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Forums - General Discussion - Channel Baldur

10261. 29 Mar 2012 04:32


The Punjab is annexed by the United Kingdom (1849)
The Knights of Columbus are established (1882)
The first batch of Coca Cola is brewed (1886)
Man o' War is born (1917)
Pearl Bailey is born (1918)
Astrud Gilberto is born (1940)
Eric Idle is born (1943)
Lucy Lawless is born (1968)
Mantovani dies (1980)
Mohamed Bouazizi is born (1984)

10262. 30 Mar 2012 03:44


Francisco Goya is born (1746)
Beau Brummel dies (1840)
Vincent van Gogh is born (1853)!!!!!!!!!!
The USofA purchases Alaska from Russia (1867)
Ingvar Kamprad is born (1926)
Eric Clapton is born (1945)
MC Hammer is born (1962)
Maxfield Parrish dies (1966)
Celine Dion is born (1968)
Norah Jones is born (1979)
Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother dies (2002)
Alistair Cooke dies (2004)

10263. 30 Mar 2012 10:10


I just left a question on the recipe forum but thought I woould also try here.
I am looking for a good marinade for salmon or trout. I like brown sugar rubs for salmon but I want something with a new twist. We had grilled talapia last week and it had a very fishy taste that I have never had before, dont know if it was how I prepared or just old. I have heared you can soak your fish in milk to tame that real fishy taste. Let me know here or on recipes forum what ya think!

10264. 30 Mar 2012 11:25


My husband loves salmon, I believe he uses a marinade of soy sauce and lemon juice, I'll try to remember to ask him. He swears by it (I'm afraid I can't weigh in because I can't stand salmon myself, he always makes it when I not home for the evening.)

10265. 31 Mar 2012 04:23


I would add a couple drops of toasted sesame oil with the soy sauce. Here I make a very easy pad thai-lo mein fusion style dish for myself and the combo of soy sauce with sesame oil fuels it

Stir fry a few thin sliced veggies in a large wok or skillet
(mushrooms, scallions, a little garlic, slivered peapods, slivered carrots, bean sprouts.. whatever)
Add a good handful of cooled cooked lefover spaghetti (last night's leftover)
Toss everything around to heat it through.
Push the mixture to the sides of the pan and scramble an egg in the open space
Toss everything together and splash it with a little soy sauce, a few drops of sesame oil
Add a julienned basil leaf and a squirt of fresh lime juice
Serve hot or at room temperature

You can also add a few dried hot pepper flakes and top it with chopped roasted peanuts if you'd like

10266. 31 Mar 2012 04:46


Sir Isaac Newton dies (1727)
Charlotte Bronte dies (1855)
The Eiffel Tower opens (1889)
Liz Claiborne is claiborned (1929)
A plane crash in Kansas kills 8, including Knute Rockne (1931)
Herb Alpert is born (1935)
Barney Frank is born (1940)
Jesse Owens dies (1980)
Selena is murdered (1995)
Frank Purdue dies (2005)

Happy Thomas Mundy Peterson Day!

10267. 31 Mar 2012 20:26


I did confirm with my husband that he uses soy sauce and lemon juice in a 1-1 ratio, but Baldur's sounds quite a bit nicer.

10268. 31 Mar 2012 20:33


I am desperately praying for spring to arrive here in force. We have had some lovely weather but we are defintly still getting frost at night and my bulbs and sweet peas are just begging to be planted. In fact the sweet peas are starting to grow roots right out of the jiffy pellets I planted them in. My glads have grown beautiful shoots that are almost a foot tall and my irises have long since been planted into jiffy pots and are the least of my worries right now (at least they are since I erected a cage around them to keep meddlesome small black cats from ripping them out of their pots and flinging them to the floor). Here's hoping the coming week will prove warm enough to not worry about frost. Come on Sunshine!

10269. 1 Apr 2012 05:35


The internal combustion engine is patented (1826)
RMS Atlantic sinks off of Nova Scotia killing 547 (1873)
Sergei Rachmaninoff is born (1873)
Jandamarra dies (1897)
Scott Joplin dies (1917)
Grace Lee Whitney is born (1930)
Debbie Reynolds is born (1932)
The BBC Broadcasts it's mini documentary on the Swiss Spaghetti harvest (1957)
Susan Boyle is born (1961)
Helena Rubinstein dies (1965)
Apple Inc. is formed (1976)
Marvin Gaye is murdered (1984)
Martha Graham dies (1991)
Same sex marriage become legal in the Netherlands (2001)

Today is Palm Sunday
Happy April Fool's Day
Joyous Edible Book Day

10270. 1 Apr 2012 08:30


This is for belladonnis.

