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Forums - General Discussion - Channel Baldur

10041. 6 Feb 2012 14:36


I'm not for Mutilation... but I sure do like to BEAT IT UP!!!

10042. 7 Feb 2012 02:55


Sir Thomas More is born (1478)
The Bonfire of the Vanities in Florence Italy (1497)
Charles Dickens is born (1812)
The HMS Orpheus sinks, killing 189 (1863)
The Baltimore Fire, 1500 buildings destroyed in 30 hours (1904)
'Monopoly' is invented (1935)
Ivan Bilibin dies (1942)
The Beatles first arrive in the USofA (1964)
Mariusz Pudzianowski is born (1978)!!!!!

10043. 7 Feb 2012 18:03


I guess it's timely then, that I undecorated my "tree of light" today to the Beatles Black and White albums. I'd forgotten the hilarious two tracks in German of "She Loves You" (Sie liebt dich) and "Let Me Hold Your Hand" (Komm, gib mir deine Ha-a-a-and!)

10044. 8 Feb 2012 04:34


My sister Ovadora's tree is still up, I wonder if she ever actually takes it down.

10045. 8 Feb 2012 10:09


This was a neat story, thought you guys might enjoy it.

10046. 8 Feb 2012 10:28


... and real canvas:)

10047. 8 Feb 2012 10:35


Thanks Dragon for sharing that, it was very nice. :]

10048. 8 Feb 2012 11:07


That was very nice.

10049. 8 Feb 2012 11:13


This is very cute and the cat looks like my Cassie who passed away in
November. I hope it works.... :]

10050. 8 Feb 2012 11:41


The execution of Mary Queen of Scots (1587)
Tsar Ivan V dies (1696)
Tsar Peter I dies (1725)
Jules Verne is born (1828)
The Devil's footprints appear mysteriously in the snow in Devon, England (1855)
The first brass stars are placed in Hollywood's Walk of Fame (1960)
Gary Coleman is born (1968)
The Allende Meteorite strikes Chihuahua (1969)
Anna Nicole Smith dies (2007)

Happy Nirvana Day

10051. 8 Feb 2012 22:33


hmmmm... not a good day to be a ruler...

10052. 9 Feb 2012 04:04


....or Anna Nicole Smith.

10053. 9 Feb 2012 04:22


John Hooper is burned at the stake (1555)
Fyodor Dostoyevsky dies (1881)
One of Earth's smaller natural satellites breaks up causing a massive meteor shower over the East Coasts of both North and South America (1913)
Clive Swift is born (1936)
The Beatles appear on The Ed Sullivan show (1964)
Sophie Tucker dies (1966)
Gabby Hayes dies (1969)

10054. 10 Feb 2012 03:29


The Mongols take Bagdad (1258)
Mary, Queen of Scots' 2nd husband is found strangled in the exploded remains of Kirk o' Field House (1567)
Queen Victoria marries Albert (1840)
Jimmy Durante is born (1893)
Lon Chaney Jr., is born (1906)
The first Singing Telegram is sent (1933)
Gary Kasparov is defeated by IBM computer 'Deep Blue' (1981)

Happy Feast of St. Paul's Shipwreck

10055. 10 Feb 2012 04:36


Baldur, when I ve read about your sister, I remembered the year, I ve kept the Christmas wreath at the outside door for almost the whole year, and another time, I have had the Easter tree in my home for more than 2 years, because it was so pretty and I couldnt throw it away. There have been some funny dialogues, so I was told, that "Easter already is over" and such truths and insights.
So I only would remove whatever it is, if its going to cause problems in the system, but not because of anykind of principles.

10056. 10 Feb 2012 07:55


I loved that indigo, loved the way the cat kept reaching out as if to say "get back here, I'm not finished yet"

sandm, I'm not familiar with an Easter tree, is it like a Christmas tree that you decorate?

10057. 11 Feb 2012 04:09


Yes, look in google "Osterbaum" and "Osterstrauch". At home you take the branches, usually of a willow (Salweide), put it in a vase or bottle without water and decorate it as you like it. In Österreich heißen die Blütenknospen auch "Palmkatzerln", weil sie so pelzig aussehen. Wenn man sie ins Wasser gibt, treiben sie aus, halten dann aber nicht so lange.

10058. 11 Feb 2012 06:44


Henry VIII declares himself supreme head of the Church of England (1531)
Thomas Alva Edison is born (1847)
Emma Goldman lectures on birth control and is arrested (1916)
Eva Gabor is born (1919)
Mary Quant is born (1934)
Tina Louise is born (1934)
Glenn Miller receives the first ever gold record for 'Chattanooga Choo Choo (1942)
Jennifer Aniston is born (1969)
Brandy is born (1979)
The People's Republic of China lifts a ban of the works of Dickens, Shakespeare and Aristotle (1978)
Nelson Mandela is released from prison (1990)
Bad News Brown dies (2011)

Happy National Inventors' Day

10059. 11 Feb 2012 09:23


Awww Baldur. You didn't type, "Eva Gabor is gaborn." I nearly laughed myself into hyperventilation when you listed Zsa Zsa's birthday. I suppose my sense of humor is rather simple though.

10060. 11 Feb 2012 12:52


Your chuckle factor is delightful ... stay just the way you are, i_g.