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1. 19 May 2010 21:45


Is is here. Finally. A forum to write nothing.

You can post whatever you want. But no one will read it. There are no rules. You win automatically and can revise the rules to the nothingness of your choice.

No one will dare disagree with anything you say or write so feel free to post your best work into this hole.

Good luck.

2. 19 May 2010 21:55


"It" is here. Finally.

But that shouldn't matter right?

alas... it is lost in the great hole of nothing.

3. 19 May 2010 22:04


Good idea Ron. Now you can stick to this thread only and quit spewing your toxins elsewhere. I'm not sure what your purpose is in returning to TW with such a fury. Maybe you're pissed that people took over your "baby" and no one can raise it quite the way you can. Or maybe you are just an ugly, attention-seeking jackass who loves conflict. Maybe it depends on which alcohol you're indulging in. Is it whiskey that makes you so venomous, or tequila?? Maybe you're just a lost and lonely soul who hates himself so much all he has left is to inject poison onto anyone within range, and hope it will make him feel better. Whatever it is, I don't believe there is ONE person on here who wants to read it. So while you're on here whining and criticizing and trying to incite a riot just because you're not enjoying what you're reading, keep in mind that you're the ONLY one not enjoying what you're reading, while ALL the rest of us are HATING what you write! I used to be able to overlook the side of you that loved to spur controversy and conflict just because you thought it was fun to then sit back and look at the destruction. There was a time when you were also funny and intelligent and interesting. But clearly that part of you is lost somewhere in your basement apartment now, and all that's left is a bitter, hateful, ugly remnant. (I could come up with other adjectives, but I've already gone over my personal limit there.)

Initially I promised myself I wouldn't engage because that's what people like you thrive on. But the truth is, you won't be hearing from me at all anymore because you have completely ruined this site for me. I won't be visiting anymore, so I may as well get this out of my system. You're the winner, Ron. You've managed to alienate people right out of here. Hope you feel powerful, if that's what you're going for. But I bet it's lonely up there at the top.

4. 19 May 2010 22:51


Hi Robin.

That's a throatful right there.

And you are so on-target with it all. It's almost like you have some compass into my soul.

And when, in very short order, you respond to this. You too will be proven a fool.


5. 19 May 2010 22:58


Oh and Robin (who will not, apparently be responding to this or any other post according to her own words) I think maybe you should try to actually READ some posts. I am not the ONLY person who hates all this crap. And by crap I mean the writing stylings off the posers on all the TW's for some time now - including yours.

You speak of "toxins" and I'll respond regarding vitriol - namely - yours.

Your post is the single most hateful thing I have ever seen on TD.

And again - when you respond - you will prove you are a fool.

Have a great day.


6. 25 May 2010 17:04


Robin. I'll reiterate. We all start out doing clumsy drawings and then improve. It's the same with writing stories. None of us is a professional fiction writer or we wouldn't waste our time in an experimental forum. If we tell anyone who's starting out that they suck and should stop trying, there won't be anyone left. Same with the drawings.

Nobody would do that to someone's first drawings and discourage them from trying to get better. The intimidation factor probably scares some off. It's like the meanest teacher you ever had. They just make you wish you never took their class. You might be the next one singled out as the scapegoat.

I hope you and others don't stop writing on TW. It's a good forum.