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Forums - General Discussion - Channel Baldur

10141. 28 Feb 2012 09:06


That was quite the video Baldur, who've thought an animated short about books could be such an emotional roller coaster!

10142. 28 Feb 2012 09:44


Here's a video I thought was in keeping with our West Showcase theme. It very much reminds me of the the two adventuresome school teachers who came out to the Colonies during the mid fifties and ended up in my home town in Saskatchewan. They managed to almost make it through the year, but were sent packing back to GB when there efforts to hatch some eggs resulted in burning down the school. The locals still shake their heads in disbelief over some of their antics. Hopefully they fared better back in their native England and Ireland!

10143. 28 Feb 2012 13:45


Excellent video Baldur! Hazer, your video says I can not watch it in my country!

10144. 28 Feb 2012 14:56


First colour TVs go on sale in 1954, and in 1984, almost to the day, I get my first colour TV! Then I wondered why I had made do with b&w for so long! Belated birthday greetings, Baldur, and best wishes for your new year. My computer was on the fritz and finally somebody gave me the number of the Geeksquad. A geek came to my house and worked his magic without my having to pack my computer off to the shop. I guess it was about time...I have been abusing it for nearly 3 years! I really missed my internet connection.

10145. 29 Feb 2012 05:22


When the guy quits running, put your cursor about an inch or so over his head. : )

10146. 29 Feb 2012 06:14


That's a good one marius! Lol.

10147. 29 Feb 2012 08:14


The saga of Dord

10148. 29 Feb 2012 08:35


Christopher Columbus uses his knowledge of a coming lunar eclipse in convincing native Americans to give him supplies (1504)
Dinah Shore is born (1916)
Tempest Storm is born (1928)
Hattie McDaniel wins an Academy Award (1940)
In Morocco an earthquake kills more than 3000 people (1960)
Davy Jones dies (2012)

Happy Leap Day!

10149. 29 Feb 2012 09:59


Sigh, Davy Jones, say it isn't so. I think he was my first crush.

10150. 29 Feb 2012 12:05


Sad news. They may have been a manufactured band, but their music has endured.

Here's something that I found amazing and oddly wonderful in its perfection: 3&pageContentId=icb.pagecontent341734&state=maximize& e=indepth.html

... and, if anyone needs something to waste their time on, you might like this too. Once you've got the hang of matching the colours to the ones on the wheel, you'll find it hard to resist. Well, this family did, anyway! I've discovered some interesting weaknesses in the way I see some colours, but have improved after doing it about 20 times. (and now I MUST stop! ).

Belated Happy Birthday Baldur. Good to see your channel going strong!

10151. 29 Feb 2012 12:10


Okay, that first link didn't work. Let's try this one...

Fingers crossed.

10152. 1 Mar 2012 03:17


Romulus is born (752 BC)
Sandro Boticelli is born (1445)
Sarah Good, Sarah Osborne and Tituba are brought before the local magistrates, beginning what would become the Salem Witch Trials (1692)
Frederic Chopin is born (1810)
Ben Harney is born (1871)
Yellowstone National Park is established... and is the first in the world (1872)
Remington produces the first typewriter (1873)
Tesla gives the first public radio demonstration in St. Louis, Missouri (1893)
Glenn Miller is born (1904)
Albert Berry is the first man to use a parachute to jump from a moving aeroplane (1912)
Harry Belafonte is born (1927)
Charles Augustus Lindbergh III is supposedly kidnapped (1932)
W47NV begins broadcasts as the first FM radio station (1941)
Ron Howard is born (1954)
The Peace Corps are established (1961)
The Soviet space probe Venera 3 crashes on Venus (1966)
The Weather Underground bombs a men's room in the US Capitol building (1971)
Yahoo! is incorporated (1995)
Jack Wild dies (2006)

Happy Beer Day!
Happy National Pig Day!
Happy Matronalia!
Happy Renewal of the Vestal Fire!
Happy Self Injury Awareness Day!

10153. 1 Mar 2012 03:23


Very interesting pendulum video. They ended in the starting position without getting tangled.

10154. 1 Mar 2012 03:25


Good morning mum23. Neither of the first 2 links brought me to the desired destination.
The third link featuring the pendulums was amazing. l would never have predicted the complexity of the patterns.
Thank you for sharing it.

10155. 1 Mar 2012 07:15


Happy St David's day ... patron saint of Wales.

10156. 2 Mar 2012 04:29


Joel Roberts Poinsett is born (1779)
The Republic of Texas declares its independence from Mexico (1836)
Queen Victoria narrowly escapes an assasination attempt (1882)
Kurt Weill is born (1900)
Theodor Seuss Geisel is born (1904)
Mikhail Gorbachev is born (1931)
'King Kong' premieres at Radio City Musical Hall in New York City (1933)
Ben Harney dies (1938)
Howard Carter dies (1939)
Karen Carpenter is born (1950)

Happy Water Carrying Festival

10157. 3 Mar 2012 04:41


Johann Pachelbel dies (1706)
Alexander Graham Bell is born (1847)
'Carmen' premieres in Paris (1875)
Charles Ponzi is born (1882)
Beatrice Wood is born (1893)
Jean Harlow is born (1911)
The first issue 'TIME' magazine is published (1923)
Oil is discovered in Saudi Arabia (1938)
Herschel Walker is born (1962)
Tone Loc is born (1966)
Danny Kaye dies (1987)
Rodney King is beaten by Los Angeles police officers (1991)
Happy Birthday to Tim42

10158. 3 Mar 2012 13:44


Can't believe it's been several days since I've stopped in. I can see how that colour test link would become addictive, I had good luck with a couple and found a couple very challenging. The pendulum video was mesmerizing!

10159. 4 Mar 2012 03:25


Hernando Cortez arrives in Mexico (1519)
Antonio Vivaldi is born (1678)
Jack Sheppard is born (1702)
Carl Josef Bayer is born (1847)
Theodore Hardeen is born (1876)
Knute Rockne is born (1888)
Shemp Howard is born (1895)!!!!!
Barbara Newhall Follett is born (1914)
The USS Cyclops vanishes into the Bermuda Triangle (1918)
Ed 'Big Daddy' Roth is born (1932)
Adam Rainer dies (1950)
Grand Puba is born (1965)
Chastity (Chaz) Bono is born (1969)
The Eurydice, a French submarine, explodes underwater, killing the entire crew (1970)
The Bucharest Earthquake kills more than 1500 (1977)
Minnie Pearl dies (1996)

10160. 4 Mar 2012 14:24


Such a nice video. Thanks . I'm speaking about the "Flying Books".