who practice Paganism?

10377. 13 May 2012 16:25


Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers out there.

10378. 13 May 2012 16:26


Ked Pretzel, I am quite certain the audience here is quite diverse.

10379. 14 May 2012 04:17


Happy Birthday to autumn anf tunatovah50!

10380. 14 May 2012 04:18


anf - f + d = and