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Forums - General Discussion - Prayer Requests

1021. 30 Apr 2013 21:42


They say the waiting and not knowing are the hardest and although I have done my best to keep myself too busy to think, the gnawing question is always there. Will the biopsy results come back positive? Is this the lull before the storm? Will it soon be my turn to battle the dreaded cancer and if so will I have the resolve and energy to fight for my life? One week of waiting has passed, perhaps there will be one more before I know if the answer is yeah or nay. I hope for the best and prepare for the worst.

1022. 30 Apr 2013 22:25


Dear hazer, I am so sorry to hear that you have all this worry. Do not doubt that you will be in my prayers. May God bless you always

1023. 1 May 2013 05:59


Thank you arty. I pray that my girls will not have to go through this again, so soon after loosing their Dad. I have been trying to see them as often as I can and make some good memories with the grand kids. Last Saturday I made bread and cookies the 10, 8 and 6 year old. Today I will meet up with the almost 2 year old and his Mom.
Whatever the future holds for us, God is with me. I pray that I will face it with the same dignity and courage that my dear husband did.

1024. 1 May 2013 06:04


My sincere best wishes to you Hazer.

1025. 1 May 2013 09:25


Hazer, all my good wishes and thoughts go out to you.

1026. 1 May 2013 09:57


Oh dear Hazer, I've been thinking about you all morning. You're in my thoughts and prayers.

1027. 1 May 2013 20:46


Thank you so much, ladies. It is so comforting to know that I can come here any time of the day or night. You have no idea how much your presence here has encouraged me. You are all so much appreciated. God bless!

1028. 2 May 2013 09:38


May God bless you and your family Hazer!

1029. 2 May 2013 20:53


Thank you AF.
My appointment to get the biopsy results is for Tuesday the 7th. I try not to think about it too much, after all "sufficient unto the day are the troubles thereof." My work seems to have enough troubles to keep me occupied for now.

1030. 7 May 2013 14:16


Biopsy results came back negative for cancer. I am so relieved! Thank you for your prayers!

1031. 7 May 2013 15:21


Thank God! I am SO HAPPY for you!!! *J*

1032. 7 May 2013 15:53


Thank you, indigo! My doctor wants me to plan another trip and just do some things for myself.....such a smart man !! He just didn't say how I am supposed to pay for it....but I will happily make it my goal.:)

1033. 7 May 2013 18:27


Oh wow! I am so happy to hear this good news Hazer. Yay!

1034. 7 May 2013 18:36


This is great news Hazer!

1035. 10 May 2013 02:31


Such wonderful news. I hope they eventually find what the problem is and you feel better soon. May God bless you. Hugs and prayers. ( and take that break, it's doctors orders )

1036. 15 Jun 2013 19:08


I have been flitting in and out of TD trying to keep up with the familiar artists and finding some incredible new talent joining in as well.
I have been busier then a centipede in a shoe store lately, so even though I have this cute pic I'd like to share with you, I just can't get it to look like anything recognizable.
I decided instead to submit a story in TW, and realize in retrospect that being awake and on a caffeine buzz in the wee hours of the morning hasn't made me a literary genius either.
So I will just continue to drop in and leave a vote or two, maybe a comment here or there and enjoy the abundance of talent I see before me.

1037. 17 Jun 2013 06:06


I am a little late discovering your good news, Hazer, but nonetheless thankful for it!
So good to know that you can relax and enjoy and we can enjoy your art. You have had more than enough tragedy and pain.

1038. 20 Jun 2013 22:54


My family is in the middle of the flooding happening in Southern Alberta. The grand children were evacuated from their school, their Dad barely managing to get them home to safety before the roads washed out. Lots of concern too for the horses and cattle.
My oldest daughter and little guy had to stay indoors because flooding caused a sour gas line to rupture. Her husband made it home from work but they may not be able to get out again for a while. They are very close to the flooded Sheep River but think that they are high enough to be safe, but they have never seen flooding like this before. The river is still rising fast and the dams cannot hold it.
I am at a higher elevation so I should be okay. My niece and her family are in a mandatory evacuation neighborhood in Calgary.
Schools are all cancelled and we are advised to avoid travel.
Scary stuff!

1039. 21 Jun 2013 04:05


My family and I have been following the news reports... absolutely frightening! Thoughts and prayers out your way for you and yours. Stay safe Hazer.

1040. 21 Jun 2013 05:52


Oh. Hazer! My note above, about relaxing and enjoying seems to have been uttered naively, in the face of what's happening to you now. You and your loved ones are in the thoughts and prayers of all TD.