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Forums - General Discussion - Channel Baldur

10281. 6 Apr 2012 12:23


Best wishes to the photographers! Would like to see your pictures then.

10282. 6 Apr 2012 19:25


I grew up in the Saskatchewan parkland, Normal. It's not quite as far north as the song would have you believe. If it had been, you would have seen more of the boreal forest. All of those pictures looked very familiar...the rolling hills and lakes, the poplar stands. The black bear were not as common back then, but I understand from old neighbors that some have been seen on what used to be our land,as well as elk, moose and timber wolves.
I have been in southern Alberta for the past 10 years now. The Rockie Mountains and the Foothills are the backdrop for our photography now. Both landscapes are beautiful in their own way.

10283. 8 Apr 2012 06:47


Happy Birthday to Midnightpoet!

Happy Easter
and a belated Happy Passover

10284. 8 Apr 2012 10:05


Baldur, I'm so sorry to hear or your loss of Heidi. I'm glad she had such a loving home for so many years. My condolences go out to you and Robert. I hope Shakira and the little ones (who I'm sure are not so little any more) can give you some comfort.

10285. 8 Apr 2012 10:08


Hazer, when I was a kid we often drove through Sask. on our way through to Manitoba to my Grandparents house and it was always so flat we would make those jokes about it taking a week for your dog to run away. Then a couple years ago we went to visit our friends just outside of Saskatoon and I was staggered by how beautiful the country was on the way there. The more northern/central part of the province is just so much more interesting than the south part. It made me understand the love my friend had for her home.

10286. 8 Apr 2012 10:40


I've only driven through the southern part a couple of times and wondered how anyone could live there. What has made it worse is that all the trees and shrubs have been taken out to make room for the huge farm equipment. The only trees are the ones planted around farm yards...and they are sparse.

10287. 9 Apr 2012 05:24


Thank you for the warm thoughts everyone, life here at Boughbreak has been more than crazy for the past couple weeks.

Among the many things that have complicated the day to day routine is that I had 12 cubic yards of screened loam delivered.
Basically 2 huge mountains of Earth smack dab in the middle of the driveway.
Baldur could not have the stuff dumped where it actually needed to go as it would entail a huge truck driving on the lawn across our septiv system.
So I have been spending my spare moments hauling it one wheelbarrow at a time.
At the very least it has been a good workout.

We really could use double the amount, maybe we'll get more in the autumn.

10288. 9 Apr 2012 05:24


septiv - v + c = septic

10289. 9 Apr 2012 13:24


Perhaps you should patent the Loam Exercise Plan, it could be worth millions! It can't be any crazier than some of the other methods out there.

10290. 10 Apr 2012 04:34


Happy Birthday lynnspotter!

10291. 10 Apr 2012 17:44


Thank you dear Baldur! Just arrived home about midnight from Korea where my oldest son was married on Mar 31. A wonderful trip! Slept from 2am til 3pm(nothing like sleeping away half my bday!)

10292. 11 Apr 2012 03:53


Korea! what an adventure

10293. 11 Apr 2012 04:20


William III and Mary II are crowned in Britain (1689)
The Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks comes into being (1876)
Oleg Cassini is born (1913)
Luther Burbank dies (1926)
Anton LaVey is born (1930)
The Stone of Scone is found, having been taken from Westminster Abbey by Scottish national students (1951)
The Civil Rights Act of 1968 is signed by Lyndon B. Johnson
Balls Mahoney is born (1972)
Jason Varitek is born (1972)
Trot Nixon is born (1974)
Idi Amin is deposed (1979)
Dolores del Rio dies (1983)
Joss Stone is born (1987)
June Pointer dies (2006)
Roscoe Lee Brown dies (2007)
Kurt Vonnegut Jr. dies (2007)

10294. 12 Apr 2012 04:11


Cafferelli is born (1710)
The Broughton Suspension Bridge in Manchester. England collapses. The apparent cause is resonance from British troops marching across it (1831)
Boss Tweed dies (1878)
Lily Pons is born (1898)
Clara Barton dies (1912)
Beverly Cleary is born (1916)
Tiny Tim is born (1932)
On Mount Washington, New Hampshire a wind gust of 231MPH is measured (1934)
Herbie Hancock is born (1960)
David Cassidy is born (1950)
Dr. Salk's polio vaccine is declared safe (1955)
Yuri Gagarin is the first human to travel to outer space (1961)
Josephine Baker dies (1975)
Joe Louis dies (1981)
Sugar Ray Robinson dies (1989)
Boxcar Willie dies (1999)
Marilyn Chambers dies (2009)

10295. 12 Apr 2012 04:54


Baldur, I had to read more than twice, looked up in the dictionnary and now not sure if I could understand all of what you were talking about your loam delivery. It seemed to be a longer and bigger project than expected. But I am sure, you know how to do and it will lead to great result.
On this occasion, I want to remind you, to use only the seeds YOU already have available or developed and do not buy others from the catalogue or such as your neighbours have got. You are creating your unique colourful garden in a beautiful diversity of plants and colours. Dont let you make unsure, if there might be others, who cannot see what it is going to be, bc they dont use their full light for viewing.
I am sending you confidence with my thoughts and the whole warmth from my heart.

10296. 13 Apr 2012 16:13


Well, I was going to take advantage of my day off today and plant my bulbs and sweet peas (all of which have been grow quite industriously in my basement desperately waiting for nice weather). Unfortunately when I woke up this morning it was snowing. Grrrr!

10297. 14 Apr 2012 07:30


I've got the spring snow storm blues too, Dragon. I can't work in my flowerbeds, so I've decided to give my home office a spring cleaning.
This project rates only slightly higher then having a root canal.

10298. 14 Apr 2012 17:27


But you're actually DOING it! I generally contemplate and then reject such projects! And no anesthesia for the cleaning processes.

10299. 15 Apr 2012 05:37


Abraham Lincoln dies (1865)
The RMS Titanic sinks (1912)
Kim Il Sung is born (1912)
The Great Mississippi Flood of 1927
1000 are killed in the Belfast Blitz by the Luftwaffe (1941)
Allied bombers hit the town of Mortsel, Belgium, killing 936 (1943)

Happy Tax Day (USofA)

10300. 16 Apr 2012 03:48


Masada falls to the Romans (73)
Bat Masterson has his final gunfight (1881)