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Forums - General Discussion - Channel Baldur

10101. 21 Feb 2012 15:00


Well, that is some name for a town. When I was about 12, my sister and I made up a new insult-name to call each other, and yes, the name of that town was it. Imagine our prudish mother's surprise to hear us calling each other that. She was more surprised to hear we'd made up the word and would not tell us the real meaning, but hehe, we had a dictionary in the house. Then we were surprised!

I took the day off today and the link below shows where I went. Estimated number of geese was 1,000,000. Spectacular day, lots of nature sounds to fill the soul.

10102. 21 Feb 2012 15:02


Oh ... and Dragon, thanks for sharing. Love towns with odd names. : )

10103. 21 Feb 2012 18:58


How had Baldur never heard of the Arrogant Worms before?

10104. 21 Feb 2012 19:03


...and marius, wherever there are that many geese there is bound to be a lot of something else.

This is the Winter that never was out here in Primrose.
The pond has not been frozen over for more than a day or two at a time.
Those poor ice fisherpeople are having the worst time ever.
Somehow the wildlife knows how to predict weather as the ducks never saw the need to fly South. You would think they would be on their way before the ice becomes an issue. They knew this year was a good one to stay 'put'.

10105. 22 Feb 2012 01:33


Very interesting to read your recent posts. Esp. I liked marius comment "lots of nature sounds to fill the soul". This is, what nature sounds do, if you can hear it. Outside of Vienna, there are a lot of quiet places and I often go there, just for hearing nature`s voice.

10106. 22 Feb 2012 03:32


Ladislaus the Posthumous is born (1440)
George Washington is born (1732)
Karl Friedrich Hieronymous Freiherr von Munchhausen dies (1797)
Spain sells Florida to the USofA for $5 million (1819)
'Woolworth's Great Five Cent Store' opens in Utica, NY (1879)
Eric Gill is born (1882)
Edward Gorey is born (1925)
Marni Nixon is born (1930)
Jeri Ryan is born (1968)
'Moose Murders' premieres (and closes) in Broadway (1983)
Andy Warhol dies (1987)
It is anounced that Dolly the sheep has been cloned (1997)
Christchurch, New Zealand gets hit with a 6.3 magnitude earthquake, 185 die (2011)

Happy Feast of the Chair of St. Peter

10107. 22 Feb 2012 09:03


Here are 2 of my favorite Arrogant Worms songs for you Baldur, the first is actually the first one I'd ever heard. You might say I was a convert from then on.

10108. 22 Feb 2012 09:05


Shoot I didn't realize that the second one is the version done by Captain Tractor, but it is originally an Arrogant Worms song.

10109. 22 Feb 2012 09:26


Who knew worms could sing like that.... I had never heard of these guys
before. They're good and the videos are funny. Thanks Dragon! *J*

10110. 22 Feb 2012 19:47


Happy Birthday Baldur!

10111. 23 Feb 2012 02:32


Now Baldur will need to add Arrogant Worms cds to his collection.

10112. 23 Feb 2012 02:32


Thank you for the birthday wishes bluemoon.

10113. 23 Feb 2012 02:56


The Gutenberg Bible is published (1455)
George Frideric Handel is born (1685)
Cesar Ritz is born (1850)
W.E.B. Du Bois is born (1868)
The Tootsie Roll is invented (1896)
Dame Nellie Melba dies (1931)
Majel Barrett is born (1932)
Dakota Fanning is born (1994)
A new princess was just born in Sweden, she is unnamed at this moment (2012)

Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day!

10114. 23 Feb 2012 06:49


Interesting travel advertisement for Calcutta. Hope it works.... :]

10115. 23 Feb 2012 07:02


Yes, this is very creative.
In January, Ive seen the show "Shadowland" by Philobolus in Vienna.

10116. 23 Feb 2012 07:21


happiest of birthday anniversaries to you Baldur!

10117. 23 Feb 2012 09:02


Happy B-day to our gracious DJ here on Channel Baldur!

10118. 23 Feb 2012 09:09


Those shadow performances were so neat!

For Baldur, if I may suggest the best Arrogant Worms CD's I've heard are the self titled one and the one called Torpid. If you want to buy their albums their website is great, you can listen to any of their songs all the way through on it.

10119. 23 Feb 2012 18:22


Happy birthday, Baldur. You are a star in this forum!!!

10120. 24 Feb 2012 03:32


The Gregorian Calendar is anounced by Pope Gregory XIII (1582)
'The Rape Master General' Colonel Francis Charteris dies (1732)
Wilhelm Grimm is born (1786)
Robert Fulton dies (1815)
Jiri Trnka is born (1912)
The USof A is given to Zimmerman Telegram by the UK (1917)
Abe Vigoda is born (1921)
Douglass Watson is born (1921)!!!!!!!
The Battle of Los Angeles, UFOs are apparently fought off (1942)
Steve Jobs is born (1955)
Floyd Mayweather Jr., is born (1977)
Ayatollah Khomeini puts a $3 million (USD) price on the head of Salman Rushdie (1989)
United Airlines Flight 811, does anybody recall this? (1989)
Tony Conigliaro dies (1990)
Malcolm Forbes dies (1990)
Don Knotts dies (2006)
Fidel Castro retires as President of Cuba (2008)

Happy National Artist day in Thailand!