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101. 14 May 2010 00:07


Ron. Some of them turn like the twigs on "flowers". Some don't.

I also like to write with a buzz. A few beers and a couple hits of pot. We're cool.

102. 14 May 2010 00:11


four two oh my funny, funny friend

103. 14 May 2010 00:17


Cheers. I'm fortunate that MJ is legal in Denver. I didn't get the four two???

104. 14 May 2010 00:19


I'm out but 1st - 4-2 is the answer to life the universe and everything. Final words.

105. 14 May 2010 00:21


Yes. I get it.

106. 14 May 2010 02:09


318 words minus the title. Oh, and stratosphere has morphed. Slightly. Sorry 'bout that...

*** *** *** ***

Show Time

He’d been in the holding cell, the “Green Room”, for about 4 hours. When he’d arrived, there had been at least 20 others with him. Now, they were down to the last three “contestants”. There was a dull, but constant, roar. He figured the arena was full. They’d given him a pair of trainers and orange jumpsuit, and then left him to it. He’d kept warm by doing press-ups, jogging on the spot, star jumps. It wouldn’t be a good idea to go out there cold, pull a muscle and fall at the first hurdle. There had been a girl before him, clutching a silly stuffed animal she called Quixmickle. It was all purple fur and eyes. She looked too young to be in here, but the state thought otherwise.

I’d been stupid, caught with my head under the bonnet, fiddling with the battery and trying to jump start the car. I’d already boosted 4 in the day, I didn’t need the fifth. But boosting…it’s an addiction. The sheriff slapped the cuffs on, threw me in the back of the wagon, and brought me here. No judge, no jury. Trial by conquest. It was simple. If you beat the course, you won your freedom. If you didn’t, well, it was the highest rated TV programme in the country. And little wonder. I loved it. Getting to see people torn to shreds live on air…who wouldn’t?

He closed his eyes, trying to find some quiet to make peace with himself. He was fit, young, surely he had a chance. He was caught between a rock and a hard place, but didn’t want to die. If he survived, his star was set to go stratospheric! He’d be famous! He’d be made! But no-one survived. No-one beat the course. The door opened, and he was deafened by the crowd. A guard pointed at him, and that was it. Show time, baby!

107. 14 May 2010 03:37


Reality TV joins the judicial system? Too bad it's not that much of a stretch. Thunderdome? Good story, morshy.

108. 14 May 2010 05:36


midnight: Referring back to comment #68 (I think) said it all. I'm still atching up from the flurry of posts....

109. 14 May 2010 05:51


Morshy: That's a been there/done that. A little more imagination next time please.

ron/midnight: enjoyed your soap opera. Being an alcoholic (in remission for a year and a half) myself I found your diatribes quite amusing and definately influenced by lack of something or too much of something else. lol.

110. 14 May 2010 07:53


Doug: If you have nothing constructive to say, don't say anything. It's not a "been there/done that" story. I've never written anything like it before. If you didn't like it, just say: I didn't like that. But please don't presume to know anything about my imagination, or anything besides. First time, after having posted something, that I've felt like never posting again. Thanks for that.

111. 14 May 2010 10:12


morshy, That just means you hit a nerve. Happens to us all. I found your story very unique - green room, staging area, orange jumpsuits. And I've been there too. Stick around.

112. 14 May 2010 10:24


Also, the best works are either loved or hated. Banned in Boston and praised in Cleveland. The worst are when people say "That was OK."

Pat yourself on the back.

113. 14 May 2010 11:46


morshy: Didn't mean to step on anyone's toes. ThinkWrite is not a love fest. Critiquing stories has been part of ThinkWrite since the beginning. So this story wasn't something I liked, big deal. Write another one.

giraffe: You probably said it better than I did. Thanks!

114. 14 May 2010 12:48


Doug, my rising sign is Cancer, so I'm kind of a gentle mommy type. I did like morshy's story - matter of taste.

115. 14 May 2010 19:40


I did like Morsy's story too, I found myself thinking of Running Man all throughout it though it was definitly original. If you want to know the truth I was thinking "Damn, I wanted to do a to-the-death-compition story" but I don't think I'll try to compete with that one.

