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Forums - General Discussion - Channel Baldur

1021. 10 Jul 2009 06:09


Baldur appreciated the trend that started a few years back of designing entertainment centers that appeared to be armoires. One can conceal the television behind doors. Sadly no one ever seems to close those doors.

When Robert went away to nudist camp last month Chez Baldur went for 5 whole days without the television ever being turned on, that was quite marvelous.
The only use I really have for the darn thing is to watch DVDs of old movies, and to watch football in season, Baldur truly misses Monday Night Football, it saddens me that network political games took it away.

The other night we watched 'High Society' starring Bing, Grace & Frank. It was rather enjoyable.

1022. 10 Jul 2009 07:09


I love old movies...this morning I watched The Roaring Twenties with Cagney and was on TCM. I have a TV in the living room but it's never on
when we have guest. I always have music on though. Can't live without that!

1023. 10 Jul 2009 08:32


indigo, I watched Yankee Doodle Dandy the other night, and to see Cagney so talented, with his singing and dancing, it's hard to believe he would do gangster parts!! Loved him in both styles.

1024. 10 Jul 2009 10:33


I think he's incredible too but Baldur was never able to take him seriously as a gangster

1025. 10 Jul 2009 14:26


In response to your comment, on another post, about . . .

Baldur, you remind me of a kid I once knew. He was highly intelligent, keenly perceptive and charmingly manipulative. In short, he was a bad, wicked, little boy and EVERYONE loved him! Did I get it right? Were you the kid that when the teacher yelled at the class you said something so funny that even the teacher was rolling on the floor with tears of laughter? Yep, think that was you. Your real name isn't by any chance S. Vannoy??? (much laughter here in Missouri at 5:20 p.m.)

1026. 10 Jul 2009 16:40


What comment triggered this one?

Anyway, no I'm not S. Vannoy, I was born and raised in Rhode Island, never went to school out of state.

Baldur always thought himself rather clever, but frequently my jokes floated right over everyone else's heads.

1027. 10 Jul 2009 16:44


Baldur likes to think that many years later when people ponder over their childhood they will remember my witticisms (+ at least 10 points) and suddenly understand them.

1028. 10 Jul 2009 17:32


Baldur's musings are erudite (+ at least 5) and entertaining for so many of us. I, for one, am a devoted "listener." It certainly seems to me that Baldur finds joy in living each and every day--there's much to like about that.

1029. 10 Jul 2009 17:59


Ndag jefdea atga laka de BlhepNkjr aeydf gdtshew ukfmbdwkjvg?

H rjg deua jvjian bljb blaf udxtn ca gdtsan jb jtt.

Hb gaavg ldrasak hq fdx jka aoxhmman rhbl j cjghu

xenakgbjenhew dq gmatthew kxtag jen ljsa j chb dq

makgasakjeua xgxjttf bla jegrak gtdrtf kasajtg hbgatq.

"Jtt Cjtnxk, Jtt bla Bhva"

1030. 10 Jul 2009 18:00


Heavens, Baldur hopes he did that as precisely as he thinks he did.

1031. 10 Jul 2009 18:22


Sheftali thinks Baldur must've imbibed a tad too much wine and is now speaking in tongues (which only matthew can decipher, I suppose).

1032. 10 Jul 2009 18:29


Baldur has not touched a drop of wine today.
Single malt Scotch yes, wine no.

I just hope that there are no transcription (+10 points) errors in my little cryptogram.

1033. 10 Jul 2009 18:33


Well - you have me laughing out loud again - sheftali and Baldur. Thanks! And the comment Baldur left was on my post, which was *originally* about the size of the drawing box for TD. (+10 because why not)

Please now translate the speaking in tongues. Have always been interested in that.

1034. 10 Jul 2009 18:45


No no no, it's a game.
Each letter in the code stands for a different letter, it translates into a message in English.

1035. 10 Jul 2009 18:47


It must have been my 'size does matter' comment you refer to.
My drawing window is 3.75" high by approximately 3.25" wide making it rather endowed compared to what the others are saying.

1036. 10 Jul 2009 18:49


But, I have dyslexia. Sometimes, when printing, I write letters backwards! This problem will not away go so impossible to decipher your code. (have problems getting my mixes worded up too.) PLEASE translate - otherwise I shall be deprived of latest witticism!

1037. 10 Jul 2009 18:49


If Baldur were attempting to crack the code he would copy and paste the puzzle onto a page and then add extra spacing between the words and lines.
He would them print it out and write on the printout as the actual letters resolved themselves in his mind.

1038. 10 Jul 2009 18:52


There will be no deprivation, if no one solves it in the next day or so Baldur will post the solution.
Or if you wish you can contact me through my MySpace account and I will tell you the solution.
On MySpace I am Baldurbear

1039. 10 Jul 2009 18:54


Baldur really does this to amuse himself, if innocent bystanders get accidentally entertained I do not begrudge (+2 points) them their prize.

1040. 10 Jul 2009 18:55


Hmmm- have never been to myspace. Do I have to make my own page or can I simply visit yours and enjoy? May try to decipher cause it could be fun, but when stressed, more letters turn backwards.