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101. 16 Jul 2010 13:27


Nylecoj offers to play them all, but it is a good thing it is late in the evening, as she hasn't practiced too much...

102. 16 Jul 2010 19:09


We're all hopped up on margaritas, ginger liquour and saskatoon pie so we're all pretty forgiving no matter how many wrong notes might slip in. (Especially those of us who are just in awe of those of you who can play instruments and dance jigs!)

103. 17 Jul 2010 01:54


Steve has rushed home and grabbed his alto saxophone, arriving back at the party, he grabs a margaritas for courage, and begins to jam with the others, it has been a few years! But as Dragon pointed out, the evenings festivities have left people extremely forgiving; and the mood is magical.

104. 17 Jul 2010 13:52


... I can play the paper and comb ... and a kazoo.

105. 18 Jul 2010 13:47


Puzzler is torn between her urge to step up the beat on the drums, or to grab a nearby microphone and croon. Deciding that she it too tired to do either, she settles down with a glass of wine to enjoy the moment.

106. 18 Jul 2010 16:28


Normal might possibly manage a reel, but ANY form of jig is hard! Neither feet nor brain can keep up. Never mind, those strawberriy daquiris have indeed "adjusted my attitude," and I will enjoy it all. May even sing under my breath. Or, heaven forfend, right up front. Sunset and fireworks were most enjoyable. Hope Dragon will help roast the marshmallows to polish off the evening!

107. 18 Jul 2010 16:59


And now dusk gathers deep… the sky is filled first with light… then tiny silver stars begin to sparkle…
it’s time for toasting marshmallows around a small golden fire….
…..and story-telling….
Shall it be--
…..Exaggerated yarns of the wild west?
……..Silly-sillier-silliest jokes?
…………Sharing of old memories?
……………..Sequential sagas??

108. 19 Jul 2010 06:10


Story telling of any sort is Nylecoj's favorite, whether listening or telling. And so she settles down with a blanket and a few marshmallows to listen!

109. 19 Jul 2010 17:19


Dragon is happy to help toasting marshmallows. Hope everybody likes theirs golden brown and hot and squooshy in the middle 'cause that's how Dragon does them best. (She'll even melt some chocolate nicely onto graham crackers if anyone's up for s'mors!)

110. 19 Jul 2010 17:47


Hazer vaguely remembers something about s'mores being listed in her diets "off limits" list but decides that on such a magical evening as this, with a real live Dragon toasting marshmallows....what harm could it do to have just one. Besides Hazer has found a lovely hammock where she can relax, enjoy her s'more and contemplate which story to share. Hmmm...most of them also evoke a most embarrassing moment memory as well, so Hazer wisely decides to listen instead of talk.

111. 19 Jul 2010 19:21



112. 20 Jul 2010 00:14


How can we resist, Q. I'm already in think mode ... the mood is set by the flickering flames of the campfire, by Dragon toasting marshmallows, by the genial mood of all the folk around us. I've got the story ... 'just need a little time to write it (later) and I'll be with you in the new Thinkwrite site.

113. 17 Sep 2012 21:32


It's been so quiet around TD lately. So I got to thinking that maybe everyone had drifted off to the Garden Party, looking for some entertainment. I thought I might get a chance to meet some of those who only draw occasionally, but it seems quiet here, too. Where IS everybody?

114. 18 Sep 2012 13:57



115. 18 Sep 2012 16:40


please dont bring this to the top of the page! its from when i was younger and its not nice of me to have done this so please no!