Oh and midnight, (in regards to your post ages back, sorry I'm just catching up now) all you need to do to rebel against gravity is throw yourself at the ground and miss.

116. 14 May 2010 20:56


Great postings and stories!

As for marius being 'male,' in this case marius is my nickname from childhood - decidedly female. But, did find reference that says, "Based on popular usage, it is 2,130.000 times more common for Marius to be a boy's name."

Wickipedia says, "Some names that were once predominantly used as masculine given names are now primarily feminine given names in the United States, including Alexis, Ashley, Beverly, Brittany, Carol, Evelyn, Hilary, Jocelyn, Kelly, Meredith, Shirley, Shannon, Sharon, and Vivian." That was mostly a surprise although have known two men named Carol and one named Beverly, also one female named Bobby. Oh ... and one guy named BRAIN, but it was pronounced Brian. True story, parent misspelled name on birth certificate.

Goodnight all. Sweet Dreams.

117. 14 May 2010 21:11


Morshy: Nice. I found it compelling. But it was the concept that was compelling - not the character. I kinda hope he gets his.

But this is all about what we personally like. There may be some absolutes in writing but ThinkWrite kinda smashes them all does it not.

I think someone said been there/done that.

But someone else, far more insightfully and a long time ago also said: There is nothing new under the sun.

So to criticize an idea because it isn't completely "new" is silly. Nothing is completely "new". If it's plagarism - that's another thing.

And there is a great "B" movie out there called "Series 7: The Contenders" which I believe I am the only person whose ever watched it. But your story Show Time reminded me of that. But I LOE thatkind of stuff.

Anyways. I liked your story.

118. 14 May 2010 21:32


See Morshy it looks like I've been outnumbered on this one. On second look the depth of your story in such a tight word constraint was very good. It reminded me of another movie (the name escapes me right now) that is truly one of my favorites. Would love to see another story from you and for you to keep contributing to ThinkWrite in the future. I'm sorry!

119. 15 May 2010 00:08


318 w/o title. Not great, but letting it out anyway.


It's simple. Just above the troposphere and below the mesosphere lies the stratosphere - right inbetween. It's about 6 miles up. The temperature is never constant, but there's a quietness about it. That's why unrealized dreams reside there waiting for somebody else to make them come true.

You have to fly slowly because unexpressed angers try to throw you off course. Unreleased grief makes you want to give up, but if you persist, the dreams are magnificent. Purple quixmickles glitter before your eyes. You have your choice of thousands.

Last time I was there, I grabbed one. It was the dream to be a lumberjack in Northern Washington. Not interested, I set it back afloat and waited for the next one. Yuck to that idea. It was the dream of a young woman wanting to see her father dead. That should just stay here. Bye bye.

You get to hang out as long as you want. But after a few times getting the dream of some battery salesman who wanted to be the store manager or some game show contestant who really wanted to win, you just go back into the atmosphere and wake up. That's where you check up on how your last dream is doing.

All the unfulfilled desires and expectations still live in the stratosphere. There is such an adrenoline rush and fear just getting near to it, but I guarantee you, it's worth it. Most of the true dreams I found there have actually come true and the other ones morphed into something I didn't even think to want.

Watch out for those unknown ego boosters. They'll set you off in the wrong direction. I hit one once and almost crashed - woke up with a nightmare. (applause)

Well, Ladies and Gentlemen, I'd like to introduce you to my latest dream. (Carla walked out with Sparky on a leash.) Comeer, Sparky. Who's your daddy, poopy boy?

120. 15 May 2010 01:49


Doug. When I gave you the gooey torch to add more responsibility into your overburdened life, this is what I expected. Bwaaa ha ha ha ha.

Nobody cares when you have a meltdown. I hope nobody cares when I do. You've seen 'em. I get real bitchy. Is there a masculine word for bitchy? Maybe cranky or obstinant? We all have it. I think we should all just proceed with that understanding.