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10221. 17 Mar 2012 07:20


Hey Lizzi, thanks for the link. Those irises look exactly like mine. So, I have been misinformed about the depth, and I need to replant or position them, but I need to wait until late summer/early fall to do so, correct? Thanks for yours and Baldur's help.

10222. 17 Mar 2012 10:45


Happy Saint Patrick's Day!

10223. 18 Mar 2012 06:33


The last Grandmaster of the Knights Templar, Jacques de Molay is burnt at the stake (1314)
Ivan the Terrible dies (1584)
Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov is born (1844)
Johnny Appleseed dies (1845)
Ernest Gallo is born (1909)
Queen Latifah is born (1970)
The Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum is robbed (1990)

10224. 18 Mar 2012 06:38


Mississippi ratifies the 13th ammendment, abolishing slavery (1995)????

10225. 18 Mar 2012 07:58


lol @ mdawrcn... I remember when that happened... Just remember that southerners are a little slow at times. In this case a LOT slow...

10226. 18 Mar 2012 08:17


I am reading "The Help," which is about happenings in 1962, and it is blowing my mind.

10227. 18 Mar 2012 13:08


Finally a bit of time to watch all the recent video’s posted here – strange songs and curious animations, books flying about, birds and flowers, penguins and more … all really wonderful in their own ways.

Well, don’t have any videos to share but we did have a rather nice “Missouri Moment” recently …

Last night I was talking with a neighbor kid when it got to be time to count bats. (Yes, we have bats again.) He looked like he wanted an invitation. So Brandon (age 8) and Justin (age 6) hopped the fence to join us. Spouse pointed a flashlight into the bat house so the kids could see the bats before they left. Then we told the kids that counting bats is like waiting for fireworks: if you talk and have fun, eventually the show will begin.

Sure enough, the bat detector went wild with a varied assortment of bat clicking noises. Brandon said, “Wouldn’t it be fun if someone could tell us what the bats are saying?” Within fifteen minutes most of the bats were up in the sky. One bat swooped close over our heads a few times. The kids liked that but I think they enjoyed *counting* bats more than anything. We counted forty-one and then the kids had to go home because their Dad told them not to stay past eight.

These are about the nicest kids I’ve ever met. Brandon is an absolute stitch. He makes things up, constantly. When he looked in the bat house he said he saw a bat catch a grasshopper and eat it. Haha, grasshoppers aren't even out yet. He said we don’t have vampire bats in our neighborhood but it would be okay if we did because "vampire bats only take a little bit of blood, probably from a cat or a dog."

Justin is a little bitty sweetheart. At the end of bat-watching the stars were just starting to pop out and he said, "My Uncle John is on a star now. That's where you go when you die, to a star in heaven." Then this little bitty kid yelled out with all his might, "Uncle John - can you hear me? We love you!"

Yeah, that was quite a moment. : )

10228. 19 Mar 2012 00:25


marius, you've given a lovely start to my day. You make me wish I lived next door and you'd invite me to hop the fence ... well, maybe I'd use the gate.

10229. 19 Mar 2012 13:03


Touching story, marius!

10230. 19 Mar 2012 13:20


For some stunningly beautiful wildlife pics and some inspiration, check this out.

10231. 19 Mar 2012 15:56


That was beautiful, Hazer. Thanks.

10232. 19 Mar 2012 16:18


I'm glad you enjoyed it, Login. That beautiful penguin at the end reminded me of your profile pic.:) Do you know what the black and white creature is? I couldn't tell if it is one or more entwined. Snakes or some other kind of sea creature?

10233. 19 Mar 2012 20:26


Login, you are welcome to join us for bat-watching & counting any time. We'll be doing it again this weekend so come on over. : )

Hazer, that was a lovely video. I also wondered about the black and white creatures. Memory is saying "banded sea snakes" but hehe, won't promise any accuracy there.

Also wondering about our host. : )

10234. 20 Mar 2012 05:20


Baldur is still recovering from a whirlwind weekend.
Robert and I had been invited to celebrate Bacchanalia in Boston Friday night. Sadly none of the events can be mention in this venue. Did Baldur drink wine? Oddly, no.... isn't it required?

10235. 20 Mar 2012 05:26


We returned home late Satyrday morning having not slept much and immediately I was in the kitchen baking cookies.
I had been invited to a Steampunk tea at the Red Victorian in Providence.

Madame Otis is a newly published author and a delightful hostess. There were but 5 of us in attendence, probably because of it being a holiday. At least two who certainly would have been there were marching in the Newport St. Patrick's Day Parade.
There was quite an astounding array of foods and beverages including I dare say, absinthe. What an afternoon!
Maybe I should post the menu.

10236. 20 Mar 2012 05:33


Shrimp on ice with several dipping sauces.
Hot roast beef
Swiss and Meunster cheese with crackers
Crudite' with dip
Chocolate drizzled lemon cookies
Miniature cream puffs filled with dulce de leche
Giant Strawberries
Mozzarella bocaccini balls skewered with tiny tomatoes and basil leaves, drizzled with olive oil
Stuffed Mushroom Caps
Puff Pastry cups filled with a sharp cheese custard
Baldur's Pecan Bars with Brown Sugar Meringue
Baldur's Irish Macaroon Brownies

Several teas

10237. 20 Mar 2012 10:11


Ooo, I had some catching up to do. Thanks for the gardening advice to all. Hazer, I did that very thing with not only my glad bulbs but the lilies and irises too. I think maybe I should hav waited on the irises because they have sprouted out beautifully and should probably be planted soon but as you know, our frost season is not done yet! I may end up planting them in Jiffy pots to wait for the right time.
The glads are starting to sprout nicely, they should be ready when the ground is ready for them. My sweet peas also have a nice start too, they should be ready at pretty much the right time I think.
My idoor herb garden has all sprouted at least a little except for the sage and oregano which are both being stubborn. I've taken to leaving a lamp shining on the whole shebang during the day, the dill is in love with this and the basil is definitly enjoying it as well.

10238. 20 Mar 2012 10:14


mdawrcn, I'm also reading "The Help" right now. You know I always knew about the segregation and the troubles had during integration but this book is such an eye-opener about the real lives of the people living it.

10239. 20 Mar 2012 11:29


This is one amazing garden!! Enjoy! *J*

10240. 20 Mar 2012 16:06


Wow, indigo... that was great! Such diversity and only a small fraction of what's out there.
Sounds like your garden is off to a good start, Dragon.

Those Irish Macaroon Brownies sound intriguing, Baldur. Would you mind sharing the recipe?