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Forums - General Discussion - Prayer Requests

1001. 6 Nov 2012 13:34


An update. The fire started in a garbage can. The 81 year old woman tried to get out but only got her wheelchair to the front door, screamed for help and collapsed when she tried to get out of her chair. A man heard her screams and went in and pulled her out just before her oxygen tanks exploded, engulfing the whole house in flames. She suffered some serious burns. One of their two dogs perished in the fire and there was no word on where the husband was at the time. They apparently had no insurance and have lost everything.

1002. 24 Nov 2012 05:21


Thanks sandm. The lady did not survive her burns and passed away earlier this week. Her husband was out on an errand and has been taken in by the next door neighbor who's home was damaged by the explosion, but still livable. The poor elderly gentleman has lost everything.

1003. 24 Nov 2012 07:03


This is so tragic. Now he is homeless, and has the long winter ahead. I hope they had some savings. Living on a pension is not easy. My heart goes out to him.

1004. 24 Nov 2012 07:21


Sometimes, live is only understandable in retrospect. Hope he is keeping confidence.

1005. 3 Dec 2012 09:40


Hey every-body i know i havnt been on here in a very long time but mymom sister and i moved and i started a neew school and things have been ok for me except in math. i dont have a good grade in there but i hope it gets better. i want yall to pray for me please not for any real reason but just cause i would like for yall to pray for me and my family. thanks and i promise i will be on here more often or at least i will try.

1006. 7 Dec 2012 21:43


Praying you will all be settled in to your new place and make many new friends there. Also pray that you will grow in knowledge and wisdom as you go through your teen years, and that you will be an encouragement and blessing to your family and friends. Wishing you, you Mom and sister peace, joy and love this Christmas season.

1007. 14 Dec 2012 10:15


my nephew and niece are not well and need positive thoughts their way. thanks to TD friends who keep them in their prayers.

1008. 20 Dec 2012 05:01


I'm sorry linmar I haven't had time to be on here much lately. i will pray for healing for your niece and nephew.

For all of our TD family I pray that peace and harmony will fill their homes, and in the midst all the hustle and bustle they will stop to remember the reason we celebrate.

1009. 23 Dec 2012 15:56


thank you Hazer.

1010. 3 Feb 2013 20:23


I know if I put a comment in here not everyone will read it, which is okay. I write in this thread because I believe in the power of prayer, and so here I am again, humbly requesting prayer on my daughters behalf and also for myself.

I won't go into a lot of detail as most of you already know my story. It has been a difficult week for me. I have had very vivid nightmares almost every night where I relive the horror and utter helplessness of watching my husband succumb to cancer. Perhaps it is part of the grieving process,but it leaves me exhausted and depressed.

My daughter has been presented with a life altering decision. One that would leave her and her family financially secure, yet comes with a huge commitment. She needs much wisdom.

Thank you who respond to this. I appreciate the community we have here and wish you all the very best. I do check in here quite regularly even if I don't have the energy or inspiration to draw or write, I enjoy seeing and reading what others do.

1011. 4 Feb 2013 04:34


Hazer, I am on your side. Blessings to you and yours.

1012. 4 Feb 2013 08:46


Dear Hazer thoughts and prayers to you and yours.

1013. 4 Feb 2013 09:30


Gentlest, warmest thoughts, Hazer, to you and yours... especially right now for your daughter's wisdom. You know I'm in no way religious/spiritual, but ethical yes (I hope!) and oh I do believe in people!

1014. 4 Feb 2013 10:43


Thanks Lizzi, indigo and Q. I did a bit of research on one my blood pressure meds and sure enough nightmares, depression and extreme fatigue are side effects. My doctor is on holidays this week too, of all the luck, so I'll have to go talk to the pharmacist.

1015. 20 Feb 2013 13:58


They are really sneaky about the fine print on those meds - as I discovered nearly at the end of the 50 Vicodin they send you home with after the hip replacement. I had thought they were my friends! Hope the druggist can help until the Doc returns. My prayers for your daughter as well. The big decisions are scary, but never decided wrong - we learn whichever way we go.

1016. 11 Apr 2013 07:00


It's a while now that I sense in my spirit that Linka is in need of prayer. I don't know what happened to her, but she referred quite often to "tough times". As I recall on her last picture she wrote: "for the last time".
All she wanted to do was drawing black trees, while she was such a bubbly person. Please let us all agree in prayer for her safety and health. Love you.

1017. 11 Apr 2013 09:15


I, too, have felt this, Lolla. Linka is really having a tough time. I miss her bubbly personality and her astonishing pictures. she really makes 'them bits' do her bidding!
Let's put our thoughts and prayers togther for her.

1018. 11 Apr 2013 09:35


Thank you, Lizzi. She did crept into our hearts with her way of saying and seeing things.

1019. 12 Apr 2013 05:21


I miss Linka also! Count me in. ~J~

1020. 12 Apr 2013 06:09


I wish there was a way to get in contact with her. I hope she will be able to read this, maybe she manage to sneak a quick peep in at the "elder center". Thank you, Indigo.