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10241. 21 Mar 2012 01:44


what a plenty of grace... thanks Indigo!

10242. 21 Mar 2012 11:05


That was wonderful indigo. They picked the perfect music to accompany it too.

Woke up this morning to find that my stubborn sage and oregano have each put out 1 little sprout each. I'm still hoping for more but it's a good start.
My irises are going crazy, I'm definitly going to have to pot them for the time being. They'll have a great start, that's for sure.

10243. 22 Mar 2012 06:51


The birds, the bees, the bats.... absolutely stunning!!

10244. 22 Mar 2012 09:59


Happy Birthday to William Shatner (1931)

10245. 22 Mar 2012 20:31


You are right, indigo..... absolutely stunning!! Thanks for sharing!

10246. 23 Mar 2012 11:13


That was wonderful indigo!

And can you believe William Shatner just turned 81? Captain Kirk's gonna keep on keepin' on til the end of time.

10247. 25 Mar 2012 06:00


Venice is founded (421)
Robert the Bruce becomes King of Scotland (1306)
St. Catherine of Siena is born (1347)
Arturo Toscanini is born (1867)
Bela Bartok is born (1881)
146 workers die in the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire (1911)
Claude Debussy dies (1918)
Howard Cosell is born (1918)
Gene Shalit is born (1932)
Gloria Steinem is born (1934)
Aretha Franklin is born (1942)
Elton John is born (1947)
Civil Rights Activists complete their march from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama (1965)
John Lennon and Yoko Ono hold their first 'Bed-In' (1969)

Happy Hilaria
Happy Tolkien Reading Day
Happy Waffle Day (Vaffeldagan)

10248. 26 Mar 2012 14:27


Caracas, Venezuela is destroyed by an earthquake (1812)
Ludwig van Beethoven dies (1827)
The Book of Mormon is published (1830)
Walt Whitman dies (1892)
Tennessee Williams is born (1911)
Sarah Bernhardt dies (1927)
Leonard Nimoy is born (1931)
Erica Jong is born (1942)
Diana Ross is born (1944)
Steven Tyler ios born (1948)
A.E. Housman is born (1959)
Noel Coward dies (1973)
Halston dies (1990)
The 5 Frog Boys are murdered in South Korea (1991)

Happy Prophet Zoroaster's Birthday!
Joyous Synaxis of the Archangel Gabriel

10249. 27 Mar 2012 05:19


The entire city of Venice is excommunicated by Pope Clement V (1309)
Riots erupt in Basingstoke in protest of the Salvation Army's daily vociferous promotion of temperence (1881)
Geronimo surrenders to the U.S. Army (1886)
Ludwig Mies van der Rohe is born (1886)
Typhoid Mary is put in quarantine (1915)
Sir James Dewar dies (1923)
Nikita Krushchev becomes Premiere of the Soviet Union (1958)
Quentin Tarantino is born (1963)
The Good Friday Earthquake (1964)
Yuri Gagarin dies (1968)
Nathan Fillion is born (1971)
M.C. Escher dies (1972)
Fergie is born (1975)
Viagra is approved for sale by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (1998)
Milton Berle dies (2002)

10250. 27 Mar 2012 12:00


Pretty amazing insect photography

10251. 27 Mar 2012 12:41


Amazing and beautiful mdawrcn! Thanks for sharing!

10252. 27 Mar 2012 12:57


Great! They look so funny in this "dimension"

10253. 27 Mar 2012 14:09


Makes me smile every time I watch.

10254. 27 Mar 2012 14:35


Happy Birthday to Charles Tanqueray (1810)

10255. 27 Mar 2012 16:11


Saw this and had to share it.

10256. 27 Mar 2012 16:12


Loved the happy cows mdawrcn!

10257. 27 Mar 2012 18:24


Dragon that was too funny. Catvertising.

10258. 28 Mar 2012 04:54


Vikings sack Paris (845)
Frederick Pabst is born (1836)
Modest Mussorgsky dies (1886)
Marlin Perkins is born (1905)
Zbigniew Brezinski is born (1928)
Virginia Woolf dies (1941)
Happy Birthday to Lizzi
Sergei Rachmaninoff dies (1943)
W.C. Handy dies (1958)
Tibet's government is dissolved by the People's Republic of China (1959)
Happy Birthday to lilmiss
Emmett Kelly dies (1979)
Marc Chagall dies (1985)
Lady Gaga is born (1986)
Maria von Trapp dies (1987)

Happy Serfs Emancipation Day!

10259. 28 Mar 2012 05:36


Loved those cows! Thumbs up for catvertising!

10260. 28 Mar 2012 18:34


Good catch matthew, I hadn't noticed the repetitious post.
But maybe she liked my answer better.