Don’t have any fish-marinades but it sounds like you are wanting fish recipes that soften that fishy taste. If that is the case, look for two such recipes in the recipe thread. One is for baked Roughy with artichoke hearts and the other is a stuffed trout recipe, although you can substitute the roughy or trout with any other mild-flavored fish. Both recipes have been quite popular with our friends. Will also add a salmon recipe that is always a big hit. The salmon is cooked in a parchment-paper packet with vegetables and we think that gives the salmon a very nice flavor.

10271. 2 Apr 2012 06:28


Charlemagne is born (742)
Juan Ponce de Leon becomes the first European to see Florida (1513)
Giacomo Casanova is born (1725)
Eugen Sandow is born (1867)
Sir Alec Guinness is born (1914)
Marvin Gaye is born (1939)
Dr. Demento is born (1941)
'As the World Turns' and 'The Edge of Night' premiere on CBS (1956)
The first 'Panda Crossing' opens outside Waterloo Station in London (1962)
Pope John Paul II dies (2005)

Happy International Children's Book Day
Happy World Autism Awareness Day

10272. 3 Apr 2012 05:21


The historical date of the crucifixion of Jesus of Nazareth (33)
Washington Irving is born (1783)
'Boss' Tweed is born (1832)
Jesse James is killed (1882)
The first of 11 unsolved Whitechapel murders (Jack the Ripper?) (1888)
Sally Rand is born (1904)
Russell Wright is born (1904)
Iron Eyes Cody is born (1907)
Doris Day is born (1924)
Marlon Brando is born (1924)
Jane Goodall is born (1934)
Bruno Richard Hauptmann is executed (1936)
Wayne Newton is born (1942)
Tony Orlando is born (1944)
Kurt Weill dies (1950)
Hippo Birdy 2 ewes to Sandra Boynton (1953)
Eddie Murphy is born (1961)
Sarah Vaughan dies (1990)
Suspected Unabomber Theodore Kaczynski is arrested (1996)

10273. 3 Apr 2012 15:20


I found this little video, and since my friends here are from all over the world, I thought this would be a perfect way to share a glimpse of the land and country that I grew up in. I just wish you could smell the fresh, clean air, too.

10274. 4 Apr 2012 12:35


Wonderful landscape, could smell the air and hear the voice of nature.

10275. 4 Apr 2012 12:49


Beautiful Hazer. You didn't take those pictures, did you?

10276. 4 Apr 2012 19:12


Miss Heidi, our ill-tempered 18 year-old cat decided to leave this plain of existence this morning.
It was a suicide, if you can imagine a cat doing such a thing....She drowned herself in our fishpond. Robert had let her outside when he went to the end of the driveway to get the morning newspaper.
Heidi wandered towards the fishpond. This was not unusual, she liked drinking fishwater despite our best efforts to prevent her.
Eventually Robert wondered why she was there for such a long time. He found her in the water, gone.

Heidi never cared much for me, but in these past few weeks her need for affection overcame her dislike of Baldur. I spent a good deal of time brushing her coat, letting her nap on my lap etc.
She became blind some 2 years ago, and still managed to navigate around the place with great skill.
In recent months it was getting increasingly difficult for her to get food down. There was a tumor on her tongue, her thyroid had become hyperactive and her diabetes went out of control. In just the past few days there were moments when her hind legs didn't want to work, and she would fall into a sort of sitting position.
Robert is quite heartbroken, Heidi was his baby.
With this change Shakira has now become the Queen-Mother.

10277. 5 Apr 2012 04:37


So sorry to hear of the loss of Heidi. Sounds like she had a good, long life and it was time.

10278. 5 Apr 2012 06:30


A touching story, Baldur. I'm sorry to hear about the unusual circumstances of Heidi's demise.

Mdawcrn, I didn't take those beautiful pictures, but your question has inspired me to get my husband's camera down of the shelf and start learning how to use it.

10279. 6 Apr 2012 11:50


Condolences, especially to Robert, on losing Heidi. Sounds like her senior years were as pleasant as you could manate.

Hazer, does "up North" refer to Alberta? Gorgeous nature photography!
I've loved doing such shots in the past, but digital cameras don't inspire me that my old Nikon did. Have fun with the one you have.

10280. 6 Apr 2012 11:50


Blast! "manage.."