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10301. 17 Apr 2012 03:51


Chaucer tells the 'Canterbury Tales' to the court of Richard II (1397)
Benjamin Franklin dies (1790)
J. P. Morgan is born (1837)
George Adamski is born (1891)
The Aurora, Texas UFO Incident (1897)
Thornton Wilder is born (1897)
Rowdy Roddy Piper is born (1954)
The Bay of Pigs is invaded (1961)
The 335 Years' War ends (1986)
Linda McCartney dies (1998)
Kitty Carlisle dies (2007)

Happy World Hemophilia Day

10302. 18 Apr 2012 11:03


Question: I am missing the Mugdot Challenge _what happened to it? Was it cancelled?

10303. 18 Apr 2012 11:18


Lizzi- the current one is History in places.- it didn't get many submissions so i believe that normal decided to keep the challenge going longer.

here's the link

10304. 18 Apr 2012 20:07


Thank you, ArW. I guess I didn't look very hard for it!

10305. 19 Apr 2012 14:47


Happy Birthday lesley_gene!

10306. 20 Apr 2012 07:17


Thank you Baldur! I had a wonderful day! I had to work, but the boss and his wife took me to lunch!

10307. 21 Apr 2012 05:28


Springtime has hit Boughbreak about a month earlier than usual, there has been so much to do.
We are picking asparagus every day.Tthe new vegetable bed is ready for planring, actually the snow peas, brocolli and cauliflower are already in.

10308. 21 Apr 2012 15:24


Spring is finally springing here too, for the very first time ever my husband and I were able to sit out on our deck tonight and enjoy the sun. It was heavenly. The sweetpeas will be happy to know that they will finally be going in the ground tomorrow. I look forward to hearing more of the gardening at Boughbreak.

10309. 22 Apr 2012 06:05


Tthe - t = The
planring - r + t = planting

10310. 22 Apr 2012 16:05


Sweetpeas are in, back is tired, mouth is smiling!

10311. 23 Apr 2012 04:27


I'm so glad that you have started planting Dragon.

We are having a deluge right now, a rather welcome one. This had been a mostly snowless warm Winter and a dry Spring. The soil never got mucky as it is supposed to do.
It drizzled most of yesterday and then the skies opened up at suppertime.
All night the comforting rain rapped on the windows.

The snowpeas have started emerging from the ground already and I have been eating garden-fresh asparagus all week.

10312. 23 Apr 2012 11:11


This is quite an amazing video, just had to share it.

10313. 23 Apr 2012 11:15


This reminded me of a bee hive my parents found under the roof eave of a playhouse they had in their back yard (they live on an acreage). Thiers was no where near as huge as this one and had been abandoned but it had that same shape with the vertically dangling, plate like combs. I'm not sure if that is the way they all build their combs or what, but they were neat to look at.

10314. 23 Apr 2012 11:46


I actually found a follow to that video and it sounds like the exterminator was making every attempt to save the hive and relocate them. I did wonder.

10315. 24 Apr 2012 04:40


Happy Birthday to both Shirley MacLaine and Barbra Streisand!

Happy Day for Laboratory Animals

10316. 24 Apr 2012 10:07


Is this the day they test the prozac on the Lab Animals, or is it something to do with stopping animal testing instead?

10317. 24 Apr 2012 10:11


I think it has to do with 'she who must not be named' having her birthday.

10318. 24 Apr 2012 10:12


In reality it is a United Nations recognized day.

10319. 24 Apr 2012 10:14


Baldur is just in from gardening.
I planted:
assorted radishes, mostly Easter Egg, Plum Purple and Hailstone
assorted lettuces
Dinosaur Kale
Crosby's Egyptian Beets

10320. 24 Apr 2012 10:14


Already in the ground were Snow Peas. Cauliflower and Broccoli.