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10321. 24 Apr 2012 12:17


Really cute and I like Little Richard.... enjoy!

10322. 26 Apr 2012 07:42


Thanks for that cute video, Indigo. has anybody seen Baldur?. Maybe he has lost himself in the garden. It's that time.^_^

10323. 26 Apr 2012 10:11


:) There is a very similar piano puppet in Vienna, in the streets mostly on "Graben" or "Kärntnerstraße". Its an Italian guy and his puppet is able to let his eyes "jump" outside.

10324. 26 Apr 2012 10:35


I hope this works...I think this is the one you are talking about sandm.

10325. 28 Apr 2012 13:30


Baldur has been as busy as a one-armed paperhanger this month.

10326. 28 Apr 2012 13:30


(Waiting especially anxiously for my beet seeds to sprout)

10327. 29 Apr 2012 08:55


It's a Wonderful World, it truly is! Enjoy....

10328. 29 Apr 2012 08:56


Ok, it doesn't work.... I'll try again.

10329. 29 Apr 2012 10:54


Yes, indigo, this was the man, not his best performance, but its excatly the puppet I ve seen.

10330. 29 Apr 2012 11:02


I managed your link to David Attenborough, there are so many fascinating documentations he has made for BBC and I ve seen some of them.

And here Ive another great one. Maybe you already know it. This is the link to the movie HOME by Yann Arthus Bertrand, a French fotographer.

There are a lot of other marvellous documentations he has made, I just found this long one on youtube.

10331. 29 Apr 2012 20:04


Hoping Baldur's beets sprout soon, and all his planting endeavors for that matter.

I had a fabulous time this weekend. My husband and were exposed to some full frontal nerdity at this years Comicon in Calgary. (Officially it's the Comic Entertainment Expo or something like that, but everyone just calls it Comicon anyway). We went all out and dressed up in costumes from Doctor Who (The 11th Doctor for my hubby and River Song for me- if you're a Whovian you'll know who they are, if not it takes to long to explain so I'm sorry). My hubby obviously had a good costume because people kept asking for pictures with him. It was a zoo there and the fire marshall actually shut it down at one point because of too many people jammed into the hallway and wouldn't let any more people in. Fortunately the people who were there could stay as long as they cleared that hallway and we were already inside so we were alright.
The entire original cast of Star Trek -The Next Generation were together for the first time in 25 years and we had tickets to the show so we were in geek heaven. I think we're still floating a little.
You should have seen some of the costumes, they were amazing. Some people have super dedication! Baldur would have enjoyed the steam punkers who were there. There were quite a few of them and they had some of the most imaginative costumes there.
We're already chomping at the bit to go next year.
I am glad to be out of those crowds though. I knew it was going to be popular, but if I never have to stand in another line again it'll be too soon.

10332. 30 Apr 2012 18:22


I'm glad you had a good time Dragon. It's quite possible that Baldur has been conned-out; having been to several in the 1980s.
Maybe someday the urge to attend will return.

10333. 30 Apr 2012 18:25


The beets have not yet sprouted. Snow peas seem to have the fastest sprouting seeds of what has been planted here at Boughbreak.
Today Baldur bought 10 brussels sprout seedlings.
Actually I suspect the 4 in individual pots are collard greens that were mislabeled. Time will tell.

10334. 30 Apr 2012 21:46


I sure do miss having a garden. When we lived on our acreage in Saskatchewan, I always had a huge garden plot that yielded all the fresh veggies, potatoes and sweet corn that our family needed plus lots left over to share. I used to make all kinds of pickles and jams that were so good!
Now, my little plot in the city has been turned into a parking lot, at least until I can get a couple of vehicles sold.
The growing season here is so short and we are too close to the mountains to have really good growing conditions. I did try planting potatoes and corn here for a couple of years but have given up after the corn was stolen right from out of my back yard and the potatoes were usually scabby.

10335. 30 Apr 2012 21:54


I've seen a cat sitting close to my car when I've left work the last few days and I wonder if anyone can tell me what kind she is. She is a light tan color with black markings like leopard's spots. She is short haired and seems to sit quite tall. I've never seen her move so I can't say what her tail is like. She's very elegant looking. If she were mine I don't think I'd been letting her out to wander around on the street for fear she'd get hit or stolen. She looks to be expensive.

10336. 1 May 2012 04:05


Hazer, are you sure it's a domestic cat and not something wild?

10337. 1 May 2012 04:08


There is an rare breed of domestic cat called a 'Bengal', which oddly has leopine spots rather than tigridian stripes.

10338. 1 May 2012 08:37


The cat was wearing a collar so belongs to somebody. I didn't notice any stripes, but I only saw the cat sitting from a front, and side angle. The spots are fairly large and round and evenly distributed. It's a beautiful cat whatever it is.

10339. 1 May 2012 15:19


Here's another picture of a Bengal, just to see if this is what you're seeing.

They are they only breed I can think of with very strong spot markings, though I think some tabbys can display them as well.

10340. 1 May 2012 15:23


I found out something recently that I thought might tickle the listeners here on Radio Baldur. Canada has put out new 100 dollar bills, these are the new polymer bills that feel like plastic and are virtually impossible to rip. The funny thing is, if you rub them together they smell like maple syrup. We may be the only country with scratch and sniff money. The new polymer 50's just came out last month and I was disapointed that they just smelled like money, I was hoping for a strong whiff of Canadian Bacon.