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Forums - Community - XLIII ThinkWrite

101. 7 May 2010 21:06


giraffe: I am truly thankful, humbled and positively hobbled by your decision, but I do accept the torch. I'm making my list, checking it twice and I'll be back at ya' this weekend sometime. It was a wild ride giraffe. You ran a great ThinkWrite! For Ron's sake (anotherronism) I might just rein this one in a bit. Midnight....get that whip ready!

102. 7 May 2010 21:14


on the other hand.....

103. 7 May 2010 21:42


Oh no. Ron approves of whips. Always with the whips. Yess my precious...

104. 7 May 2010 23:00


Ron. I agree. Buzzed and pissed makes a rough cocktail. I'll write a poem about that.

Baby, baby, baby, Oh sweet
baby, baby, baby, Oh sweet
baby, baby, baby, Oh sweet
baby, baby, baby, Will you be mine?

I don't know where these profound poems come from.

105. 8 May 2010 03:51


Congratulations Doug!

Welcome back Anotherronism! I am one of the newer writers in TW, and so wanted to thank you for starting ThinkWrite.

106. 8 May 2010 06:46


anotherronism, glad to see you're still with us. And, um, erm ... well, you don't know what you've just done!

....When marius was a kid we had many a night around the fireplace in winter. (Well of course winter.) One of our favorite things was when Dad would tell us the story of Cheerio. Dad would act it out with his deep, dramatic, booming voice and it throughly charmed us. If anyone has little ones, this story is probably more appreciated by the 7-8 years olds. At first they tend not to like it, but ah ... they warm up quickly once they realize. And they like to act it out too .... and so here is the story of Cheerio, as told by Dad ...


Once upon a time,
It was a darrrrrk and storrrrrrrmy night in the Ozarks!
Three brave, bold men were seated around the campfire
When the leader arose and said,
"Cheerio, Cheerio, tell me a story-o!"
And, this is the story-o Cheerio told ...

Once upon a time,
It was a darrrrrk and storrrrrrrmy night in the Ozarks!
Three brave, bold men were seated around the campfire
When the leader arose and said,
"Cheerio, Cheerio, tell me a story-o!"
And, this is the story-o Cheerio told ...

Once upon a time,
It was a darrrrrk and storrrrrrrmy night in the Ozarks!
Three brave, bold men were seated around the campfire
When the leader arose and said,
"Cheerio, Cheerio, tell me a story-o!"
And, this is the story-o Cheerio told ...

.....................and so it goes, and (tee hee) Ron, now that I got that out of my system, I hearby swear over a bowl of purple water and thirteen stacks of ThinkWrite word-lists that I shall never use those dreaded words again. (goes off laughing, yes, that stupid story does still charm.)