Think Draw Forums
Forums - Community - TOP 5 JUNE 2010

1. 4 Jul 2010 09:23


Congratulations to all those of our community who received their Top 5 for their great job, especially those who got it for the first time like Angelia, Featherhawk, Pasta and Suzze (I hope I haven't forgotten anyone) and those who are the new Top5 TD artists in June.

2. 4 Jul 2010 12:09


Congrats to all! I find it impressive that Bhughes got top 5 for new artists and then so quickly top 5 for everyone!

3. 4 Jul 2010 13:30


Congratulations to all Top 5ers!!! Beautiful display of artwork this month, I ran out of favorites within a couple weeks! Congratz again!!!

4. 4 Jul 2010 14:05


thank you! (But, this is my 2nd time to win )

5. 4 Jul 2010 14:30


Congratulations to all the TD-ers who made it to Top5 this month and of course, to all the others whose work inspires us daily.

6. 4 Jul 2010 18:12


Angelia's other Top 5 then doesn't appear in her profile.

7. 4 Jul 2010 18:13


I DO apologize Angelia. It was in 2009. Sorry.

8. 5 Jul 2010 03:08


Thank you for my top 5!! I am honored!!

9. 5 Jul 2010 12:25


Domo Arigato !! Thank you for my top five. I bow to you.

10. 5 Jul 2010 18:37


Thanks so much for top 5 status. I am truly honored.

11. 6 Jul 2010 10:00


And congratulations to everyone else!! Amazing pics.

12. 6 Jul 2010 11:39


Yes! congratulations to all the top 5-ers, and thanks for helping me to be among you!

13. 6 Jul 2010 12:29


CONGRATULATIONS ALL Top 5! Thank-you for the joy and thank-you
for sharing! I show this to friends and they can't believe what one
can do with chicken feet, candy and eyebrows! LOL!

14. 7 Jul 2010 03:36


I add my congrats to all the above! Thank you for sharing your talent and beautiful pics!