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Forums - Community - Group Challenge

101. 2 May 2009 20:14


...Save EVERY pic that you load even if you don't make changes...

...Signing in I feel is needed to keep any freaky things from happening if 2 or more people end up signed in at the same time...

102. 2 May 2009 20:14


unable to load i will try again

103. 2 May 2009 20:16


for got to say im out

104. 2 May 2009 20:16


Good to know, I don't know If I'll even look but wanted to know for sure just in case.

105. 2 May 2009 20:37


can't resist - just going in for a peek !

106. 2 May 2009 20:41


hey.. where's the animals one ??

there's a starter in flowers and gothic, and a really bright one in candy.. but nothing in animals ?

107. 2 May 2009 20:41


I'm out, BTW

108. 2 May 2009 21:31


Ummm... I just went in and out...

I hate all of them!

Matthew - this is the greatest idea yet in the forums.

But these pics just suck! Seriously!

109. 2 May 2009 21:36


LOL.. guess you know what the (preferred) solution is, Ron .. you'd better get in there and improve things !

110. 2 May 2009 21:36


then make them unsuck...

Mama always said, "if you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem".

111. 2 May 2009 21:37



112. 2 May 2009 21:42


(ahem) reality check--
these are not the work of one mind, not even the type of collaboration where we discuss the bits before we set them...

so they're layers, built on a type of cooperation and trust...
or you could simply see them as tracks of our passing.
I like 'em.
I like doing 'em.
I like seeing how we learn to deal with this strange new world.
Enough to keep re-doing 'em when they get messed up.

Of course you're free to go on assessing them like usual creations and despise them if you feel better doing that. (smiles)

113. 2 May 2009 21:46


No! It's not like that! It's not judgement.

But look at htem - half-started, unclear pieces and a half-dragon/half-chicken thing...

There's no way in hell to "fix" them. Except to restart them...

Concencus is not alwys correct... There's quite a bit of thought on this. But the concept is antidemocratic so would be unpatriotic of me.

But - on art - I will say this - no comitte ever produce a single piece of art. No "vote" ever decided beauty.

One thing I know - about making videos (and I don't care if you like mine or not) - it is this. Someone, somewhere, at sometime MUST make a decision (a choice).

114. 2 May 2009 21:47


Nope. Not here. This one's a non-competitive game.

115. 2 May 2009 21:50


ahhh.. someone please beat Ron about the head with a half-cooked bit of spaghetti !

(and maybe matthew, as well.. just for good measure !)

116. 2 May 2009 21:55


This has in a very short time frame become a popular thread... I for one am quite enjoying myself with our chicken monkey dragon cow...

117. 2 May 2009 21:57


My reply was actually in before I read Qsilv's response...

Interesting to me my response has been recieved thus. Without an answer.

Marg and Qsilv; I love your stuff. I do.

But you're wrong on this. Both of you.

I said I thought this idea was "brilliant". But I know now I was wrong.

This will never produce art. Ever. Just plain old graffitti.

You can argue with me til the cows come hom or beat me about the head. The stuff is still crap. Just look at it.

And - it will always be so.

Too many hands in the cookie jar - no unifying vision - no concept - no thought. Just random dabs of color from this hand or that.

I too want to believe in a unifying spirit of mankind.

But nothing ThinkDrawUS ever does will recieve any more votes than the number of participants in it's creation.

But of course I can't prove this.

So go ahead - beat me up over it.

But this isn't one of my "challenges" or me trying to create controversy.

It just is.

118. 2 May 2009 21:59


Ron.. who said we were trying to create 'art' ??

119. 2 May 2009 22:08


Ron, sweetie... you're right.
But I'm not wrong.
Some things aren't meant to be art.
Not everything needs to be art.
There's a little time & the occasional place for non-art in our lives.

I like pheasant with poivre vert cream sauce, but I'd feel unhappy if McD's burgers weren't available to me too.

We've had a couple discussions equating art to love... but love can be something much simpler. There's room for it in this world.

Graffiti's capable of being art sometimes, but "plain old graffiti" is "bombing" and disruptive. What we're dancing with here is not disruptive to anyone who chooses not to play.

120. 2 May 2009 22:08


Okay Marg. THAT question surprised me. Doesn't happen often but I'm game.

Then what?