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1. 26 Jul 2010 04:29


Many times I have started drawing a portrait, but have stopped because i ruin it with the nose! i find it impossible 2 draw a nose! does any1 hav any tips? please! (and any drawing tips u have r welcome, on things other then noses!)

2. 26 Jul 2010 04:42


I find the nose the hardest part also, I started to draw the shadows around the nose or on the nose and that seemed to help.

3. 26 Jul 2010 05:38


oh thats a good idea! i wil try it! thank u!!!

4. 2 Aug 2010 06:48


hey Babyangel..

.. the problem I found was that I tried to draw a nose as it really was.. and it looked terrible.. so my suggestion is to really understate / ignore the nose totally, and just add a bit of shadow (as Arw suggests) to give you the idea of the nose - the viewer's imagination will do the rest !

I think the same thing goes for other facial features, unless they're the bit you want to emphasise. I've added a couple of my earlier pics, only because they're when I came across the problem you're talking about (apologies, they're not that good, but just an example).

e.g. this is one where I tried to faithfully portray the nose :

and this is a later one when I just put shadows in :

I think once you start using shade to delineate a face (and see that it works), you'll just keep getting better.. until you get to this level:

5. 2 Aug 2010 06:59


um.. Suzze sugested the shadowing- but i totally agree!--- and that last picture by Q is one of my all time favorite on TD- Mainly because my 3 year old is the subject!

6. 2 Aug 2010 13:02


As I did many portrait, you'll can see how evolved my tecnique to draw noses. I find it still difficlult in beads, but in Avatars it's easy bc you can correct the shadows and the shape ongoing.

If you'll play the playback button, you'll see how the noses get their shape.

7. 2 Aug 2010 13:24


noses...they are not that hard to can take a look at some pencil sketches which help most ...the more different styles, the better. I find it hard to keep the right proportions of the face when doing a portrait. Also cheeks, the shape of the eyes underneath the eyelids, the ears are a challenge to me.
Here are some links you might find useful: 08/05/adpd19ss.jpg&imgrefurl= eVfu9vDXzDCrmYK7p8=&h=450&w=360&sz=14&hl=ro&start=2&tbnid=nMtVpM2sl1iSm M:&tbnh=127&tbnw=102&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dnose%2Bsketch%26hl%3Dro%26sa%3DG%26gbv%3D2% 26tbs%3Disch:1&itbs=1

Good luck

8. 2 Aug 2010 14:17


As others have mentioned, less is more.

Here are a couple observations that might help you.

(1) It is much easier to draw the shape of the nose in profile (side view). Try practicing that first.

(2) When you want to draw the front view of a face (looking straight at someone's face), emphasize one side of the nose as the shape for the nose the way you would see it and draw it in the profile (side) view, and leave the other side of the nose alone. It you look at people's noses, you will notice that this is actually how noses appear.

Hope this helps.

9. 4 Aug 2010 10:17


wow thanks 4 all the advice everyone! its really helpful! next time i do a pic, i wil try it!

10. 27 Aug 2010 04:09


okay, im in the middle of drawing a face with avatars, and now i need to do the nose, and i am trying to shadow it, but im having alot of difficulty, i don't know how to shadow it! its really hard! any idea's on how to do it on avatars? please! thanks! x

11. 27 Aug 2010 06:23


it depends on the position of the head (on profile, three-quarter or opposite) and lso depends on where the light comes from. I.e. if you have the light coming from left, you'll have the left side of the nose enlighted (lined with a delicate shadow on the right side of the near cheek) and the right side of the nose in shadows; you can have the bottom side of the nose shadowed or not, dependently on where the light come from - from above or from below.

12. 14 Dec 2010 08:42



13. 14 Dec 2010 08:44


someone asked about noses... bumped this up front ...

14. 14 Dec 2010 13:39


Here are some Avatar noses...

And my favorite nose...

15. 15 Dec 2010 01:48


I think five's pic's are a perfect example of how you can either
over or under-state a nose :

or just do enough to show that the nose defines the face :