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10181. 8 Mar 2012 03:40


Anne Bonny is born (1702)
The Gnadenhutten Massacre, 96 Christianized Native Americans are killed in retaliation for raids commited by other Native Americans in Pennsylvania (1782)
Hachiko dies (1935)
BBC transmits the first episode of 'The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (1987)

10182. 8 Mar 2012 07:49


Looks like some progress is being made Gimzer.

10183. 8 Mar 2012 09:02


Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is possibly the best series of books ever written. Douglas Adams was certainly one hoopy frood who really knew where his towel was!

10184. 8 Mar 2012 20:06


Marius might be interested in a movie scene I saw years ago about a Polish hero called Kmichik in the 13-14th C, I'd guess. At one point somebody had an awful wound and the local peasant fixed it up with not only spider web, but also bound into it moldy bread! Wonder whether they made that up for the film or had some historical evidence for the early use of penicillin before anybody knew what it was?

10185. 9 Mar 2012 01:39


Normal, thanks so much. I did a little search and oh my ... seems the curative properties of moldy bread are known to quite a few people! Bet the next time I run across such bread, I'll be looking at it in a whole new light. Don't you wonder how and when people learned to use it on wounds?

Here's a site that covers the basics, and beyond:
"Penicillin is a natural product and part of an ancient traditional remedy thousands of years old. Synthetic antibiotics may be used by the hospitals we are ill in, but only God and mold can make penicillin."

10186. 9 Mar 2012 10:29


Wow, it looks like I've been growing penicillin for years. Pity I always throw it away when I find it in my cupboard!

10187. 9 Mar 2012 17:30


Cool, Marius! Blue cheese is obvious, but I hadn't realized Brie or Camembert also had penicillin to thank. One would think all these would make the intestinal cells happy. Especially since it's so good when ingested with martinis, and we know alcohol is a great sanitizer.

10188. 9 Mar 2012 18:10


Just found this video and thought it was neat.

10189. 10 Mar 2012 02:53


I had no idea that such things were even possible. Isn't our atmosphere too erratic?

10190. 10 Mar 2012 03:19


Rome sinks the Carthaginian fleet (241 BC)
Agnes Blannbekin dies (1315)
The French Foreign Legion is established (1831)
The first successful telephone call: Bell to Watson (1876)
Bix Beiderbecke is born (1903)
Harriet Tubman dies (1913)
Chuck Norris is born (1940)
The US firebombs Tokyo, killing 100,000 (1945)
Rod Woodson is born (1965)
The rings around Uranus are discovered (1977)

10191. 10 Mar 2012 07:07


You don't have to be a bird-lover - you have to see this. Start your week-end right.

10192. 10 Mar 2012 07:16


Beautiful, Lizzi. Amazing that Nature approves so many brilliant colors on one animal at times.
Great parachute shots, Dragon. Love all the varying angles seen.

10193. 10 Mar 2012 10:36



10194. 10 Mar 2012 11:20


I was waiting for that

10195. 11 Mar 2012 05:56


Thutmose III dies (1425 BC)
'Rigoletto' premieres in Venice (1851)
'Don Carlos' premieres in Paris (1867)
The Great Blizzard of 1888
Lawrence Welk is born (1903)
Douglas Adams is born (1952)
Oscar Mayer dies (1955)
Lady Chablis is born (1957)
Happy Birthday faithfool
Eric the Midget is born (1975)
Lithuania declares itself independent of the U.S.S.R. (1990)
Japan gets hit with a triple whammy: a 9.0 earthquake offshore, the resultant tsunami and a nuclear meltdown (2011)

Happy Johnny Appleseed Day

10196. 12 Mar 2012 06:13


Cesare Borgia dies (1507)
Francis Xavier and Ignatius of Loyola become saints (1622)
The Saint Francis Dam in California ruptures, 600 are killed (1928)
The Blizzard of 1993
Beatrice Wood dies (1998)
Bernie Madoff pleads guilty to scamming millions of $ (2009)

Happy World Day Against Cyber Censorship

10197. 12 Mar 2012 10:40


That was lovely Lizzi. Andre Rieu is my mother-in-law's absolute favorite musician, she's given me a new appreciation for orchestra music.

10198. 12 Mar 2012 11:20


Well it was a very busy weekend at Chez Dragon (aka Margaritaville). We finally got a curtain rod and some sheers for the living room and got them hung up. It's nice to have a little privacy, we're still looking for a proper set of curtains, but we never get a chance to go looking together so it may be a while.
Spring is starting to spring here in Red Deer and I went out to get my spring bulbs in preparation for planting this year. I'm so excited to finally have a yard of my own to decorate and I may have gone a little crazy with the amount of bulbs I got. Then again, we'll see once I start planting them, maybe what looks like way too many in the bag will end up being just a good start. I got some calla lillies of various colours and a variety pack of asiatic lillies as well. Some irises too as I love them and they always make me think of spring when I see them since they are so often the first ones to peep up through the snow. I got an abundance of gladiolus (probably too many but they came in a pack of 50. And a batch of gladiolus acidanthera too which look to be a low growing one so they will join the lillies along the side of the front walkway. I've planted my sweet pea seeds indoors to get a good start and I've got a package of columbine seeds that I hope will be happy simply going straight in the ground once it thaws for good. I'm also hoping to get a clematis plant too but I'd like to get one that's already got a good start so perhaps I'll wait for the farmer's market.
I've also started a tomato plant kit I found for $5, I was quite disappointed when I got it open only to find that it was for cherry tomatoes rather than full sized ones, but perhaps it's best that I start small anyway.
Along with all that I also planted parsley, basil, chives, sage, dill, rosemary, thyme and oregano seeds in a couple of pots to be a little indoor herb garden. Fingers crossed that they will grow. If any of you green thumbs out there have any tips for me to get them going with a good start and keep them alive I'm all ears.

10199. 12 Mar 2012 14:25


Well the oui bit of advice that Baldur can give right now is to tell you that most of those bulbs will need to get brought indoors over the Winter in your area.
The Asiatic lilies are probably the only ones that can be left to fend for themselves

I'm wondering if the evil yellow cherry tomatoes at Boughbreak will reseed themselves yet again this year. A rule of thumb is that delicious varieties of plants never come back. The nasty ones can't be stopped.

10200. 12 Mar 2012 14:26


-oui +wee LOL