Think Draw Forums
Forums - Community - Top 5 April

1. 4 May 2010 06:33


May I congratulate each and everyone of you who has a picture in the Top Five for April namely: Mum23, Gocards, Brigsis, Artdillon, Chelydra, Marg, Angela, Arw65, Jazzlet, Vals, Kyung, Hazer, Qsilv, Dreamy, Clorophilla, Cingerninja, Shanley, Hjjr, Gair, Bhughes, Mmouse, Bahar, Syjeka. Hope I didn't forget anyone!

You all deserve to be there with your magnificent art but could we please have a gold medal award for the wonderful art produced and shown to us all here by Mum 23. I personally just love her brilliant work.

There are many more of you out there who didn't make Top 5 but the art produced is amazing and I for one just love to see it all.

Well done everyone.

2. 4 May 2010 08:24


Ditto to the above comment. Well done.

3. 4 May 2010 08:44


thank you Spam, you said it so well that I hardly can add something.
I'm grateful for your appreciation that put my pics in top five: Savonarola (I was quite sure of it) and purring bookend (this instead surprised mew, bc it was a FT and a quick drawing). I also want to add how much appreciate all your pics, in and out Top5, and I want to congrat to Mum23, the star of April with her SEVEN pics (may be she won a new guinness with this?).

4. 4 May 2010 08:47


LOL - "this instead surprised ME" - not MEW as I wrote, but may be the cat on the shelf affected my words, AH AH!

5. 4 May 2010 09:09


Thanks and let me add to your praise of Mum. She seems like an honest sort, so I assume she's telling the truth when she says she's done no art at all to speak of until she found this site about a month ago! Some of came here with a head start — and just had to figure out how to transfer our skills with brush and pen to this odd way of putting pictures together.) She just jumped in, took to it like a duck water, and started cranking out some amazing things. For the life of me, I don't think I could have done her sphinx for instance, and there are other examples too. Cheers, Mum!

6. 4 May 2010 10:59


Hearty congratulations to all Top 5 winners, not excluding those worthy of a place. There were just too many superb drawings to get them all in there.

7. 4 May 2010 12:30


My hearty congrats go to all who feel good about spending their time on TD ...either commenting, drawing or starting interesting topics.

8. 5 May 2010 02:33


Congratulations to all those who won their April 2010 Top 5. It's so good to see all this talent by just pressing on a computer button. Thanks for sharing all your art, your time, your feelings with all the rest of us. And special congratulations to this month's queen Mum of course.

9. 5 May 2010 05:06


I'd like to add my congratulations to the other Top 5ers and all the others whose artwork makes this a wonderful place to come to. Thank you all for your generous comments... I was amazed and delighted to make it into the Top 5.

This community is something very special. The goodwill and generosity of spirit of all of the people who come here are what make the site, and the brilliant artwork is a wonderful added bonus. It is a privilege to see the amazing art that is produced and shared here.

There is so much to learn... I'm seeing the world so differently now that I'm drawing! I see shadows on faces, potential pictures everywhere... am so excited I can't sleep! Thank you TD and everybody here...

10. 5 May 2010 05:56


LOL, mum, and congratulations on your brilliant pictures.. I think most of us have experienced that excitement about drawing on TD, submitting a picture.. and then rushing to check how it's been received by the community next morning !

Suddenly seeing potential pictures / drawings everywhere I look is something that I still feel, after having been on TD for nearly 18 months - and I certainly never really felt/saw things like that before, especially not as I think which medium I could do the picture in, etc.. I guess that's because I'm like you, with no 'artistic' background as such.

Can I just add a picture that 'should've' been a Top 5 in Gothic (instead of either of mine) :

Shanley's 'Billy Jean'

11. 6 May 2010 08:30


Ditto all of the above-(tho I came to TD a few weeks after marg)- I'm really pleased at the way this community has developed into a network of uplifting and inspiring friendships. I'm so impressed by the quality of work that is produced here.- Congratulations to all my fellow top 5-ers! I don't often have time to draw anymore but i do scan the galleries every few days and always find wonderful little gems.

12. 6 May 2010 10:29


I'd like to congratulate with all the top 5 Artists...every one of you, I can learn more and more...I'm doing so from you all....I'm always so excited to be able to express my self, and get so much pleasure in watching so many wonderful many different techniques, concepts, all, with many other TD Artists , are giving me so much..thank you all for adding some art, delicacy, lovely feelings to my life..,and thanks to TD Creators too!!!

13. 10 May 2010 16:00


Thanks! Also big Congrats to Mum23, she has 7 top 5's and she joined this month!

14. 13 May 2010 17:00


Congratulations to all the Top 5ers, you are all amazingly talented and I love seeing your work!